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Games that don't work correctly on PAL


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While playing around with Intellivision/CC3 and LTO-Flash yesterday I ran into some problems with some games which first made me think my console was defective. Today I tried these games with two other Intellivisons I had and both showed the same problems. I then found out that some games just don't work on PAL-machines by browsing this forum:


Motocross - crashes after the track-display

Dreadnought Factor - crashes when starting or a few seconds later

Dragonfire - the water on the first screen does not show correctly (just a glitch, game is playable)

Empire strikes back - Apparantly has some music missing, I did not try this. Are there any other games that do not work on PAL-machines? Are there examples of games that don't work on NTSC, but just on PAL?


Apparantly for Motocross there should be an "INTV"-version that works on PAL, but I cannot find this :-(

Dreadnought Factor seems to be patchable by a .cfg-file, but is there a fixed ROM as wel?


I could not find any info on fixes for Dragonfire or Empire strikes back. Have those been done?

Edited by tokra
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Is your copy Dreadnaught Factor a .rom or a .bin?


If you have the .bin+.cfg format, make a copy of your files - both the .bin and the .cfg. Modify the .cfg as detailed here. Add the "new" copy to your ROM list and menu layout. Put it onto your LTO Flash! and the patch will be applied for you.


If you also want to have the patched .ROM for CC3, PM me and I can help you figure it out if the info at the link isn't sufficient.


As to the other games -- not sure if there have been patches made -- or if it's possible to do so. But quite a lot can be done with those .cfg files for .bin-format ROMs by those with a deep understanding of the programming.


I haven't heard of any games that work on PAL, but not NTSC. If anyone runs across such beasties, let me know! I'm trying to track that kind if info.

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Empire strikes back - Apparantly has some music missing, I did not try this. Are there any other games that do not work on PAL-machines? Are there examples of games that don't work on NTSC, but just on PAL?



Two different editions of SWTESB exist. The one released in Europe doesn't have the soundtrack, the one released in North America do. If you play on a PAL console a copy originally released in North America you will hear the sountrack. It is not a compatibility issue
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Two different editions of SWTESB exist. The one released in Europe doesn't have the soundtrack, the one released in North America do. If you play on a PAL console a copy originally released in North America you will hear the sountrack. It is not a compatibility issue


I always wondered if they did that because the music is out of tune on PAL consoles, and they'd rather have no music than a bad-sounding Star Wars theme? Not that they did the greatest job with it anyway.

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I always wondered if they did that because the music is out of tune on PAL consoles, and they'd rather have no music than a bad-sounding Star Wars theme? Not that they did the greatest job with it anyway.


I think it's just a rights issue. They didn't have the rights to the music for the PAL version, for some reason, I suspect. :)

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If you want convert a ROM to BIN+CFG and back again, download SDK-1600 to get the bin2rom.exe and rom2bin.exe programs. Most tools in the SDK-1600 are for developers, but these 2 programs are easy if you know how to use a command-line.




The LTO Flash! UI also includes copies of the various tools, too. It uses them for various important bits of functionality. In Windows, they're in the 'tools' subdirectory where the app was installed. On Mac, they're inside the app bundle.

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I think it's just a rights issue. They didn't have the rights to the music for the PAL version, for some reason, I suspect. :)


Are the ROMs actually different? Does the PAL music just not start because of some timing glitch in the code?


I would be interested if someone had done a diff on both ROMs. Is the music data and code contained in the PAL version? Is there some minor change that disables it from playing?


It's possible that since the music would run slower on the 50Hz PAL console, rather than rework the program to play at the correct pitch and speed, they just disabled the music. Maybe Lucasfilm insisted that the music play at the correct pitch/speed?


- J

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Are the ROMs actually different? Does the PAL music just not start because of some timing glitch in the code?


I would be interested if someone had done a diff on both ROMs. Is the music data and code contained in the PAL version? Is there some minor change that disables it from playing?


It's possible that since the music would run slower on the 50Hz PAL console, rather than rework the program to play at the correct pitch and speed, they just disabled the music. Maybe Lucasfilm insisted that the music play at the correct pitch/speed?


- J



They are two different ROMs. As SoulBuster said, I suspect they didn't have a license to play the music outside the US. Whether it was royalty reasons vs. fidelity of performance reasons, I have even less insight.


Where the opening music would be is just a series of descending tones. It seems to be played at Game Over (?), whereas on the version with the Star Wars theme, it plays the Star Wars theme at that point.


So, it was consciously removed and something else put in its place.


Empire Strikes Back with music:


        PSHR    R5                              ; 502A   0275

        JSR     R5,     L_51F5                  ; 502B   0004 0150 01F5

        MVII    #$0007, R3                      ; 502E   02BB 0007
        MVII    #$0203, R4                      ; 5030   02BC 0203

        JSR     R5,     X_PRINT_R5              ; 5032   0004 0118 007B
        STRING  "PARKER BROTHERS"               ; 5035  
        DECLE   $0000                           ; 5044   0000

        MVII    #$021A, R4                      ; 5045   02BC 021A

        JSR     R5,     X_PRINT_R5              ; 5047   0004 0118 007B
        STRING  "PRESENTS"                      ; 504A  
        DECLE   $0000                           ; 5052   0000

        MVII    #$0255, R4                      ; 5053   02BC 0255

        JSR     R5,     X_PRINT_R5              ; 5055   0004 0118 007B
        STRING  "THE EMPIRE"                    ; 5058  
        DECLE   $0000                           ; 5062   0000

        MVII    #$027C, R4                      ; 5063   02BC 027C

        JSR     R5,     X_PRINT_R5              ; 5065   0004 0118 007B
        STRING  "STRIKES BACK"                  ; 5068  
        DECLE   $0000                           ; 5074   0000

        MVII    #$02CD, R4                      ; 5075   02BC 02CD

        JSR     R5,     X_PRINT_R5              ; 5077   0004 0118 007B
        STRING  "Copr 1983"                     ; 507A  
        DECLE   $0000                           ; 5083   0000

        INCR    R7                              ; 5084    Skips the 'PSHR R5' below to play music @ title

        ; This routine plays the Star Wars theme, and is also called another 
        ; place. (Game over?)
        PSHR    R5                              ; 5085   0275
        ADDI    #$002F, R1                      ; 5086   02F9 002F
        MVO     R1,     G_0146                  ; 5088   0241 0146

        JSR     R5,     X_PLAY_MUS2             ; 508A   0004 0118 035D
        DECLE   $006A                           ; 508D  Note (short)
        DECLE   $006A                           ; 508E  Note (short)
        DECLE   $006A                           ; 508F  Note (short)
        DECLE   $00B7                           ; 5090  Note (short)
        DECLE   $0127                           ; 5091  Note (short)
        DECLE   $0102                           ; 5092  Note (short)
        DECLE   $00F2                           ; 5093  Note (short)
        DECLE   $00D2                           ; 5094  Note (short)
        DECLE   $0177                           ; 5095  Note (short)
        DECLE   $0127                           ; 5096  Note (short)
        DECLE   $0102                           ; 5097  Note (short)
        DECLE   $00F2                           ; 5098  Note (short)
        DECLE   $00D2                           ; 5099  Note (short)
        DECLE   $0177                           ; 509A  Note (short)
        DECLE   $0127                           ; 509B  Note (short)
        DECLE   $0102                           ; 509C  Note (short)
        DECLE   $00F2                           ; 509D  Note (short)
        DECLE   $0102                           ; 509E  Note (short)
        DECLE   $00D7                           ; 509F  Note (short)
        DECLE   $0001                           ; 50A0  Note (short)
        DECLE   $0000                           ; 50A1  End of music

        MVI     G_01C7, R1                      ; 50A2   0281 01C7
        DECR    R1                              ; 50A4   0011
        MVO     R1,     G_01C7                  ; 50A5   0241 01C7
        BPL     L_5086                          ; 50A7   0223 0022
        PULR    R7                              ; 50A9   02B7


Corresponding code from Empire w/out music.


        PSHR    R5                              ; 502A   0275

        JSR     R5,     L_51EC                  ; 502B   0004 0150 01EC

        MVII    #$0007, R3                      ; 502E   02BB 0007
        MVII    #$0203, R4                      ; 5030   02BC 0203

        JSR     R5,     X_PRINT_R5              ; 5032   0004 0118 007B
        STRING  "PARKER BROTHERS"               ; 5035  
        DECLE   $0000                           ; 5044   0000

        MVII    #$021A, R4                      ; 5045   02BC 021A

        JSR     R5,     X_PRINT_R5              ; 5047   0004 0118 007B
        STRING  "PRESENTS"                      ; 504A  
        DECLE   $0000                           ; 5052   0000

        MVII    #$0255, R4                      ; 5053   02BC 0255

        JSR     R5,     X_PRINT_R5              ; 5055   0004 0118 007B
        STRING  "THE EMPIRE"                    ; 5058  
        DECLE   $0000                           ; 5062   0000

        MVII    #$027C, R4                      ; 5063   02BC 027C

        JSR     R5,     X_PRINT_R5              ; 5065   0004 0118 007B
        STRING  "STRIKES BACK"                  ; 5068  
        DECLE   $0000                           ; 5074   0000

        MVII    #$02CD, R4                      ; 5075   02BC 02CD

        JSR     R5,     X_PRINT_R5              ; 5077   0004 0118 007B
        STRING  "Copr 1983"                     ; 507A  
        DECLE   $0000                           ; 5083   0000

        PULR    R7                              ; 5084   Return w/out playing music below

        ; Still called from the other place in the code (Game over?)
        PSHR    R5                              ; 5085   0275
        ADDI    #$002F, R1                      ; 5086   02F9 002F
        MVO     R1,     G_0146                  ; 5088   0241 0146

        JSR     R5,     X_PLAY_MUS2             ; 508A   0004 0118 035D
        DECLE   $0130                           ; 508D  Note (short)
        DECLE   $0120                           ; 508E  Note (short)
        DECLE   $0110                           ; 508F  Note (short)
        DECLE   $00F0                           ; 5090  Note (short)
        DECLE   $00E0                           ; 5091  Note (short)
        DECLE   $00D0                           ; 5092  Note (short)
        DECLE   $00C0                           ; 5093  Note (short)
        DECLE   $00B0                           ; 5094  Note (short)
        DECLE   $00A0                           ; 5095  Note (short)
        DECLE   $0090                           ; 5096  Note (short)
        DECLE   $0080                           ; 5097  Note (short)
        DECLE   $0000                           ; 5098  End of music

        MVI     G_01C7, R1                      ; 5099   0281 01C7
        DECR    R1                              ; 509B   0011
        MVO     R1,     G_01C7                  ; 509C   0241 01C7
        BPL     L_5086                          ; 509E   0223 0019
        PULR    R7                              ; 50A0   02B7


You can hear what that alternate "music" is in the Empire-without-music version by adding this to your .CFG file:


@P 5084 0F


Now back to the shrinkwrap mines for me...

Edited by intvnut
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It's actually SoulBazer. :) But I can see how that can happen with our usernames so similar. All I can say is, mine was first! :D


And yes, I suspect copyright reasons cause I know TV and movie and music rights are VERY strange, and the laws operate different from country to country. Games for a long time were the same way -- One country would have rights to publish a game in Japan, for example, with another company having overseas rights. I've never seen anything saying this, but given how the two versions of the game play the same minus the different music, it makes the most sense.

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It's actually SoulBazer. :) But I can see how that can happen with our usernames so similar. All I can say is, mine was first! :D


Oops, sorry! :) I was popping in quickly between rounds of shrinkwrapping. I think the fumes get to my head sometimes. :dunce:


And yes, I suspect copyright reasons cause I know TV and movie and music rights are VERY strange, and the laws operate different from country to country. Games for a long time were the same way -- One country would have rights to publish a game in Japan, for example, with another company having overseas rights. I've never seen anything saying this, but given how the two versions of the game play the same minus the different music, it makes the most sense.


Yeah, that's kinda what I was thinking.

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