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Xenon 2:MEGABLAST - how to order your copy!


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Jaguar owners it's time for a MEGABLAST!

We are very happy to announce that The Bitmap Brothers classic game Xenon 2:Megablast is now available to order on the Atari Jaguar. Published with the full blessing of Mike Montgomery the classic Atari ST shoot ‘em up has been converted for the Atari Jaguar by Atariage user Cyrano Jones. As a bonus for the Jaguar we are blessed with a brand new soundtrack for the game by 505. He has caught the feel of the late 80’s perfectly with this track, soon you’ll be playing like it’s 1989 again!

We are now taking orders while we get busy sticking boxes together ready for shipping. We aim to ship all orders out around the 10th of June. This will allow us time to get the correct postal boxes for every order, and the correct postage cost for your part of the world!

To get a copy of the game please ONLY email peleiades81@gmail.com with the title of Xenon 2 order. Please include number of copies that you require and which country you are in, so we can get the right postage and packing costs for you. Emails received to any other address are not guaranteed to be answered the same goes with PM’s at Atariage.

Once an email has been received you will get an email confirming your order. An invoice will be sent for payment a little later. Once you have had confirmation please be patient your copy has saved.

As we bring joy to the masses of Jaguar owners, we also aim to spread the joy with some very special auctions for this charity.
We don’t have an exact date for the auction to go live. Please check AA for information. There will be other auctions, but only this first auction will come with a Clear cartridge shell. A true collectable that we hope will lead to a nice donation for the charity.

Here’s what you get for your money. A copy of the game on cartridge in a nice new box, manual an A3 poster of the front of the box, plus a bonus A6 flyer that was made to promote the game at Play Expo Blackpool in April 2016

post-760-0-30394200-1464344213_thumb.jpg post-760-0-72347500-1464345043_thumb.jpg

PRICE £55 plus p+p

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Great job everyone, it's nice to see it came to life unfortunately at 55GBP it puts it off my radar, the Genesis version ought to do it for me instead.


Given that to secure that the box doesn't get smashed the P&P will not be that cheap either and I'm on the other side of the ocean .... it will cost 10GBP or so to ship (my guess).


I kind of hate this kind of homebrew is almost elitist .... given the costs involved I understand it is extremely hard to make small batches on the cheap, oh well my problem not yours.


Again, congrats for pulling it off.

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