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My first steps into making Intv GFXs

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I used a similar moveable clipping mask and MOB prioritisation changes in the Rocketeer intro:

  • The meteor is masked as it starts falling from inside the top "film reel animation".
  • When the meteor passes behind the rocket it is masked to prevent it being seen through the black detail parts.
  • When the astronaut leaves the ship he is masked to prevent him being seen through the ship detail.
  • When the astronaut is in his flying arc I mask out a star he passes in front of.
So its always a good idea to have some MOBs in reserve for masking purposes to make things more fluid.
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Hey guys,


Here's a preview of my newest INtv game: Sacred Tribe

I've decided to take some extra time and polish the graphics and the Level Design



The Game now have:


- Title screen

- Intro cutscene

- 100 Different Unique Rooms (screens)

- 8 Different Enemies (may have more)


ROCK ON!!! :)

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Thanks for the advice

That was also my thoughts but wanted opinion/suggestions on it before taking a decision

Big areas of plain "foreground" colour always look a bit odd. If you broke it up with some rocks or more of the blue stones it might not be so bad.


Should I add water as well?

In a pit or water/acid drops? If its in a pit is it going to be a death trap? If so it might be better if you have some of the darker blue stones at the bottom and then maybe 8 pixels in height of cyan and then 4 to 6 pixels of a nice ripple effect. The dark purple might also be good for that.

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Big areas of plain "foreground" colour always look a bit odd. If you broke it up with some rocks or more of the blue stones it might not be so bad.



In a pit or water/acid drops? If its in a pit is it going to be a death trap? If so it might be better if you have some of the darker blue stones at the bottom and then maybe 8 pixels in height of cyan and then 4 to 6 pixels of a nice ripple effect. The dark purple might also be good for that.


I like those suggestions! thanks! :)

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I think it would add some more atmosphere to this style of game if you could randomly see bats fly past the windows (on the outside) or you see the blinking eyes of a small rodent in a dark corner or a bigger bubble of lava in the lava pool etc. Things that aren't necessarily going to hurt the player's avatar or aid their mission but the player has to do a double take and then will wait for it to happen again. But only add the extra polish if you have free sprites and ROM space for such extra eye candy.

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