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Good book to help learn basic?


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I figured I might start this development process, using batari basic, but I don't really know too much basic programming. What books would you recommended to learn basic? I did notice that Random Terrain had a book for Atari 400/800 basic on his website, is that a good start? I have been reading through the 'Stella Programming Manual', to understand how the Atari 2600 operates. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


Thank You



Edit - The book on Random Terrain's site is called Atari Basic - Self Teaching Guide.

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Perhaps others would disagree, but I'm not sure if learning the BASIC language beforehand would be very helpful, and it might end up causing more confusion than anything else. Batari BASIC is a lot different from most other forms of BASIC because it is compiled instead of interpreted, and tied very closely to the Atari hardware (along with it's limitations in terms of memory, etc).


I assume you have found this page?




If your ultimate goal is learning Batari BASIC, then I would suggest just diving in with that, playing with the code samples on that site, etc.

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Alright, sounds good. Only problem I have is reading text on a computer screen for a long period of time. Guess I will be printing the manual to read offline. Probably only 800 pages worth of printing. :)


Edit - Did a print preview - around 292 pages.


I would like batari basic to help me with the basics of 2600 programming, so I can get the fundamentals (without getting frustrated and ultimately giving up), and then move to understanding assembly language. I am probably doing this in reverse order, but I believe this will help fill in gaps for my lack of programming skills.


I appreciate the posts so far. Thank you.

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I haven't had my computer on for a couple of days and when I went to go to my web site yesterday, it seemed to be gone. I thought it might be because Spectrum bought Time Warner and they screwed up the DNS stuff somehow, but it looks like it's not just me that can't view my web site. So I'll contact Yahoo or Aabaco Small Business or whatever their name is on Monday and see if they can tell me what's going on.

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I never got an e-mail like that as far as I know. Guess it's too late to do anything about it now. Everything went to crap when they changed over to Aabaco. They somehow managed to fix it so I couldn't even look at my log files. Now that my web site is gone, I can focus on what I really love: deep-sea twerking.

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UPDATE: Er, stupid question: Can we reach the web page by using the ip address directly? http :// / or whatever?

Not a stupid question at all. If this is purely a DNS issue then we would be able to get to the site - you'd likely have to create a local hosts entry for www.randomterrain.com on your pc though, and the try to visit the site as usual. Most hosting providers aren't giving each site a unique IP, so they figure out who's content to serve from the domain part of the URL.

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For anyone who cares, my web site is back up. I don't know how since I didn't receive a verification e-mail, but I'm glad it's back.


Thank the Great Pumpkin! I cobbled together a virtual application package that started a mini web server and launched a browser-as-desktop-app wrapper that pointed to a back copy of your site. I'm starting to suspect I make things too complicated when I'm missing something important in my daily routine :)

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