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Easy Pacman hack

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HA! That's a crazy variant. Basically, the monsters are slowed down to a ridiculous degree and the energizer timer is set to very long (maybe endless?).


Assuming I'm right about the changes, it seems like this might be a version where it's easy to see if there are any bugs for clearing hundreds of boards in the original game.

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  • 1 month later...

The only problem with this hack is the Ghosts eyes take way to long to return to their house or they get dumb and forget where their house is. If only there was a way to make them return at normal speed but still make them slow when they are still ghosts.

It's a good hack to let one see all the prizes and intermissions if you are not a super video game wiz kid.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I have the intellivision lives emulator and can't get it to recognize ROM files. It only recognizes BIN and INT files. I tried changing the extension, but the emulator won't play it. Does anyone know how to get these to run on the intellivision lives emulator?

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I have the intellivision lives emulator and can't get it to recognize ROM files. It only recognizes BIN and INT files. I tried changing the extension, but the emulator won't play it. Does anyone know how to get these to run on the intellivision lives emulator?


There is a utility in jzIntv called "rom2bin" that will convert it. If you're in Windows, you do the entire conversion from within the GUI like this:

  • Download jzIntv 1.0 beta 4 here: http://spatula-city.org/~im14u2c/intv/
  • Unzip it somewhere. It'll create a folder named "jzintv-1.0-beta4".
  • Open up the folder "jzintv-1.0-beta4/bin/". You should see a file named "rom2bin" or "rom2bin.exe".
  • Drag and drop your .ROM file on top of rom2bin. You should see a .bin and .cfg file appear a moment later next to your .ROM. Use those with the Intellivision Lives emulator.

That'll do it.


If you're on a Mac, you will need to use Terminal.app and do this at the command line.

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There is a utility in jzIntv called "rom2bin" that will convert it. If you're in Windows, you do the entire conversion from within the GUI like this:

  • Download jzIntv 1.0 beta 4 here: http://spatula-city.org/~im14u2c/intv/
  • Unzip it somewhere. It'll create a folder named "jzintv-1.0-beta4".
  • Open up the folder "jzintv-1.0-beta4/bin/". You should see a file named "rom2bin" or "rom2bin.exe".
  • Drag and drop your .ROM file on top of rom2bin. You should see a .bin and .cfg file appear a moment later next to your .ROM. Use those with the Intellivision Lives emulator.

That'll do it.


If you're on a Mac, you will need to use Terminal.app and do this at the command line.


Thank you very much! I'll give this a try...

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