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Commission for a Jaguar Cartridge


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Wanted to know if there is anyone here that I can commission to burn a few cartridges for my personal collection? There have been some great free release games that I I would like to have available and not use up my Skunkboard to play them. :D


Just mention how much the total cost is, both with cartridge shell and without.



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IMO this kind of tows the line, making money by burning EPROMs of the work of others without them being compensated rubs me the wrong way unless the games are sold at cost of PCBs, EPROMs and shells.

I'm happy to work out arrangements with authors to compensate them for their work. As I stated before, I'm not going to do this without permission of the authors. Outside of the actual material costs for the parts, it is time consuming to make and ship games. It's also a significant investment up front buying Jaguar cartridge shells, boards, EPROMs, and labels (I have everything but the labels at this point).



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I'm happy to work out arrangements with authors to compensate them for their work. As I stated before, I'm not going to do this without permission of the authors. Outside of the actual material costs for the parts, it is time consuming to make and ship games. It's also a significant investment up front buying Jaguar cartridge shells, boards, EPROMs, and labels (I have everything but the labels at this point).



If the authors get compensated I'm all for it. This isn't directed at you, but I've seen others charge to make carts out of free games for their time, meanwhile the author(s) of the games got paid nothing for their time making the game. I get that not everyone has an EPROM programmer and knows how to solder, as long as the authors are compensated I think it's fair.

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If the authors get compensated I'm all for it. This isn't directed at you, but I've seen others charge to make carts out of free games for their time, meanwhile the author(s) of the games got paid nothing for their time making the game. I get that not everyone has an EPROM programmer and knows how to solder, as long as the authors are compensated I think it's fair.

This sadly happens in the 2600 scene, so I'm well aware of it.



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I'm happy to work out arrangements with authors to compensate them for their work. As I stated before, I'm not going to do this without permission of the authors. Outside of the actual material costs for the parts, it is time consuming to make and ship games. It's also a significant investment up front buying Jaguar cartridge shells, boards, EPROMs, and labels (I have everything but the labels at this point).




That is awesome. Yes nothing nefarious going on here. Just have a title or two that I want for my collection to play on a more regular basis. Also want to give a game or two to play for a friend's kid who likes playing the Jag with me. Love for them to play it, not willing to give up one of my Skunks to do it. :D Plus cartridges survive amazingly better in a 8 year old's room than say CD's.


So I'll see if I can get the right permissions on titles I can burn for personal collection.


Thanks for the feedback on Duckie Egg and the Reboot titles already. Sad to hear, some good titles, but respect. ;)


Titles I would like to hear back about that I want to make full time cartridges for myself would be:


Tube SE

The two Doom 2 hacks.

Fallen Angels


And I have in mind to reflash Checkered Flag with the control hack and put that in my existing Checkered Flag shell at some point.


Thanks all.

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I dont think you can get the Doom hacks burned - if you mean the "Doom II" hack as it contains some of IDs levels


There was at one time work on creating new levels with "Doom II"elements. I created a map for that cause which didnt pan out.


The Doom II hack is really fun to play (if you like the Doom II levles) and shows what couldve been possible if the engine was tweaked a bit more.

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Very exciting. I suggested this a while back but was nearly burned at the stake. It's good to see that Atari's newest system is finally catching up with some of the oldest regarding reproductions and ease of home-brew production. Compensate whoever needs to be compensated, I just want some of these fantastic games on something other than a CD-R!!

Edited by travistouchdown
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