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BOMBER file After Party release

José Pereira

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Hi to all and thanks to all that voted in Bomber and to all the others participants and visitors at the ABBUC anual meeting :thumbsup:.

Let me first give you a small history of the game:

-> It all started like many others I am always posting here with the ideas to turn it into A8 and probably wouldn't got a coder... This was about 2years ago and nothing more happened untill about 9Months ago Powersoft/Pro© Markus contact me and Xuel to see if we could develop a game to be released with a nice box full of goodies to help keeping is A8 store and magazine alive.

-> And was here that Bomber entered. I posted to them what I had in mind for Bomber and that seemed a good and quicker game to do and in about two Months it was done but just the C64 one screen game port and a loading screen.

-> We were needing someone to do the title screen music so it was a natural choice to invite Poison that we all liked very much his work and has all those CDs and did the ours Ransack music for Powersoft/Pro©.

-> Markus asked for his usual partner that does the cover and package fine arts and he did the package front that is what you see on my translation into A8 photo here at AA.

When I had the idea to do this as a title screen going the same route as I did for that planet title screen in Ransack it was another one for Poison do another great music and that's what happened.

-> And after all these and when we thought that all was done, Poison came with the suggestion to add more screens, end game musics,... and we accepted and was at this time that we thought that with all the Bomber work we missed the time to do sonmething for ABBUC 2015 software Contest and decided to enter with Bomber because the time remaining was enough for us to end these things.

-> And was it and great was that what was keeping us a little bit worried about this year changing rules, with the C64 guys at Lemon :thumbsup: in a couple of days we could get in contact with the original game developers, post them our work and got their instantly blessing :).



Now that we are allowed we are presenting you with Bomber After Party release:


This version has the loading screen and the game with the credits screen and hi-scores with one fine piece of nice music by the GREAT!... Poison and the game for you to play.

This version and by now will not include all those screens, music and load&save hi-scores that you can see on the video that we decided to be present together with other goodies on a nice and big package that you can order from www.proc-atari.de in late 2015.

But you can still watch this future version on YouTube, think of what be the end game level with an animation and new music ;) :P and dream that one day you will reach it:



I hope you like the game and can support Pro© by buying their magazines, t-shirts, our team and others games, Poison musics CDs and everything it maybe come from there in the future. Thanks.



Edited by José Pereira
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While I like Bomber with fewer intros/pictures, I must say, that I prefer the version with the Bomber title picture vs. the above released version with loading screen...


This title pict. looks much better than the loading screen:




Me and several other Abbuc members were wondering why the ASC version did have so many intros (pictures) which were much better placed in the collectors version. Some Abbuc members even found these intros/pictures annoying, so it is good to have a Bomber version with just one intro/picture...


Anyways, great work guys ! Allthough the gameplay is the same as in Kaboom, the gfx is much better and I can play (survive) much longer than in Kaboom. StefanD (author of QMEG-OS) already found several cheats, e.g. to skip levels, to go to the last level, to see the ending screen, to make the bomb(er) speed in a level faster or slower, etc. Alas, he showed these cheats so fast to me at the Abbuc meeting, that I do not remember the key-combos anymore... ;-)



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Yes, Rockford is a very good artist and it was really hard that I had to spent many days and nights for to get the picture on A8 but it looks good, it's the A8 pallete :) and the great Poison music is also a must.

This convict screen is an intro because it has many DLIs on PFs and PMGs so there will always be that loading screen.

We had all those in what was sent to ABBUC because we was expecting to present the box right after the party but there were some delays on the package.

Humm and better that you don't remember of all those things ;)!...

Edited by José Pereira
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Nice and addictive game thanks to the great gfx! It's very difficult, but it seems to be not impossible to reach the last level 48 and finish the game - my best score is 13985 at level 40.


A good idea are levels 25-27 which are slower than the previous levels 22-24. So you can recover a bit, before it becomes hard again.

Edited by StefanD
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Nice and addictive game thanks to the great gfx! It's very difficult, but it seems to be not impossible to reach the last level 48 and finish the game - my best score is 13985 at level 40.


A good idea are levels 25-27 which are slower than the previous levels 22-24. So you can recover a bit, before it becomes hard again.

Yes, that was one of our talkings for the levels difficulty algorythm, not always same increasing level after level, increasing number of bombs,...

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