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NoteTaker download


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For anyone playing around with it, just a couple of notes.

It is an 80-col editor so does require to be in 80-col mode.

BUT, and this is a big BUT, the PR#3 command for initializing the 80-col screen was left out on purpose. The PR#3 command clears the text screen and this was not wanted for the reason why I wrote the program in the first place.

And that reason is, a lot of applesoft programs embed the instructions into the program. To make the program a lot smaller, I wanted the instructions as a separate text file that could be read with a command such as "TYPE game.instructs".

Notetaker will do that. It will save the text that is on the 80-col screen, without clearing it, when the program is first RUN.

With this in mind, here are some other ideas. CATALOG a volume, then run Notetaker to save the catalog to a text file.

Run a basic program in 80-col mode, display the instructions, type Ctrl-C to break out of basic program, run Notetaker to save instructions on screen to a text file.

List a basic program, then run Notetaker to save the part of the listing that is on the screen to a text file.

Go into the monitor and do a hex dump or ML listing, exit to applesoft prompt, use Notetaker to capture hex dump to a text file.

etc, etc.

One last note:
I don't know if the instructions are clear on special command mode, but, inserting or removing a line of text works. And, insert space and backspace delete are still a couple of lines of code away from being a reality.

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