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It's time OTHELLO got some attention!

Mind Master

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Yes, OTHELLO, the "other" strategy game for the VCS! I hear lots of references to Video Chess and occasionally Checkers on these boards, but nobody talks about Othello. I've never seen it.


Does it have a one-player mode?

If so, how tough is the computer?

Is there more than one difficulty level?

What do you think of the game overall?

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Does it have a one-player mode?


Yeah, I've played quite a few games before.


If so, how tough is the computer?

Is there more than one difficulty level?


It's weird, I'm pretty darn good at games in general, but I personally suck at the game, so I can't say for sure how tough the computer is...anyone else?


I think there's more than one difficulty level, I'm being too lazy to look, sorry :)


What do you think of the game overall?


Pretty cool, I bought it, plus several other 2600 and a few 7800 games (plus a 7800 as well) from a friend in '88, and I've traded/sold/donated off a good 19 of those games to date, and out of the very few games that I'm actually keeping from that family, Othello's one of them. So that should sum up how I feel about that game :D

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Othello is pretty tricky, at least to me. I haven't quite gotten the hang of it. Usually I find myself doing reasonably well, even with the computer or slightly ahead, and then the computer makes some impressive moves and shuts down any hope I have of winning.


I don't think it's just limited to the computer, though. I don't win at Othello much in real life. :)


I do enjoy it anyway, though.


I wonder if the man on the box cover is supposed to be Shakespeare... :) He's got the beard for it.


As for the game variations, 1=beginner, 2=intermediate, 3=expert, and 4=two-player.

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Been a while since I played it, but I think there are 4 levels.


Whatever, on the hardest level it is reasonably ok, but the AI isn't very good: it has patterns which it tries and once you suss the patterns you can beat it easily. No half decent human player should lose much to level 4 because it is very formulaic and seems to have very simplistic rules on where to go next.


I have othello on the BBC and that isn't nearly as good as my Atari version, though.

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I have othello on the BBC and that isn't nearly as good as my Atari version, though.


Haha! VHS or DVD? Do you have most of the BBC Shakespeare plays?


Back in the day, my sister and I played alot of Othello board game. We had the patterns down to the point where we knew who would win within about 6 moves. I only got Atari Othello some 4 years ago .. and have only played it once or twice ...


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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  • 3 weeks later...

To add to how cool Othello for 2600 is, it is, I believe, Ed Logg's ONLY 2600 title. If I recall correctly, Carol Shaw wrote the display kernal and Ed did the logic. After that, he didn't want to touch the 2600 hardware again. He was a sort of half-breed, having worked in Atari Consumer and Coin-Op, though Coin-Op forgave him.



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How is Othello played anyway? Rules?


Easy to grasp, hard to master. Essentially you play as either black or white, and you're playing with two sided coins with your color up and your opponent's color down. Players alternate turns laying down their coins, and each time a coin of the opposite color falls between two coins of your color you flip over all the coins between it to your color. This makes the "battle for the borders" an intriguing part of Othello strategy, because once you flip an entire row or column from end to end you can't "surround" it for a flip in that direction; and then of course you end up with "fake outs" of trying to get somebody to flip a row or column only to leave the last space open for a column lock, and so on and so forth. It can end up being incredibly intense. :D

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Othello was my Mums favourite game while I was terrible at it.


Still Atari's Othello is my best Othello for any system.


My mum could beat the Computer sometimes, its the matter of getting the corners of the board before your opponent to get in a winning position (as no one could take the corners off ya).


But ill could never get a corner. :x


Its just amazing how well an Atari 2600 could "think". It was so good how you could play 1 player as well as 2 players.



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