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The PacManPlus Sanctioned 30th Anniversary Cart! NO PM'S!


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If what would be appreciated? Donor carts? Of course they are. You also get paid for them(quite well on pokey carts)

Why would you say that?



I guess because I didn't see anything in this posts that explained it. I've traded carts to Al before, but this seems like a non AtariAge thing. Where's the rulebook - I'll go read it if you can point me in the right direction.

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I guess because I didn't see anything in this posts that explained it. I've traded carts to Al before, but this seems like a non AtariAge thing. Where's the rulebook - I'll go read it if you can point me in the right direction.

What rule book? If you are asking if Al approves, I know he does. If you are asking how much you you get per cart. I am pretty sure it's $1.50 each. Pokey carts are $5 for Ballblazer and $7 for Jinks. I'm not quoting, but that was the last price I heard.


Edit. Changed price on donors

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I will do $1.50 credit for good condition open bottom 7800 carts and $5.00 for Ballblazer, $7.00 for POKEY's that have already been pulled from somewhere.


I will count my 7800 donors tonight. It MIGHT be 8-10. Is it ok to send a PM with the count? Are you interested in 2600 donors?

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I had a problem once with a Canada Post money order years ago that I sent to Trade-N-Games. It was sent in US funds but he said he couldn't cash it but I don't remember why exactly, beyond a simple "my bank wouldn't accept it". I've sent a couple for other MO's from my bank since then that seemed ok.

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I had a problem once with a Canada Post money order years ago that I sent to Trade-N-Games. It was sent in US funds but he said he couldn't cash it but I don't remember why exactly, beyond a simple "my bank wouldn't accept it". I've sent a couple for other MO's from my bank since then that seemed ok.


An international postal money order drawn in USD should work anywhere as it's as good as cash if not better.

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Just a quick question, is there a difference between a bank check (not personal check - official checks are issued directly from the bank) and a money order? And is there really any difference between a "postal" money order and say one issued from a convenience store?


Also I've heard it can be a royal pain in the ass to get lost money orders refunded in the event you also lose your stub. Hold on to your stubs/receipts until your goods arrive.


Another thing to point out: Buyer eats the fees on money orders. Seller eats the fees on paypal / credit card. :P

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I'm going to be presumptuous and am just going to list them all in order, by those who answered in the affirmative that they wished for a copy, in the order in which they where given (within the thread) - at least as I see it. (OK, it's partly because of how many have showed interest, and I just wanted to chirp about it for a bit. Almost 100!) If I missed anyone, or there is a disagreement or someone wants to drop out, speak freely, so we may fuss about it and hammer this out before CPU does the real fussing and hammering it out, later. :P



01.) wood_jl

02.) boxpressed

03.) Darrin9999

04.) imstarryeyed

05.) evg2000

06.) wongojack

07.) AtariLBC

08.) uglyclone

09.) swlovinist

10.) 0.pwuaoic

11.) rhcocker

12.) Firedawg

13.) Marc Oberhäuser

14.) bennybingo

15.) accousticguitar

16.) stardust4ever

17.) GaryH917

18.) twoquickcapri

19.) StarshipUK

20.) Trebor

21.) mmervine

22.) TrekMD

23.) Coleco

24.) Atarinerd

25.) Jinks

26.) Goochman

27.) -^Cro§Bow^-

28.) castlevaniac

29.) GoldenWheels

30.) edweird13

31.) atarian63

32.) VectorGamer

33.) eebuckeye

34.) diggs130

35.) toiletunes

36.) cncfreak

37.) Indestructible Hulk

38.) omf -

39.) Ssturtle

40.) Master Phruby

41.) travistouchdown

42.) Reaperman

43.) krslam

44.) Waggle

45.) iesposta

46.) MikeyT

47.) remowilliams

48.) LynxPro

49.) Mayhem

50.) Greg2600

51.) Place Logo Here

52.) mufla

53.) cmart604

54.) KevinMos33

55.) mellis

56.) Stun Runner 87

57.) killersquirel

58.) Gandor

59.) bikeguychicago

60.) gambler172


10 more? ;)


61.) NE146

62.) UberArcade

63.) RayXamber

64.) FireTiger

65.) AtariLeaf

66.) fandenivoldsk

67.) life_is_pleach

68.) atari181

69.) davidcalgary29

70.) skinthecat


... more requests. Waiting list? Double Secret Probation?

71.) Austin

72.) Mitch

73.) cvga

74.) mckafka99

75.) sdamon

76.) Justin42

77.) gilsaluki

78.) AllPaul

79.) HatNJ

80.) retrogmr

81.) chirkman

82.) Jongolo

83.) bmx

84.) grips03

85.) streps

86.) Defender_2600

87.) jirkoo

88.) famicommander

89.) LidLikesIntellevision

90.) JasonlikesINTV

91.) thevnaguy

92.) gorfcadet

93.) scobb

94.) toymailman

95.) Cebus Capucinis

96.) frankodragon

97.) phaxda

98.) Loktar


Seems like it would perfectly fit in an 100 copys production run. ;)

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I'd take a guess and say that it wasn't the bank who was saying no.


No idea, he sent me the games and only told me months later when I went to do a second order that he couldn't take money orders from me anymore. He didn't want to bother with me repaying for the first order nor did he return the MO, it was pretty low dollar IIRC. This was before I got paypal, which I have now.

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If I was trying to sell goods, and someone offered me payment for the goods (be it cash, check, MO, credit card, Paypal, or Purple Ganon), I would do my best to accept it. Unless they're bin Laden or Saddam, or have a Nigerian postal address, I don't really have a strong reason to refuse.


Just kidding on the Purple Ganon bit; I don't take those unless you're a smokin' hot chick :lust: Google is your friend...

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Me too, seems to point to memegenerator as the culprit, which there are one or two on page 7. Must be a false positive.

Well, the soup nazi was not from a memegenerator…I did that one on my Mac myself.

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