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"The Minstrel’s Legend” An Intellivision RPG?


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On 4/28/2018 at 6:32 PM, Intellivet said:

I would think "thicket" would be the perfect word! Otherwise likely have to use more descriptors like "dense brush" or something similar. Words like copse, coppice, etc. really don't do it justice and usually more associated with trees. In my world, of course, and am not an English major.


The thesaurus thumpers at Intv Prime have put a lot of work into the dozens of text items that will show in the game (it is supposed to fit the RPG genre after all). Luckily "Thicket" fits within the 4 tiles that are allocated for overland terrain, but "Scrub" and "Brush" are also viable. Inty Letterpress went through several internal updates to make the text creation/generation easier as the game innards have evolved. Tile counts (and consumed ROM) matter. :) 






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I'm looking forward to using the Cast, Hurl, Blast, Slam and Bash personally!  lol  I'm thinking the monsters/opponents in the game will be using the claw and bite (among others) options?


This game sounds fantastic!  And you know the music has to be top notch as it is a Minstrel's Legend after all!  :)


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  • 2 months later...
On 12/29/2019 at 11:43 PM, First Spear said:

A fresh coat of paint has gone on the Intv Prime website, an update to the music production tool has been completed, and Inty Letterpress is being tweaked to pipeline the text again. That means it's time for the development team to get back to work!





And they just pushed out this:



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On 5/31/2020 at 1:28 AM, Emanuele said:

Thanks, I already saw that video. Progress continues, it concludes, so that's why I am asking about the timeline.

Magic 8-ball says it could be code complete by end of 2020. Then it's printing, boxing, distribution. The goal is still "charityware" with the price being whatever it takes to cover production cost plus some $ that goes into a "lock box" for monthly donation to American Cancer Society, game purchaser can opt to have their name included or be anonymous with the donation, but that is where the money goes (beyond overhead). 

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10 minutes ago, First Spear said:

Magic 8-ball says it could be code complete by end of 2020. Then it's printing, boxing, distribution. The goal is still "charityware" with the price being whatever it takes to cover production cost plus some $ that goes into a "lock box" for monthly donation to American Cancer Society, game purchaser can opt to have their name included or be anonymous with the donation, but that is where the money goes (beyond overhead). 

Ok, thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/19/2021 at 4:30 PM, First Spear said:




When a character is killed that is not the Minstrel, it is removed from the picture (ensuring the blocks of each character would not overlap was a little trying). The bottom-right icons are the health of the characters, a camp+rest increases their color towards health, but decrements food (the bread loaf icon). #workingonit

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's cool, I would suggest calling it Las Vegas Baccarat, the Super Pro games were mostly improved upgrades to existing sports games.

I know there were exceptions like SP Decathlon and SP Volleyball but I think that was for uniformity with all the other Super Pro sports titles.

Pretty sure "Las Vegas" isn't a copyright issue either. And since there was no previous Baccarat title it's not really improving on one.

Just a thought, feel free to ignore it.



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