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Parsec Remake


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Darn, this thread is morphing into all sorts of new gems... new phrases, etc. :)


I need to buy me an iOS Bluetooth controller. Perhaps one like this would work well.



I have wanted one for quite a while and could not justify the expense as I don't really play games that much... but I HAVE to help SoftTango... Right? I personaly have no nostalgia for nintendo however as I never had one, So, I might look for something with more buttons. (more is better right?) : ) and I want it to work with my AppleTV and Mac... that brings me back to this... https://steelseries.com/gaming-controllers/nimbus$50! ugh, perhaps I don't need one after all. : ) I think I may be cheap.

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The concept has it as a tone generator in (more or less) an echo chamber, and a noise generator... so in theory it can produce quite a wide variety of sounds. I think most of the limitations are caused by the creation tools. It's very hard to take apart a wave file and figure out what values to plug into the generator to reproduce it, and thirty years ago when computers were less powerful, it was even harder.

That's my ultimate TI dream, I think. Be able to understand the speech synth chip enough to be able to write an equivalent to QBOX in Java or something.

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  • 1 month later...

I would plonk my $.99, but I do not have an iOS device. (For that matter I rarely even touch the Android tablet I have.)


This kills me (from the iOS store):


Rated 9+ for the following:

Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence

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  • 1 year later...


And here's also the Extended Basic version. You need to do it in two turns because the string would become too long.

20 GOSUB 200
30 SP1$=SP$
50 GOSUB 200
60 SP2$=SP$
70 CALL SAY(,SP1$,,SP2$)
80 END
200 SP$=""
210 READ A,B,C
220 SP$=CHR$(A)&CHR$(B)&CHR$(C)
230 FOR I=1 TO C
240 READ D
250 SP$=SP$&CHR$(D)
260 NEXT I
1000 DATA 96,0,161
1010 DATA 16,128,2,42,154,158
1020 DATA 148,120,244,211,30,90
1030 DATA 50,162,190,197,184,24
1040 DATA 73,136,68,172,108,101
1050 DATA 50,209,91,236,76,150
1060 DATA 190,67,184,171,49,25
1070 DATA 202,205,6,98,85,123
1080 DATA 136,61,8,106,92,189
1090 DATA 193,85,39,108,117,243
1100 DATA 22,83,188,138,197,70
1110 DATA 25,140,247,102,234,19
1120 DATA 185,240,90,217,164,101
1130 DATA 220,34,56,201,187,106
1140 DATA 97,147,168,148,125,137
1150 DATA 202,45,178,81,242,197
1160 DATA 42,173,40,70,241,55
1170 DATA 153,212,35,87,207,154
1180 DATA 61,162,150,220,13,91
1190 DATA 111,194,92,114,179,172
1200 DATA 115,1,123,201,205,176
1210 DATA 238,57,156,37,87,195
1220 DATA 190,39,72,134,156,165
1230 DATA 228,182,34,110,178,83
1240 DATA 86,19,204,58,201,90
1250 DATA 249,155,178,107,167,80
1260 DATA 211,111,34,110,140,170
1270 DATA 105,116,153,187,121
1300 REM
1310 REM
2000 DATA 96,0,163
2010 DATA 1,104,58,212,1,45
2020 DATA 36,39,201,112,247,142
2030 DATA 165,91,212,32,76,50
2040 DATA 70,140,50,137,220,78
2050 DATA 81,165,194,18,184,166
2060 DATA 213,229,52,227,185,208
2070 DATA 80,151,51,244,100,149
2080 DATA 51,94,206,208,147,97
2090 DATA 143,124,89,75,203,86
2100 DATA 164,236,109,45,45,123
2110 DATA 163,176,183,181,180,104
2120 DATA 197,210,95,118,211,172
2130 DATA 213,136,56,70,193,176
2140 DATA 218,44,244,100,43,211
2150 DATA 98,247,204,114,218,116
2160 DATA 103,44,194,147,233,210
2170 DATA 125,212,242,83,69,75
2180 DATA 247,222,38,46,28,31
2190 DATA 61,39,75,223,80,124
2200 DATA 245,163,167,228,229,27
2210 DATA 182,143,158,114,164,87
2220 DATA 169,62,122,76,81,182
2230 DATA 225,100,232,62,69,218
2240 DATA 186,226,96,58,157,31
2250 DATA 49,142,1,28,80,121
2260 DATA 152,3,134,78,83,64
2270 DATA 48,225,4,48,218,237
2280 DATA 1

Using the decimal-data and loop format that you used, what is the maximum string length i can use? I see your first string is 161 and the second is 163. Is that about the maximum you can use?

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Using the decimal-data and loop format that you used, what is the maximum string length i can use? I see your first string is 161 and the second is 163. Is that about the maximum you can use?

Wonder if using RXB subprogram CALL IO to access the CRU of the Speech Chip and get it to read a list pushed into VDP memory using RXB subprogram CALL MOVES.


Make REM statements with the characters on each line.


Use CALL MOVES to move each line from REM to VDP memory at >1000 to >1200 as this space is only 2K of the VDP.


Use CALL IO to access the CRU of Speech Chip to read that list.

Edited by RXB
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Using the decimal-data and loop format that you used, what is the maximum string length i can use? I see your first string is 161 and the second is 163. Is that about the maximum you can use?


I split the speech string between two spoken words ("Did you mean" + "to do that") so that there is no noticeable pause. Strings may become up to 255 bytes long; however, for SAY you must add a "0x60 0x00 <length>" header, which leaves 252 bytes.

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No CRU on the speech synth, it's purely memory mapped. >9000 for read data and >9400 for write data. You might need to add special routines for RXB to do it, since it's memory mapped like the other devices.

Tursi thanks will make a note and look at this.


Could be a added to a XB ROM to address this.


CALL SAY(ADDRESS) ! Would read a list of any length into and say that list from speech chip.


(This would work exactly like my modification to CALL LINK(ADDRESS) instead of normal CALL LINK(STRING) as the only change is tag in XB program is >65 = string or number)

Edited by RXB
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  • 2 years later...
On 3/1/2016 at 7:15 AM, SoftTango said:

Yes I think that at least some of the videos are prior to me implementing laser overheating.


Permission from TI is a tricky one. I contacted the author of Classic99 who informed me that some 10 years ago he badgered TI until they found someone who even knew what the TI99 was and game him permission to distribute Parsec and other roms.


Sadly that TI contact is no longer available as I tried to email him but got an undeliverable... At present I'm going maverick and just doing it. I've remove the TI logo from the landscape though.


It's written completely in Swift using Apple's SpriteKit library.


I never knew about that Windows Phone remake. Interesting to see a similar-ish approach for the controls. I'm supporting bluetooth controllers too which is a lot more comfortable to play with. I wonder if he'd be interested in reviving it...


I noticed he mentioned redoing all the sounds and speech. I used TI hardware to sample all the sounds and dismantled a speech synthesiser to capture the speech before it mixed with other game sounds. I'm very pleased with the results.


Glad to have you as a tester, let me know your Apple ID email address and I'll add you in!

Hi Toucan!

I'm working in the Android version. Could you share the audios you ripped from the speech synthesizer?

My email is gaspoker@gmail.com.



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On 11/22/2017 at 9:28 PM, RXB said:

Tursi thanks will make a note and look at this.


Could be a added to a XB ROM to address this.


CALL SAY(ADDRESS) ! Would read a list of any length into and say that list from speech chip.


(This would work exactly like my modification to CALL LINK(ADDRESS) instead of normal CALL LINK(STRING) as the only change is tag in XB program is >65 = string or number)

Turns out my CALL LINK(ADDRESS) does not work properly as sadly the stack needs to be modified as it assumes a CALL LINK(STRING) as Address does not need a length.

CALL LINK is a goofy change considering other computers have a CALL LINK(address) type of system, figures TI had to screw it up.


As for CALL SAY(ADDRESS) will have to look into this...

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  • 1 year later...

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