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vasm and vlink GPU problem


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As detailed in a previous post, I've been able to get vasm and vlink to work by doing some makefile loving. But, for the all the tea in China, I can't get it to work when I've got to integrate the Jaguar's GPU into the project by using two different vasm builds. Since vasm, when compiled with m68k support, doesn't understand Jaguar's GPU opcodes, one has to compile a second vasm which supports that architecture.

I've moved the GPU code out of the main file into gpu/gpu.s and assembled it with the vasm which supports the Jaguar's GPU architecture. The rest I compile with the m68k vasm.

When I load the program on Virtual Jaguar, I get a black screen.

Please see my files and help me if you see any problems :( I've been stuck on this one for a while.


I suspect there's some sort of problem where the program is jumping to the wrong address when it comes to the GPU due to flaky linking, but I am just not experienced enough to figure this out :(


        .include "jaguar.inc"
        .globl gSetOLP
        .globl olp2set
        .extern G_CTRL
        .extern OLP
		movei   #olp2set,r0   		; Read value to write
		load    (r0),r1

		movei   #OLP,r0       		; Store it
		store   r1,(r0)

		moveq   #0,r0         		; Stop GPU
		movei   #G_CTRL,r1
		store   r0,(r1)
        nop                  		; Two "feet" on the brake pedal
        .ds.l   1           		; GPU Code Parameter


ASFLAGS = -m68000 -Felf
LDFLAGS = -bjagsrv -minalign 4

AS = ~/Development/Jaguar/vasm/vasmm68k_madmac
ASGPU = ~/Development/Jaguar/vasm/vasmjagrisc_madmac
LD = ~/Development/Jaguar/vlink/vlink

OBJ = obj/gpu.o obj/startup.o obj/testrgb.o obj/test.o

all: $(OBJ)
	 $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o testrgb.j64 $(OBJ)

obj/gpu.o: jaguar.inc
	$(ASGPU) $(ASGPUFLAGS) gpu/gpu.s -o obj/gpu.o

obj/startup.o: startup.s sample.rgb
	$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o obj/$(subst .s,.o,$<) $<

obj/testrgb.o: jaguar.inc vidstuff.inc
	$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o obj/testrgb.o testrgb.s

obj/test.o: jaguar.inc vidstuff.inc
	$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o obj/test.o test.s

	rm obj/*.o


; Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!!
; Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!!
; Do not change any of the code in this file except where explicitly noted.
; Making other changes can cause your program's startup code to be incorrect.

; Jaguar Development System Source Code
; Copyright (c)1995 Atari Corp.
; Module: startup.s - Hardware initialization/License screen display
; Revision History:
;  1/12/95 - SDS: Modified from MOU.COF sources.
;  2/28/95 - SDS: Optimized some code from MOU.COF.
;  3/14/95 - SDS: Old code preserved old value from INT1 and OR'ed the
;                 video interrupt enable bit. Trouble is that could cause
;                 pending interrupts to persist. Now it just stuffs the value.
;  4/17/95 - MF:  Moved definitions relating to startup picture's size and
;                 filename to top of file, separate from everything else (so
;                 it's easier to swap in different pictures).
; Program Description:
; Jaguar Startup Code
; Steps are as follows:
; 1. Set GPU/DSP to Big-Endian mode
; 2. Set VI to $FFFF to disable video-refresh.
; 3. Initialize a stack pointer to high ram.
; 4. Initialize video registers.
; 5. Create an object list as follows:
;            BRANCH Object (Branches to stop object if past display area)
;            BRANCH Object (Branches to stop object if prior to display area)
;            BITMAP Object (Jaguar License Acknowledgement - see below)
;            STOP Object
; 6. Install interrupt handler, configure VI, enable video interrupts,
;    lower 68k IPL to allow interrupts.
; 7. Use GPU routine to stuff OLP with pointer to object list.
; 8. Turn on video.
; 9. Jump to _start.
; Notes:
; All video variables are exposed for program use. 'ticks' is exposed to allow
; a flicker-free transition from license screen to next. gSetOLP and olp2set
; are exposed so they don't need to be included by exterior code again.

	.include	"jaguar.inc"

; Begin STARTUP PICTURE CONFIGURATION -- Edit this to change startup picture

PPP     	.equ    4      			; Pixels per Phrase (1-bit)
BMP_WIDTH   	.equ    192     		; Width in Pixels
BMP_HEIGHT  	.equ    48    			; Height in Pixels

; Change this macro as necessary. Games published by Atari but created by a
; third-party should use "LICENSED TO" screen. Games published and
; created by a third-party company should use "LICENSED BY" screen.

	.macro license_logo
	.incbin "./sample.rgb"	; "Jaguar Developer Kit Sample"
;	.incbin "/jaguar/startup/lt_box.rgb"	; "Licensed To Atari Corp."
;	.incbin "/jaguar/startup/lb_box.rgb"	; "Licensed By Atari Corp."


; Globals
		.globl	ticks
		.globl  a_vdb
		.globl  a_vde
		.globl  a_hdb
		.globl  a_hde
		.globl  width
		.globl  height
; Externals
		.extern	_start
		.extern	gSetOLP
        .extern olp2set

BMP_PHRASES 	.equ    (BMP_WIDTH/PPP) 	; Width in Phrases
BMP_LINES   	.equ    (BMP_HEIGHT*2)  	; Height in Half Scanlines
BITMAP_OFF  	.equ    (2*       		; Two Phrases
LISTSIZE    	.equ    5       		; List length (in phrases)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Program Entry Point Follows...


		move.l  #$70007,G_END		; big-endian mode
		move.l  #$70007,D_END
		move.w  #$FFFF,VI       	; disable video interrupts

		move.l  #INITSTACK,a7   	; Setup a stack

		jsr 	InitVideo      		; Setup our video registers.
		jsr 	InitLister     		; Initialize Object Display List
		jsr 	InitVBint      		; Initialize our VBLANK routine

;;; Sneaky trick to cause display to popup at first VB

		move.l	#$0,listbuf+BITMAP_OFF
		move.l	#$C,listbuf+BITMAP_OFF+4

		move.l  d0,olp2set      	; D0 is swapped OLP from InitLister
		move.l  #gSetOLP,G_PC   	; Set GPU PC
		move.l  #RISCGO,G_CTRL  	; Go!
		move.l  G_CTRL,d0   		; Wait for write.
		andi.l  #$1,d0
		bne 	waitforset

		move.w  #$6C7,VMODE     	; Configure Video

	     	jmp 	_start			; Jump to main code

; Procedure: InitVBint
; Install our vertical blank handler and enable interrupts

		move.l  d0,-(sp)

		move.l  #UpdateList,LEVEL0	; Install 68K LEVEL0 handler

		move.w  a_vde,d0        	; Must be ODD
		ori.w   #1,d0
		move.w  d0,VI

		move.w  #C_VIDENA,INT1         	; Enable video interrupts

		move.w  sr,d0
		and.w   #$F8FF,d0       	; Lower 68k IPL to allow
		move.w  d0,sr           	; interrupts

		move.l  (sp)+,d0

; Procedure: InitVideo (same as in vidinit.s)
;            Build values for hdb, hde, vdb, and vde and store them.

		movem.l d0-d6,-(sp)

		move.w  CONFIG,d0      		 ; Also is joystick register
		andi.w  #VIDTYPE,d0    		 ; 0 = PAL, 1 = NTSC
		beq 	palvals

		move.w  #NTSC_HMID,d2
		move.w  #NTSC_WIDTH,d0

		move.w  #NTSC_VMID,d6
		move.w  #NTSC_HEIGHT,d4

		bra 	calc_vals
		move.w  #PAL_HMID,d2
		move.w  #PAL_WIDTH,d0

		move.w  #PAL_VMID,d6
		move.w  #PAL_HEIGHT,d4

		move.w  d0,width
		move.w  d4,height

		move.w  d0,d1
		asr 	#1,d1         	 	; Width/2

		sub.w   d1,d2         	  	; Mid - Width/2
		add.w   #4,d2         	  	; (Mid - Width/2)+4

		sub.w   #1,d1         	  	; Width/2 - 1
		ori.w   #$400,d1      	  	; (Width/2 - 1)|$400

		move.w  d1,a_hde
		move.w  d1,HDE

		move.w  d2,a_hdb
		move.w  d2,HDB1
		move.w  d2,HDB2

		move.w  d6,d5
		sub.w   d4,d5
		move.w  d5,a_vdb

		add.w   d4,d6
		move.w  d6,a_vde

		move.w  a_vdb,VDB
		move.w  #$FFFF,VDE

		move.l  #0,BORD1        	; Black border
		move.w  #0,BG           	; Init line buffer to black

		movem.l (sp)+,d0-d6

; InitLister: Initialize Object List Processor List
;    Returns: Pre-word-swapped address of current object list in d0.l
;  Registers: d0.l/d1.l - Phrase being built
;             d2.l/d3.l - Link address overlays
;             d4.l      - Work register
;             a0.l      - Roving object list pointer

		movem.l d1-d4/a0,-(sp)		; Save registers

		lea     listbuf,a0
		move.l  a0,d2           	; Copy

		add.l   #(LISTSIZE-1)*8,d2  	; Address of STOP object
		move.l	d2,d3			; Copy for low half

		lsr.l	#8,d2			; Shift high half into place
		lsr.l	#3,d2

		swap	d3			; Place low half correctly
		clr.w	d3
		lsl.l	#5,d3

; Write first BRANCH object (branch if YPOS > a_vde )

		clr.l   d0
		move.l  #(BRANCHOBJ|O_BRLT),d1  ; $4000 = VC < YPOS
		or.l	d2,d0			; Do LINK overlay
		or.l	d3,d1

		move.w  a_vde,d4                ; for YPOS
		lsl.w   #3,d4                   ; Make it bits 13-3
		or.w    d4,d1

		move.l	d0,(a0)+
		move.l	d1,(a0)+

; Write second branch object (branch if YPOS < a_vdb)
; Note: LINK address is the same so preserve it

		andi.l  #$FF000007,d1           ; Mask off CC and YPOS
		ori.l   #O_BRGT,d1      	; $8000 = VC > YPOS
		move.w  a_vdb,d4                ; for YPOS
		lsl.w   #3,d4                   ; Make it bits 13-3
		or.w    d4,d1

		move.l	d0,(a0)+
		move.l	d1,(a0)+

; Write a standard BITMAP object
		move.l	d2,d0
		move.l	d3,d1

		ori.l  #BMP_HEIGHT<<14,d1       ; Height of image

		move.w  height,d4           	; Center bitmap vertically
		sub.w   #BMP_HEIGHT,d4
		add.w   a_vdb,d4
		andi.w  #$FFFE,d4               ; Must be even
		lsl.w   #3,d4
		or.w    d4,d1                   ; Stuff YPOS in low phrase

		move.l	#license,d4
		lsl.l	#8,d4
		or.l	d4,d0

		move.l	d0,(a0)+
		move.l	d1,(a0)+
		movem.l	d0-d1,bmpupdate

; Second Phrase of Bitmap
		move.l	#BMP_PHRASES>>4,d0	; Only part of top LONG is IWIDTH
		move.l  #O_DEPTH16|O_NOGAP,d1   ; Bit Depth = 16-bit, Contiguous data

		move.w  width,d4            	; Get width in clocks
		lsr.w   #2,d4               	; /4 Pixel Divisor
		sub.w   #BMP_WIDTH,d4
		lsr.w   #1,d4
		or.w    d4,d1


		move.l	d0,(a0)+
		move.l	d1,(a0)+

; Write a STOP object at end of list
		clr.l   (a0)+
		move.l  #(STOPOBJ|O_STOPINTS),(a0)+

; Now return swapped list pointer in D0

		move.l  #listbuf,d0
		swap    d0

		movem.l (sp)+,d1-d4/a0

; Procedure: UpdateList
;        Handle Video Interrupt and update object list fields
;        destroyed by the object processor.

		move.l  a0,-(sp)

		move.l  #listbuf+BITMAP_OFF,a0

		move.l  bmpupdate,(a0)      	; Phrase = d1.l/d0.l
		move.l  bmpupdate+4,4(a0)

		add.l	#1,ticks		; Increment ticks semaphore

		move.w  #$101,INT1      	; Signal we're done
		move.w  #$0,INT2

		move.l  (sp)+,a0




listbuf:    	.ds.l   LISTSIZE*2  		; Object List
bmpupdate:  	.ds.l   2       		; One Phrase of Bitmap for Refresh
ticks:		.ds.l	1			; Incrementing # of ticks
a_hdb:  	.ds.w   1
a_hde:      	.ds.w   1
a_vdb:      	.ds.w   1
a_vde:      	.ds.w   1
width:      	.ds.w   1
height:     	.ds.w   1


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Have you never wanted to try something new? Broaden your horizons, even if it might not work?


Yep, but never for something more broken, slower and clunky ;)


Working on these old systems is tough enough without kicking your own legs out from underneath yourself.

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Hi rocky1138,


I love vasm and vlink, because you will get a great support from Frank Wille who maintains this tools.


But let's get down to brass tacks:


On the first glance everything seems to be ok, but I suggest to change the link order:

OBJ = obj/gpu.o obj/startup.o obj/testrgb.o obj/test.o

Links the gpu obj at $4000. But the jagsrv structure assumes your CPU initialisation code at this address.


Change the linking order to:

OBJ = obj/startup.o obj/gpu.o obj/testrgb.o obj/test.o

Hopefully it helps



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I love vasm and vlink, because you will get a great support from Frank Wille who maintains this tools.

That is true as I've been in contact with Frank in the past. But on the flipside have you ever reported an issue with rmac/rln and didn't get support?

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Hi ggn,


I agree with you, but a big advantage for me is, that Frank is a german guy like me. So we can discuss some problems in our native tongue :-D. ... and I'll get a response within 24hrs!

That's a personal experience then, not necessarily global! Also you're lucky - it'd be a miracle to even find someone speaking my native language, let alone exchange bug reports ;).

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Hi rocky1138,


I love vasm and vlink, because you will get a great support from Frank Wille who maintains this tools.


But let's get down to brass tacks:


On the first glance everything seems to be ok, but I suggest to change the link order:

OBJ = obj/gpu.o obj/startup.o obj/testrgb.o obj/test.o

Links the gpu obj at $4000. But the jagsrv structure assumes your CPU initialisation code at this address.


Change the linking order to:

OBJ = obj/startup.o obj/gpu.o obj/testrgb.o obj/test.o

Hopefully it helps




Nah. it doesn't fix it :(

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Hi rocky1138,


it is diffcult without the whole source code ...

But it seems you forgot a dependency

obj/gpu.o: jaguar.inc
	$(ASGPU) $(ASGPUFLAGS) gpu.s -o obj/gpu.o

You should add gpu.s, otherwise you will link against an old gpu.o

obj/gpu.o: gpu.s jaguar.inc
	$(ASGPU) $(ASGPUFLAGS) gpu.s -o obj/gpu.o

Seems to me, you have to do it with test.o, too.


You can PM me the source code if you want.



I got it. 'Cause you are loading olp2set with the gpu it has to be long-word aligned. Take a look at your memory map (parameter -M for vlink). For me this variable was at a word-aligned adress.

A .long and the canged link order will do the trick.







Edited by toarnold
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Where do I put the .long?


I've got it at the top of the file. Here are my gpu.s and Makefiles.



        .include "jaguar.inc"
        .globl gSetOLP
        .globl olp2set
        .extern G_CTRL
        .extern OLP
        movei   #olp2set,r0         ; Read value to write
        load    (r0),r1

        movei   #OLP,r0             ; Store it
        store   r1,(r0)

        moveq   #0,r0               ; Stop GPU
        movei   #G_CTRL,r1
        store   r0,(r1)
        nop                         ; Two "feet" on the brake pedal
        .ds.l   1                   ; GPU Code Parameter


ASFLAGS = -m68000 -Felf
LDFLAGS = -bjagsrv -minalign 4

AS = ~/Development/Jaguar/vasm/vasmm68k_madmac
ASGPU = ~/Development/Jaguar/vasm/vasmjagrisc_madmac
LD = ~/Development/Jaguar/vlink/vlink

OBJ = obj/startup.o obj/gpu.o obj/testrgb.o obj/test.o

all: $(OBJ)
     $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o testrgb.j64 $(OBJ)

obj/gpu.o: gpu/gpu.s jaguar.inc
    $(ASGPU) $(ASGPUFLAGS) gpu/gpu.s -o obj/gpu.o

obj/startup.o: startup.s sample.rgb
    $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o obj/$(subst .s,.o,$<) $<

obj/testrgb.o: testrgb.s jaguar.inc vidstuff.inc
    $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o obj/testrgb.o testrgb.s

obj/test.o: test.s jaguar.inc vidstuff.inc
    $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o obj/test.o test.s

    rm obj/*.o

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Put it here:



        .ds.l   1                   ; GPU Code Parameter


I must be stupid. I can't get it to go. Can you tar/zip your source and jagserver binary and send it to me?


I'll try running it on my end.


Maybe my linker or gpu assembler compilation messed up...

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