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If I had a GRAM device I'd develop a GPL assembler in Forth. You could then type GPL right in at the command and run it on the spot (no assemble "phase", it's done the moment you hit enter) just like you can write assembler language in Forth.


In TurboForth I can type:


ASM: RESET ( define a new word called RESET)

0 @@ BLWP \ branch and link to the vector at >0



Ta dah. I've just added a machine code word that will reset the console. To test it I just type:


RESET <enter>


Imagine being able to do the same with GPL code. The only hard part (that I can think of right now) would be getting the "environment" set up to execute a GPL program, as (in the case of TurboForth) PAD memory and the like is (obviously) set up for TF, not GPL. It trounces over pretty much everything.

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If I had a GRAM device I'd develop a GPL assembler in Forth. You could then type GPL right in at the command and run it on the spot (no assemble "phase", it's done the moment you hit enter) just like you can write assembler language in Forth.


In TurboForth I can type:


ASM: RESET ( define a new word called RESET)

0 @@ BLWP \ branch and link to the vector at >0



Ta dah. I've just added a machine code word that will reset the console. To test it I just type:


RESET <enter>


Imagine being able to do the same with GPL code. The only hard part (that I can think of right now) would be getting the "environment" set up to execute a GPL program, as (in the case of TurboForth) PAD memory and the like is (obviously) set up for TF, not GPL. It trounces over pretty much everything.


Pretty much the same obtains for fbForth, except that the GPL parts of scratchpad RAM are preserved, primarily to maintain compatibility with TI Forth.



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Some of us have a GRAM device and others have one in storage (hint! hint!, Nudge! Nudge!)So, set yours up and get busy, mate! ;-)

Classic99 can run GRAM this is how I write all my code now using the GPL Assember and GPL*LOADER to test my GRAM code.


This is how I wrote RXB 2012 and will soon release RXB 2015. Also I have the GPL tutorials called GPLHOW2 on AtariAge.

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The two versions you posted are identical, Rich. The zip files might differ, but the content is identical.

As there have been several GPL Assemblers released: Is this your GPL Assembler?


Do you know - Did we ever get the GPL Assembler mentioned in the GPL Programmer's guide?

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I have never seen a copy of the original TI GPL assembler in the wild. The TI-990 SDS MAC Assembler that did the 9900 Assembler side of things is out there, but not the GPL one that did the other half of TI cartridge development. I've looked for it off and on for the last couple of decades, to no effect.

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  • 2 years later...

I have never seen a copy of the original TI GPL assembler in the wild. The TI-990 SDS MAC Assembler that did the 9900 Assembler side of things is out there, but not the GPL one that did the other half of TI cartridge development. I've looked for it off and on for the last couple of decades, to no effect.

Well we do have the GPL Manual from TI that I bought from Jim Lesher and CCed to everyone.

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True, and a couple of the other GPL manuals from TI as well--I've had a copy of the GPL User's Manual since 1985 or so. I actually typed the entire thing into TI Writer and forwarded it that way, as my copy was a fourth or fifth-generation photocopy and it was getting a bit hard to read. . .I did eventually find an original, but that was long after I typed mine in.

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