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Just tried it in MESS ... Slymoids seems to be playable without IDLE (at least at first glance). Guardian is too fast without IDLE.

Yeah, I didn't notice any problem in Classic99, either, whether I enabled it or not.


I've never tried Guardian.


As for the unpredictability, my intent in that statement was one crucial point -- you can not predict the hardware that your software will be executed on. ;) (I went through the exercise too, years ago).


Still, you're right, it would be cool to put an analyzer on the bus and see once and for all what happens. Sadly I don't have access to a console so I can't do it.

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Yep, you upload the 8 sprite patterns to the VDP at the beginning of your code and then update the 3rd byte of the sprite attributes (the one that currently contains the value >84) to change the displayed pattern. You need to allocate a new register, e.g. R9, for holding the currently displayed animation frame. Instead of storing the actual attribute value (>8400, >8800, >8C00, etc) I think it would be easier to store a simple number 0, 1, 2 ... 7. Then you can use INC R9, and DEC R9 to rotate left or right followed by ANDI R9,7 to make sure you stay within the interval 0-7 and wrap around if you go outside. When you get to the point where you want to change the actual VDP byte you do something like this first:

MOV R9,R1    ; We need the number in R1
SLA R1,2     ; Multiply by 4
AI R1,>84    ; Add base attribute value
SWPB R1      ; Move into high byte

Instead of waiting using an arbitrary loop you could also wait for vertical retrace (EDIT: you will probably need to turn off interrupts with LIMI 0 for this to work):

       CLR  R12
VSYNC  TB   2          ; Test CRU bit for VDP interrupt
       JEQ  VSYNC	   
       MOVB @>8802,R0  ; Read the VDP status reg to reset interrupt bit



Hey Rasmus - have implemented something that almost exactly matches your first suggestion above - won't post anything until I get all 8 sprites rotating (was testing with just two) - took a while to figure out howto change character code in sprite attribute table, but once figured that out was ok


Will work in the 8 sprites next week & have a (hopefully) nice example to show




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Hey Rasmus - have implemented something that almost exactly matches your first suggestion above - won't post anything until I get all 8 sprites rotating (was testing with just two) - took a while to figure out howto change character code in sprite attribute table, but once figured that out was ok


Will work in the 8 sprites next week & have a (hopefully) nice example to show






Got something mostly working with sprite rotation. Not perfect, but can improve on it over time.


Rotate Left: Z

Rotate Right: C


TI arrows keys up/down/left/right

	aorg >7d00		;starting loc for mini mem
	lwpi >70b8		;load registers
	li r0,>0420
	li r1,df		;sprite 0 def starting sprite
	li r2,256
	blwp @>6028
	li r0,>0300
	li r1,dt		;sprite 0 attr
	li r2,5
	blwp @>6028
	li r0,>01e2		;sprite magnify 2
	swpb r0			;once interupts enabled, need this
	movb r0,@>83d4		;and this because kscan is used
	swpb r0			;and this, because r1 is used
	blwp @>6034
	clr @>8374		;clearing for keyscan
	li r7,>0000		;record where sprite is
	li r13,00
lp	limi 2	
	limi 0
ks	blwp @>6020		;keyscan
	clr r3
	mov @>8374,r3		;ascii key to r3
	li r0,>0301		;move along row
	clr r7			;prepare r7 for row value
	blwp @>602c		;read row value
	movb r1,r7		;move to left byte of r1
	ci r3,83		;s key
	jne $+10
	ai r1,->0100		;move left
	blwp @>6024		;write to sprite attr
	ci r3,68		;d key
	jne $+10
	ai r1,>0100		;move right
	blwp @>6024		;write to sprite attr
	li r0,>0300		;move along col
	blwp @>602c		;read col value
	swpb r1			;move to right byte of r1
	ci r3,69		;e key
	jne $+10
	ai r1,->0100		;move up
	blwp @>6024		;write to sprite attr
	ci r3,88		;x key
	jne $+10
	ai r1,>0100		;move down
	blwp @>6024		;write to sprite attr
	ci r3,90		;z key - rotate
	jne $+8
	jeq rl
	blwp @>6024		;write to sprite attr
	ci r3,67		;c key - rotate
	jne $+8
	jeq rr
	blwp @>6024		;write to sprite attr
	li r15,500		;needed time delay
	dec r15			;for sprite movement
	jne $-2
	jmp lp
ut	li r0,>0302
	mov r13,r1
	sla r1,2
	ai r1,>84
	swpb r1
	li r2,2			;send 2 bytes
	blwp @>6024		;write bytes back 
	jmp ks
rl	inc r13
	andi r13,7
	li r15,8000		;needed time delay
	dec r15			;for sprite rotation
	jne $-2
	jeq ut
rr	dec r13
	andi r13,7
	li r15,8000		;needed time delay
	dec r15			;for sprite rotation
	jne $-2
	jeq ut
df	data >0102,>0204,>0408,>0810	;sprite 0 - 4 cnrs
	data >1060,>8040,>2023,>1408	;main thrust sprite
	data >0080,>8040,>4020,>2010
	data >100c,>0204,>0888,>5020

	data >3028,>2423,>2020,>2020	;top left
	data >2020,>4080,>4132,>0A04
	data >0000,>0000,>8040,>3804
	data >0408,>0810,>D020,>0000

	data >0000,>0000,>0106,>1860	;left
	data >8060,>1806,>0100,>0000
	data >0020,>504C,>8201,>0204
	data >0404,>0201,>824C,>5020
	data >0000,>0102,>0202,>0408	;bottom left
	data >1010,>2040,>80FF,>0000
	data >0000,>8060,>1804,>0808
	data >0806,>0102,>04C4,>2810
	data >040A,>1110,>2040,>3008
	data >0804,>0402,>0201,>0100	;sprite 1
	data >1028,>C404,>0201,>0608	;reverse main sprite
	data >0810,>1020,>2040,>4080
	data >0000,>040B,>0810,>1020	;bottom right
	data >201C,>0201,>0000,>0000
	data >2050,>4C82,>0102,>0404
	data >0404,>0404,>C424,>140C
	data >040A,>3241,>8040,>2020	;right
	data >2040,>8041,>320A,>0400
	data >0000,>0080,>6018,>0601
	data >0618,>6080,>0000,>0000
	data >0000,>0000,>0102,>1C20	;top right
	data >2010,>1008,>0B04,>0000
	data >0C14,>24C4,>0404,>0404
	data >0404,>0201,>824C,>5020

dt	data >0000,>8401,>d000		;8401 - black
	aorg >701c
	data >7d1e
	data >7fe0
	aorg >7fe0
	text 'ROTATE'		;name of program
	data >7d00		;starting location

I think I'II leave the physics elements of 'Thrust' until the end. Basics first! More knowledge in assembly needed before I tackle that complexity.


Next thing I'II work on is too have my sprite collide with another sprite and maybe a wall!


Small steps, but slowly getting the hang of it.




Edited by palmheads
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I think I'II leave the physics elements of 'Thrust' until the end. Basics first! More knowledge in assembly needed before I tackle that complexity.


Next thing I'II work on is too have my sprite collide with another sprite and maybe a wall!


Small steps, but slowly getting the hang of it.






OK got some pretty basic collision detection working with sprite collision - demo just freezes (on purpose) when sprite my "Thrust" sprite hits the "Reactor" sprite

		aorg >7d00		;starting loc for mini mem
		lwpi >70b8		;load registers
		li r0,>0420
		li r1,dataf		;sprite 0 def starting sprite
		li r2,288
		blwp @>6028
		li r0,>0300
		li r1,datat		;sprite 0 attr
		li r2,9
		blwp @>6028
		li r0,>01e2		;sprite magnify 3
		swpb r0			;once interupts enabled, need this
		movb r0,@>83d4	;and this because kscan is used
		swpb r0			;and this, because r1 is used
		blwp @>6034
		clr @>8374		;clearing for keyscan
		li r7,>0000		;record where sprite is
		li r13,00
loop	limi 2	
		limi 0

		blwp @>6020		;keyscan
		clr r3
		mov @>8374,r3	;ascii key to r3
		li r0,>0300		;move along col
		clr r7			;prepare r7 for row value
		blwp @>602c		;read col value
		swpb r1
		movb r1,r14

						;up and down keys
		ci r3,69		;e key
		jne $+10
		ai r1,->0100	;move up
		blwp @>6024		;write to sprite attr
		ci r3,88		;x key
		jne $+10
		ai r1,>0100		;move down
		blwp @>6024		;write to sprite attr

		li r0,>0301		;move along row
		clr r7			;prepare r7 for row value
		blwp @>602c		;read row value
		movb r1,r7		;move to left byte of r1

						;left and right keys
		ci r3,83		;s key
		jne $+10
		ai r1,->0100	;move left
		blwp @>6024		;write to sprite attr
		ci r3,68		;d key
		jne $+10
		ai r1,>0100		;move right
		blwp @>6024		;write to sprite attr

						;rotate keys
		ci r3,90		;z key - rotate
		jne $+8
		jeq rotl
		blwp @>6024		;write to sprite attr
		ci r3,67		;c key - rotate
		jne $+8
		jeq rotr
		blwp @>6024		;write to sprite attr
		li r15,500		;needed time delay
		dec r15			;for sprite movement
		jne $-2
						;possible crash
		clr r8			;collision detection
		clr r10
		movb r14,r8
		swpb r8
		clr r10
		li r0,>0304
		blwp @>602c
		movb r1,r10
		swpb r10
		s r10,r8
		abs r8
		ci r8,>000e
		jgt loop

		clr r8
		movb r7,r8
		swpb r8
		clr r10
		li r0,>0305
		blwp @>602c
		movb r1,r10
		swpb r10
		s r10,r8
		abs r8
		ci r8,>000e
		jgt loop
						;got a collision!!!
		jmp $			;freeze screen 

updatat	li r0,>0302
		mov r13,r1
		sla r1,2
		ai r1,>84
		swpb r1
		li r2,2			;send 2 bytes
		blwp @>6024		;write bytes back 
		jmp loop
rotl	inc r13
		andi r13,7
		li r15,8000		;needed time delay
		dec r15			;for sprite rotation
		jne $-2
		jeq updatat
rotr	dec r13
		andi r13,7
		li r15,8000		;needed time delay
		dec r15			;for sprite rotation
		jne $-2
		jeq updatat

dataf	data >0102,>0204,>0408,>0810	;sprite 0 - 4 cnrs
		data >1060,>8040,>2023,>1408	;main thrust sprite
		data >0080,>8040,>4020,>2010
		data >100c,>0204,>0888,>5020

		data >3028,>2423,>2020,>2020	;top left
		data >2020,>4080,>4132,>0a04
		data >0000,>0000,>8040,>3804
		data >0408,>0810,>d020,>0000

		data >0000,>0000,>0106,>1860	;left
		data >8060,>1806,>0100,>0000
		data >0020,>504c,>8201,>0204
		data >0404,>0201,>824c,>5020
		data >0000,>0102,>0202,>0408	;bottom left
		data >1010,>2040,>80ff,>0000
		data >0000,>8060,>1804,>0808
		data >0806,>0102,>04c4,>2810
		data >040a,>1110,>2040,>3008
		data >0804,>0402,>0201,>0100	;sprite 1
		data >1028,>c404,>0201,>0608	;reverse main sprite
		data >0810,>1020,>2040,>4080
		data >0000,>040b,>0810,>1020	;bottom right
		data >201c,>0201,>0000,>0000
		data >2050,>4c82,>0102,>0404
		data >0404,>0404,>c424,>140c
		data >040a,>3241,>8040,>2020	;right
		data >2040,>8041,>320a,>0400
		data >0000,>0080,>6018,>0601
		data >0618,>6080,>0000,>0000
		data >0000,>0000,>0102,>1c20	;top right
		data >2010,>1008,>0b04,>0000
		data >0c14,>24c4,>0404,>0404
		data >0404,>0201,>824c,>5020

		data >0007,>1820,>4040,>8080	;reactor
		data >8040,>4020,>ff80,>b0b0
		data >0c80,>6e1a,>0a0a,>0a0a
		data >0a0a,>0a0a,>fb01,>0101

datat	data >0000,>8401,>5030,>a404,>d000			;8401 - black
		aorg >701c
		data >7d1e
		data >7fe0
		aorg >7fe0
		text 'COLLID'	;name of program
		data >7d00		;starting location

Next thing to work on - cavern wall detection!


I guess for this you set an out of bounds error within the screen (i.e some sort of contraint) where the if the sprite hits the "wall" its a collision?


Will give it a go!




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