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Mermaid (Intybasic) - castle map using GROM

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After an extended vacation from coding, I have decided to continue work on Mermaid.


I'm encountering the following issue after compiling the code with IntyBasic 1.2.8 (I think I was using 0.9 or 1.0.3 when I was compiling prior versions - not 100% certain since my laptop expired in the interim).


The game executes properly, however the castle map is displaying the incorrect tiles (see "mermaid_incorrect_tiles.jpg" attached)


I have included a partial sample of the code that generates the map along with the "grom_debug" code that I used to generate the test image.


When the code was working properly, I was using the picture tiles with the bars and triangles to depict the rooms that you have visited within the castle.


The attached screenshot confirms that the same code is executing properly with the binary that I compiled shortly after the contest ended (again, under the assumption that I was using IntyBasic 1.0.3 or similar code level in early 2016).


display_castle_map:   Procedure

for a = 0 to 7

    'render the map 
'first tile to be drawn at position 25, set ps to one tile before 
'adding the value of A to set the appropriate tile 
'and adding 10 to ps every time we have drawn ten tiles on the screen
ps = 24
for a = 1 to 100
IF A = 11 or A = 21 or A = 31 or A = 41 or A = 51 or A = 61 or A = 71 or A = 81 or A = 91 THEN ps = ps + 10
IF trace=0 THEN 
ON castleLayout(A) GOSUB ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,map_nsew,map_ns,map_ew,map_ne,map_nw,map_se,map_sw,map_n,map_s,map_e,map_w,map_nse,map_nsw,map_new,map_sew
'debug purposes draw GROM tiles 0-16, 17-32, etc.
GOSUB drawgrom
'while debugging, show entire castle layout
''IF castleLayout(A) > 15 THEN B = castleLayout(A) - 15 ELSE B = castleLayout(A)
'ON castleLayout(A) GOSUB ,map_nsew,map_ns,map_ew,map_ne,map_nw,map_se,map_sw,map_n,map_s,map_e,map_w,map_nse,map_nsw,map_new,map_sew
''ON b GOSUB ,map_nsew,map_ns,map_ew,map_ne,map_nw,map_se,map_sw,map_n,map_s,map_e,map_w,map_nse,map_nsw,map_new,map_sew

Spriteframe=Spriteframe+1:If SpriteFrame>3 then SpriteFrame=0
'check for key press on either controller
     'return to game scene based on user input
'if waitkeypress > 20 then IF cont.key = 8 THEN waitkeypress = 0 : GOTO returnToGame  
IF waitkeypress > 20 then 
Rem check both controllers for a button or disc right/left to exit map screen
if Cont.right or Cont.left then gosub checkforNOKeys: waitkeypress = 0 : GOTO returnToGame  

'add code to display mermaid sprites in her current room location using default 8x8 size
if mermaidFacing=0 then Sprite 0,spritex(2)+VISIBLE,spritey(2), SPR32+ (8*spriteframe) +#SpriteC(0) else Sprite 0,Spritex(2)+VISIBLE,Spritey(2)+FLIPX, SPR32+ (8*spriteframe) +#SpriteC(0)
if mermaidFacing=0 then Sprite 1,spritex(2)+VISIBLE,spritey(2), SPR36+ (8*spriteframe) +#SpriteC(1) else Sprite 1,Spritex(2)+VISIBLE,Spritey(2)+FLIPX, SPR36+ (8*spriteframe) +#SpriteC(1)
waitkeypress = waitkeypress + 1 

GOTO castle_map_loop


	ps = 1
	for a = 0 to 212

	IF trace=0 THEN PRINT AT (PS+A), 95*8 ELSE PRINT AT (PS+A), 17*8

	IF trace=0 THEN PRINT AT (PS+A), 210*8 ELSE PRINT AT (PS+A), 18*8






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Your code is a bit un-compilable, but I ran a test of DrawGrom. SCREEN_FB (which won't show any GROM lowercase and graphics) is needed to replicate your 1st screenshot, so, the problem is that the current mode is not SCREEN_CS. IntyBasic manual list a change for v1.2.6, "Internal: the mode_select variable now preserves in bit 0 the actual mode", so maybe old versions of IntyBasic forgets/resets Mode?

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I sent you a PM. Just to clarify, I did set the mode to SCREEN_CS at the top of the "display_castle_map" procedure.


I'm trying to reproduce the GROM with lowercase and graphics in the "drawgrom" procedure.




Edited by tuatara21
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I tried the SCREEN_COLOR_STACK and SCREEN_CS magic words and it didn't work. I recommend replacing the magic_words with the number 0 to set the mode to color stack mode. Mode 1 would be the BG/FG mode. Probably a bug.

MODE 0,1,2,7,6

This will set it to color stack mode.

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  • 7 months later...

hi tuatara, i like mermaid much, i like the idea behind, it's a great adventure game, or could be.

in my humble opinion the castle maze is too large with 10 x 10 rooms, one can easy lose fun and attention for the game in the search for the queen.

else that thing is great.

maybe if there would be a sort of hinting along the way in the castle where you have to swim to, not to obvious of course, but something which gives you an idea.

perhaps if the sea creatures would get harder (bigger) as closer you get to the target.

once i played i found the queen quite early, but the next time i simply gave up, it took to long without to have any idea where to look for.

ok that's random, but exactly this makes it so hard and unpredictable.

and you must agree hundret rooms are damned many, once it's probably next door, another time in "room #99".


except, ok maybe i've overssen something, i didn't played it to often, but well my second serious but non succeeding try kept me from playing it again.


i know you created a box art yourself, nonetheless an IntyBASIC themed boxart from "gernötli"

(if you would hand me your avatar i could poster that as well on the box)




to make it complete an icon to start it from




and one for the instructions



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