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The Atari Jaguar source code thread


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I figured I'd start a thread that has source codes for stuff that will fit in a zip. Or that I've dropboxed:


Hover Strike(cart sources) HOVERR.zip


FFL https://www.dropbox.com/s/5xkun5pj6ey6i7q/Fight%20For%20Life.zip?m=


Myst https://www.dropbox.com/s/3gdmgtubyass0va/MystSource.rar?m=


Checkered Flag: Checkered Flag Rev9 Sources 10-18-94.zip


Cybermorph Cybermorph.zip


That's enough for now.




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Like I said I'll DropBox it when I get it. But what would it show you that the HoveRR demo wouldn't?


the real hoverstrike source would be cool


also iwar :-D


I'm pretty sure I don't have any sources to I-war. I don't remember seeing them anywhere.

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I'll try to put together what I've collected so far on the Bubsy code and get that up here.


The Bubsy source file has elements from a Pro-Pack uncompress of the rom and part of the source that I got from Songbird. Not complete, but still some fascinating things in there.


In the immediate directory you'll find folders for the mod files, a directory of the raw level maps, and folders for the source and decompiled files. More to come soon.


The file directory in the rom.

Discussion of using Pro-Pack on Bubsy rom.

Talk with Trevor Raynsford and the modplayer.


Porting Genesis to Jaguar discussion.

Bubsy FFT.zip

Edited by doctorclu
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  • 3 years later...

No point in making a new thread seeing as how this one exists and I'm pretty sure there would be discussion about it if so but outside of Checkered Flag and Doom (which I do not see the sources for here), have any of the others been successfully compiled? It looks like Club Drive may possibly be the most complete? I forgot exactly what FFL is or was missing but (if anything) as I haven't recently dug through it.

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On 9/1/2020 at 12:07 AM, JagChris said:

You tried to assemble it and it was missing files?


On 9/1/2020 at 4:38 AM, Sporadic said:

I looked at the Club Drive source recently too, it is missing some assets.  I can't remember what off hand though. 


Yeah, turns out it's missing quite a bit actually, sadly. I was merely hoping for a quick compile when they still had the modem support in these builds but I don't think it's really worth the time/effort to weed out what's not there since there seems to be far more missing than meets the eye with an end result most likely being not anything able to be compiled anyways. Shame..

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