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What games would you like to see hacked to work on the Atari Portable?

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So we have a hack now for the Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom thanks again to Nukey Shay.

Also Bloody Human Freeway and Freeway. (And I believe I mentioned Defender 2 the other day.)


Videos of the game play and links to the roms can be found around this link in this thread:



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Featured this morning on AFP GTG (Atari Flashback Portable: Good To Go) we have Palomino, Pixels, Bloody Human Freeway, the last version of Star Raiders 2600, a graphically enhanced Double Dragon made to work for the AFP, and the first two player game for the AFP... FREEWAY!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Plans going forward since I don't want to repost the same message all over Atariage. We have many hacks and discussion going on here:




Check in to see new games and suggest games you would like to see fixed there.

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How about Alfred Challenge and this awesome Berzerk hack with a Dr. Who theme:




Both seem like fun but are currently unplayable due to playfields with cut-off portions or garbled graphics.


By the way, does anybody know why Pac-Man randomly grows into a huge version of himself (that only faces in one direction and doesn't turn as he heads down tunnels) while playing Pac-Man Arcade Enhanced (from KevinMos3's Hack Project Thread) on a FBP?


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I'd love to get an alternate Carrot Kingdom binary working on the portable if it's not a terrible pain.


It's a vanilla 16K F6 game so I don't see why it shouldn't.


Crashes and burns as soon as it tries to jump to the bank with the scrolling code. It's on my todo list to look into. ^^

Edited by Jinroh
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  • 4 weeks later...

Well since we already have one of the infamous games working, "Custer's Revenge", I would like to see the "Beat em' and Eat Em" game working. I have only seen pictures of the game and would like to see how the real game plays. I know that it is essentially the game "Kaboom" but still would be fun to play it since trying to the get the real thing would be more than I care to pay for an Atari 2600 game.

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Well since we already have one of the infamous games working, "Custer's Revenge", I would like to see the "Beat em' and Eat Em" game working. I have only seen pictures of the game and would like to see how the real game plays. I know that it is essentially the game "Kaboom" but still would be fun to play it since trying to the get the real thing would be more than I care to pay for an Atari 2600 game.

Has already been fixed: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/259166-flashback-portable-needed-controller-hacks/page-8?do=findComment&comment=3677232

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Thanks for pointing that out. i wonder if the anti-Custer's Revenge can be fixed. The one that is called General Retreat / Westward Ho. Given that it is a PAL game, not sure if it can be fixed.


Thanks again for pointing out about the fixed version for Beat Em and Eat Em.

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  • 7 months later...

I never replied to this before but thought about it. After seeing the additions to the recent Atari stuff with a few Namco games I feel encouraged to just put a simple comment and you kind of just know the list.


3rd party arcade maker games. Namco, Sega, Konami, Nintendo(yeah right), and the others that apply. The biggest reason I don't care much about the flashback games is that the most interesting things to me the 2600 legitimately had back then was not so much the original material but the licensed arcade titles. I was more into that stuff than things from Atari that were not arcade games, same goes quite a bit for Activision other than Pitfall and a few others. If anything that's kind of why the handheld device is more interesting because you can toss those files on a memory card, but I'd rather just have them in the system already than having to dig stuff up and sift through junk/good files and then the menus to do so. Lazy sounding maybe, but I'd rather it be above board and fast to use like old carts were.

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  • 1 month later...

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