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K-DOS cart (help)


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I am borrowing a K-Byte K-DOS cart. This DOS wasn't released on cart AFAIK. (I borrowed it from a guy who worked at K-Byte.) It doesn't boot on my 800XL, and the dumped version doesn't boot in my emulator.


Who wants to be a hero and figure out if this cart works? I'm out of my element here.


I'm assuming standard 8K left cart. But could be wrong.






Edited by Savetz
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The data is so different between the dumps that it looks like there's some bank-switching going on. The 2nd set of dumps actually looks like a DOS, but the first one is just repeating byte patterns. If you dump it a few more times we might end up with all the pieces. :) Can the cart be opened?

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Well, here's what's strange:


kdos.bin contains nothing that looks useful, but it ends with $B524 over and over like it's some kind of vector.


kdosleft.bin looks like code and has ASCII text related to DOS. Ends with the vector $B1E3.

kdosright.bin look as though it contains data for making some disk images.


It looks like there might be more than 16K worth of stuff here, or the first file is just garbage.

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B1C0   A2 00      LDX #$00
B1C2   BD 00 80   LDA $8000,X
B1C5   9D 00 00   STA $0000,X
B1C8   E8         INX
B1C9   D0 F7      BNE $B1C2
B1CB   EE 04 40   INC $4004
B1CE   EE 07 40   INC $4007
B1D1   AD 07 40   LDA $4007
B1D4   C9 32      CMP #$32
B1D6   D0 EA      BNE $B1C2
B1D8   A9 00      LDA #$00
B1DA   8D 00 D5   STA $D500
B1DD   4C 74 E4   JMP $E474
B1E0   A2 7F      LDX #$7F
B1E2   BD C3 B1   LDA $B1C3,X
B1E5   9D 00 40   STA $4000,X
B1E8   CA         DEX
B1E9   10 F7      BPL $B1E2
B1EB   60         RTS

Here's the routine for copying itself into RAM. (kdosleft)


Looks like it jumps to the warmstart routine, so it probably requires the 800 OS to work. Also, it writes to $D500 (CCTL), so the cartridge has some special function. It either bank switches, or disables itself to free up RAM. I don't see any other references to $D500 except this one. If I had to guess, I'd say this cart provided a quick and dirty way of instantly getting into a DOS environment, possibly with a utility disk image already in memory.


I stitched the two halves of the image together and it ran this code and then reset in an endless loop in Altirra in 800 mode.

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The banking scheme would need to be worked out. If you can open the cart possibly photos of each side could be used to deduce it if it's using a standard logic IC.

If it's just using a pair of standard Eproms maybe it could be copied by just swapping them into a nonbanked 16K cart board.


Strange how that code starts writing from location 0 though - if that's the case, bad programming practice and limits it to a specific OS.

Though it could probably be altered fairly easily to work on other machines.

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So is that it


Here's the K-DOS Cart ROM for those who haven't combined the two images yet.

attachicon.gifK-DOS Cart.rom


So — is that it? We got it all?


Also: is there a modern guide to options for cart dumping? I am willing to buy a thing, but I am not willing to use Windows. I have Macs and Ataris. Paul Westphal told me that he Lotherek SIO2PC can be used to dump carts (but I can't find info on that.) and I have that new SpartaDOS X remake, with that tempting slot for a stacked cart on it. . . I wonder if that can be used for dumping carts.




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Yep, it appears to be a quick way to get to K-DOS without needing to boot it from floppy. Probably a pretty handy thing when you're coding, testing, and crashing the machine hundreds of times a day.

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Yep, it appears to be a quick way to get to K-DOS without needing to boot it from floppy. Probably a pretty handy thing when you're coding, testing, and crashing the machine hundreds of times a day.



Hm, how do I get it to work? I haven't found the combination of settings to make it work under Atari800MacX.


Also: thank you!



Edited by Savetz
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This rom cart image won't work in emulator as it get stuck in an endless copy/warm start loop due to cart not being able to be turned off. ie no such cart profile in emulators.

I have made an .XEX file that does work in emulator (atari800win). OS rev A or B required. Is same as disk based version.


kdos whole.xex



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The problem is that there's additional hardware in the cartridge- probably to disable it and free up RAM from $8000-BFFF. So, the system crashes if you just load it as a standard cart. It may be possible to format it as an OSS cart or something else that can disable itself.


EDIT: Looks like James has got it covered. :)


Has anyone checked whether it matches known versions of K-DOS?

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The problem is that there's additional hardware in the cartridge- probably to disable it and free up RAM from $8000-BFFF. So, the system crashes if you just load it as a standard cart. It may be possible to format it as an OSS cart or something else that can disable itself.


EDIT: Looks like James has got it covered. :)


Has anyone checked whether it matches known versions of K-DOS?

It is the same as disk version. The cart needs to be tested to see if can be turned back on again. Else power cycle is required.



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