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Could Tempest 2000 be ported to the 32X?


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I assume that like the Saturn version, you'd loose some of the particle FX etc as Jeff used the hardware the Jaguar offered in a very specific way it seems:


'There was a part of the Jaguar hardware that was intended for drawing scaled and rotated bitmaps, allowing you to step over a texture in non-contiguous steps picking up pixels and assembling them into a contiguous destination bitmap. I kind of used that backwards, reading from a contiguous bitmap and writing out dispersed pixels instead. This let me smash up entire sprites of any size into tiny bits for nearly free, which pleased me greatly. We even came up with a name for the technique, calling it “pixel shatter”. You can see it used a lot in the bonus points annunciators in T2K.'



Think he's talked of the Warpo/Bonus mode being done via the 68K and Blitter to produce a Mode 7-esq effect or something, been good while since i looked at Edge's Making Of Tempest 2000....


But i guess it'd compare pretty well to Jaguar/Saturn versions?

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There is nothing particularly demanding from a technical standpoint about Tempest 2000, so I would imagine it could easily be ported to the 32X or just about any other platform contemporary to the Jaguar (i.e., released 1993 onward).


Correct. Though as I said, there's very few people who have tinkered with 32X programming, unfortunately.

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I assume that like the Saturn version, you'd loose some of the particle FX etc as Jeff used the hardware the Jaguar offered in a very specific way it seems:


I was thinking about that too, but I would just assume that anything specific to the Jaguar could be faked/mimicked by using the target system's capabilities, e.g., with the 32X perhaps leveraging some of its polygon-pushing capabilities. Of course there's usually a benefit to being the first system anything is on (particularly in the time before the modern era's common core game engines) and even when a port is mostly improved, something here or there gets lost in translation (like with the aforementioned Saturn version of the game).

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I'm intrigued, what game did he make? Virtua Hamster? Castle Wolfenstein? Those are about the only ones I know that weren't original releases.


Chilly ported Wolfenstein and Spear of Destiny to 32X, doing an amazing job. He was also working on a Game Gear emulator for 32X but stopped for some reason.

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