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[Done] Astronomer development thread


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And, yes, you can definitely make an 8K game or larger with bB. Check out the romsize option on RT's page. If all you did is set romsize to 8K,and put a " . bank 2" line at the end of your source, it would automatically put the display kernel and graphics in bank 2, freeing up lots of space in bank 1 without even having to do any manual bankswitching.

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Do you have the readpaddle kernel option set?

Yes, I have this at the top. And I'm following this example: http://www.randomterrain.com/atari-2600-memories-batari-basic-commands.html#pfpixel

I must be doing something wrong but I can't seem to find it.

 set kernel_options no_blank_lines readpaddle
 currentpaddle = 0

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Ok I'm getting there as it now responds to the paddle and can move around. However as soon as I limit the value of paddle tot 29 (Or whatever other number) it gets stuck at one value and does not respond anymore. Am I missing something with how the paddle works? As far as I can see it should have a value between 0 and 77 so it should be easily capped if I say 'if x > 29 then x = 29' right?




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Here I've rearranged your code some.

I added some code to test if any of the joy0 RLDU are pressed and

skip the line drawing if not

joy0 is bits 7..4 of SWCHA and a bit reads 0 if it's active

so it inverts SWCHA, masks for bits 7..4 and loops back if none are 1

I used variables p and q and let p range from 0..75 and q 0..20

p is then scaled by 13/32 to get 0..31 for x

and q is divided by 2 to get 0..10 for y

that's just to to show one way of dealing with a range of 0..77

and I added a test to see if x, y have changed no need to draw the (same) line again if not

I added a test to end the line when we've reached the right point in the major direction

not sure you'll always be at the right spot in the minor direction

initializes ea to 1/2 the delta for better accuracy and symmetry

added a custom point plotting bit to improve the speed

added a custom routine to clear the playfield

I rewrote the line drawing for better speed but it still goes over time on long lines

if you're also doing the score so I split the line drawing, putting x,y in the score

and reading joy0 among different frames

set kernel_options no_blank_lines readpaddle


dim ea = a
dim dy = b
dim dx = c
dim state = w
dim x1 = temp1
dim x0 = temp2
dim y1 = temp3
dim y0 = temp4
dim ep = temp3
dim xinc = temp4
dim yinc = temp5
dim delay = h
dim rand16 = z
dim xpos = k
dim ypos = l
dim sc1 = score
dim sc2 = score + 1
dim sc3 = score + 2

x = 0
y = 0
t = 0



COLUPF = $62
scorecolor = $2A

state = 1

COLUP0 = $1C
COLUP1 = $B4

on state goto readjoy drawline doscore ; drawing the line just about takes all of one frames worth of program time

goto mainloop


temp1 = (SWCHA ^ $FF) & $F0 ; tests for joy0 RLDU active
if !temp1 then mainloop ; predicate true iff temp1 = 0 goto not needed if we're within 128 bytes (and it's the only statement)
if joy0up && q > 0 then q = q - 1
if joy0down && q < 20 then q = q + 1
if joy0left && p > 2 then p = p - 3 ; p is meant to emulate a paddle (sort of) increments by 3 for speed of movement
if joy0right && p < 75 then p = p + 3 ; which with the scaling makes the movement a little jerky

x1 = (((p/4 + p)/4 + p)/2 + p)/4 ; scales p by 13/32 to get 0..31
y1 = q/2 ; and has the effect of slowing the movement ie 2 frames/q's to change y by one
if x1 = x && y1 = y then goto mainloop ; no need to draw the line if x and y haven't changed
x = x1 : y = y1

state = 1 : goto mainloop

temp6 = x : gosub leftsc ; puts x in the left three digits of score
temp6 = y : gosub rightsc ; puts y in the right three digits of score
state = 0
goto mainloop


x0 = 14 : y0 = 9 : x1 = x : y1 = y

gosub clpf


if x0 < x1 then f{2} = 1 : dx = x1 - x0 else f{2} = 0 : dx = x0 - x1
if y0 < y1 then f{1} = 1 : dy = y1 - y0 else f{1} = 0 : dy = y0 - y1

xpos = x0 : ypos = y0

if dx > dy then xmajor

; initializes ea to 1/2 for better accuracy, symmetry
f{0} = 0 : xinc = xinc_tbl[f] : yinc = yinc_tbl[f] : ea = dy/2 : ep = y1
goto yentry

ypos = ypos + yinc
temp1 = ea
ea = ea - dx
if temp1 < ea then ea = ea + dy : xpos = xpos + xinc


; plots a pf pixel
temp1 = xpos/8
temp1 = ypos * 4 | temp1
temp2 = xpos & $0F
var0[temp1] = var0[temp1] | setbyte[temp2] ; setbyte is the kernel table for setting playfield bits

if ypos <> ep then yloop ; loops if not at end in major direction in this case y but not sure it wont miss its x
state = 2 : goto mainloop

f{0} = 1 : xinc = xinc_tbl[f] : yinc = yinc_tbl[f] : ea = dx/2 : ep = x1
goto xentry

xpos = xpos + xinc
temp1 = ea
ea = ea - dy
if temp1 < ea then ea = ea + dx : ypos = ypos + yinc


; plots a pf pixel
temp1 = xpos/8
temp1 = ypos * 4 | temp1
temp2 = xpos & $0F
var0[temp1] = var0[temp1] | setbyte[temp2]

if xpos <> ep then xloop
state = 2 : goto mainloop

data yinc_tbl
$FF, $FF, $01, $01, $FF, $FF,$01, $01

data xinc_tbl
$FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $01, $01, $01, $01


; fastest way to clear playfield

sc1 = 0 : sc2 = sc2 & 15
if temp6 >= 100 then sc1 = sc1 + 16 : temp6 = temp6 - 100
if temp6 >= 100 then sc1 = sc1 + 16 : temp6 = temp6 - 100
if temp6 >= 50 then sc1 = sc1 + 5 : temp6 = temp6 - 50
if temp6 >= 30 then sc1 = sc1 + 3 : temp6 = temp6 - 30
if temp6 >= 20 then sc1 = sc1 + 2 : temp6 = temp6 - 20
if temp6 >= 10 then sc1 = sc1 + 1 : temp6 = temp6 - 10
sc2 = (temp6 * 4 * 4) | sc2

sc2 = sc2 & 240 : sc3 = 0
if temp6 >= 100 then sc2 = sc2 + 1 : temp6 = temp6 - 100
if temp6 >= 100 then sc2 = sc2 + 1 : temp6 = temp6 - 100
if temp6 >= 50 then sc3 = sc3 + 80 : temp6 = temp6 - 50
if temp6 >= 30 then sc3 = sc3 + 48 : temp6 = temp6 - 30
if temp6 >= 20 then sc3 = sc3 + 32 : temp6 = temp6 - 20
if temp6 >= 10 then sc3 = sc3 + 16 : temp6 = temp6 - 10
sc3 = sc3 | temp6

COLUP0 = $1C
COLUP1 = $B4
goto busy



Edited by bogax
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Here I've rearranged your code some.
I added some code to test if any of the joy0 RLDU are pressed and
skip the line drawing if not
joy0 is bits 7..4 of SWCHA and a bit reads 0 if it's active
so it inverts SWCHA, masks for bits 7..4 and loops back if none are 1
I used variables p and q and let p range from 0..75 and q 0..20
p is then scaled by 13/32 to get 0..31 for x
and q is divided by 2 to get 0..10 for y
that's just to to show one way of dealing with a range of 0..77
and I added a test to see if x, y have changed no need to draw the (same) line again if not
I added a test to end the line when we've reached the right point in the major direction
not sure you'll always be at the right spot in the minor direction
initializes ea to 1/2 the delta for better accuracy and symmetry
added a custom point plotting bit to improve the speed
added a custom routine to clear the playfield
I rewrote the line drawing for better speed but it still goes over time on long lines
if you're also doing the score so I split the line drawing, putting x,y in the score
and reading joy0 among different frames
  set kernel_options no_blank_lines readpaddle
  dim ea = a
  dim dy = b
  dim dx = c
  dim state = w
  dim x1 = temp1
  dim x0 = temp2
  dim y1 = temp3
  dim y0 = temp4
  dim ep = temp3
  dim xinc = temp4
  dim yinc = temp5
  dim delay = h
  dim rand16 = z
  dim xpos = k
  dim ypos = l
  dim sc1 = score
  dim sc2 = score + 1
  dim sc3 = score + 2
  x = 0
  y = 0
  t = 0
  COLUPF = $62
  scorecolor = $2A
  state = 1
  COLUP0 = $1C
  COLUP1 = $B4
  on state goto readjoy drawline doscore     ; drawing the line just about takes all of one frames worth of program time
  goto mainloop
  temp1 = (SWCHA ^ $FF) & $F0                ; tests for joy0 RLDU active 
  if !temp1 then mainloop                    ; predicate true iff temp1 = 0  goto not needed if we're within 128 bytes (and it's the only statement)
  if joy0up    && q >  0 then q = q - 1 
  if joy0down  && q < 20 then q = q + 1 
  if joy0left  && p >  2 then p = p - 3      ; p is meant to emulate a paddle (sort of) increments by 3 for speed of movement 
  if joy0right && p < 75 then p = p + 3      ; which with the scaling makes the movement a little jerky
  x1 = (((p/4 + p)/4 + p)/2 + p)/4           ; scales p by 13/32 to get 0..31
  y1 = q/2                                   ; and has the effect of slowing the movement ie 2 frames/q's to change y by one
  if x1 = x && y1 = y then goto mainloop     ; no need to draw the line if x and y haven't changed
  x = x1 : y = y1
  state = 1 : goto mainloop
  temp6 = x : gosub leftsc                 ; puts x in the left three digits of score
  temp6 = y : gosub rightsc                ; puts y in the right three digits of score
  state = 0
  goto mainloop 
  x0 = 14 : y0 = 9 : x1 = x : y1 = y
  gosub clpf
  if x0 < x1 then f{2} = 1 : dx = x1 - x0 else f{2} = 0 : dx = x0 - x1
  if y0 < y1 then f{1} = 1 : dy = y1 - y0 else f{1} = 0 : dy = y0 - y1
  xpos = x0 : ypos = y0
  if dx > dy then xmajor
  ; initializes ea to 1/2 for better accuracy, symmetry
  f{0} = 0 : xinc = xinc_tbl[f] : yinc = yinc_tbl[f] : ea = dy/2 : ep = y1
  goto yentry
  ypos = ypos + yinc
  temp1 = ea
  ea = ea - dx
  if temp1 < ea then ea = ea + dy : xpos = xpos + xinc 
  ;  plots a pf pixel
  temp1 = xpos/8
  temp1 = ypos * 4 | temp1
  temp2 = xpos & $0F
  var0[temp1] = var0[temp1] | setbyte[temp2]    ; setbyte is the kernel table for setting playfield bits
  if ypos <> ep then yloop                      ; loops if not at end in major direction in this case y but not sure it wont miss its x
  state = 2 : goto mainloop 
  f{0} = 1 : xinc = xinc_tbl[f] : yinc = yinc_tbl[f] : ea = dx/2 : ep = x1
  goto xentry
  xpos = xpos + xinc  
  temp1 = ea
  ea = ea - dy
  if temp1 < ea then ea = ea + dx : ypos = ypos + yinc
  ;  plots a pf pixel
  temp1 = xpos/8
  temp1 = ypos * 4 | temp1
  temp2 = xpos & $0F
  var0[temp1] = var0[temp1] | setbyte[temp2]
  if xpos <> ep then xloop
  state = 2 : goto mainloop 
  data yinc_tbl
  $FF, $FF, $01, $01, $FF, $FF,$01, $01
  data xinc_tbl
  $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $01, $01, $01, $01
  ;  fastest way to clear playfield
   sc1 = 0 : sc2 = sc2 & 15
   if temp6 >= 100 then sc1 = sc1 + 16 : temp6 = temp6 - 100
   if temp6 >= 100 then sc1 = sc1 + 16 : temp6 = temp6 - 100
   if temp6 >=  50 then sc1 = sc1 +  5 : temp6 = temp6 -  50
   if temp6 >=  30 then sc1 = sc1 +  3 : temp6 = temp6 -  30
   if temp6 >=  20 then sc1 = sc1 +  2 : temp6 = temp6 -  20
   if temp6 >=  10 then sc1 = sc1 +  1 : temp6 = temp6 -  10
   sc2 = (temp6 * 4 * 4) | sc2
   sc2 = sc2 & 240 : sc3 = 0
   if temp6 >= 100 then sc2 = sc2 +  1 : temp6 = temp6 - 100
   if temp6 >= 100 then sc2 = sc2 +  1 : temp6 = temp6 - 100
   if temp6 >=  50 then sc3 = sc3 + 80 : temp6 = temp6 -  50
   if temp6 >=  30 then sc3 = sc3 + 48 : temp6 = temp6 -  30
   if temp6 >=  20 then sc3 = sc3 + 32 : temp6 = temp6 -  20
   if temp6 >=  10 then sc3 = sc3 + 16 : temp6 = temp6 -  10
   sc3 = sc3 | temp6
  COLUP0 = $1C
  COLUP1 = $B4
  goto busy


Wow this is great! I'll play around with it when I'm home tonight. Amazing how smooth it runs

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Here I've rearranged your code some.


Ok I understand most of your code, but I was wondering how you came up with the equation for limiting p between 0-31. Is there a reason that its all div 2 and div4 instead of 53p/128? I assume there is some limit to the math the atari can do?


The code you gave is perfect, apart from the fact that the y position is changed with up and down. I want to add 3 if statements that make it go down in y when it reaches 0,0 and the player still presses left and the same for (31,0). Sothat you can swoop the entire border with just 2 directions. (soon to be paddles hopefully.) But since the range for x1 needs to be extended from 0-31 to 0-47 he equation you gave is not correct. 5p/8 should do the trick but it doesn't. Should I write this as something with only two's?


I've tried to recreate your process in my code and it works reasonably but I get catastrophic failure if I split the movement like this.

 xpos=14 :  ypos=9 
 pfpixel xpos ypos on
 x0 = xpos : y0 = ypos
 if x < 8 then x1 = 0 : y1 = 8-x
 if x> 7 && x < 37 then x1 = x-8  :  y1 = 0
 if x > 36 && x < 44 then x1=29 : y1=36-x
 if x> 45 then x1 = 29 : y1 = 8
 gosub setup_move
 goto pf
However it just jumps all over the place and even makes sound if i got off screen far enough. :P I'll keep puzzling, but if anyone sees anything stupid please tell me.
Edited by Coolcrab
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I assume there is some limit to the math the atari can do?

While the 6502 can add and subtract, it does not have multiply or divide instructions. It does have bit shifting instructions, which are the equivalent to times two (shift left) or divide by two (shift right).


Those instructions are ASL and ROL for shift left, LSR and ROR for shift right.


In my tutorial I cover how you would multiple by five by converting

X * 5


X * 2 * 2 + X
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Ok I understand most of your code, but I was wondering how you came up with the equation for limiting p between 0-31. Is there a reason that its all div 2 and div4 instead of 53p/128? I assume there is some limit to the math the atari can do?


The code you gave is perfect, apart from the fact that the y position is changed with up and down. I want to add 3 if statements that make it go down in y when it reaches 0,0 and the player still presses left and the same for (31,0). Sothat you can swoop the entire border with just 2 directions. (soon to be paddles hopefully.) But since the range for x1 needs to be extended from 0-31 to 0-47 he equation you gave is not correct. 5p/8 should do the trick but it doesn't. Should I write this as something with only two's?





oops, yup I started with 13/32 but decided on more accuracy and forgot to change the comments when I went to 53/128


You're working with 8 bit bytes which limits you to integers 0..255. Any fractional part gets truncated.

so the idea is to keep the partial products as large as possible and not throw anything away before you need to

(with out having them too large, the first partial product is 5/4 before the second division by 4 so would overflow

for anything larger than 4/5 * 255 ie 205/4 + 205 = 256, too big)



You could do what you want with if statements but I'd just have a variable that ranged 0.. 50 (or what ever) and look up

x, y in a table it wouldn't take much more space and it would be a lot faster and it would be much more flexible.



Not sure what you're doing but in the changed code the set up and line drawing are no longer subroutines

although they could be if that was useful but I figured it would be faster if they weren't

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  • 1 month later...

I finally got some time to spend on this again. :) I managed to make the line move smooth from lower left to lower right and added in a star that the player needs to track. But its too fast and flies horizontally now.


I was wondering if it is possible to make payer0 rotate around a certain coordinate. Preferably some star appears somewhere in the lower left corner with a random y coordinate and then rises and sets around say the lower central point. (where the telescope is.)


Other than that, as far as I understand I can draw 2 stars at a time. Player1 and 2. Is it possible to draw any more if they behave the same anyway?




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  • 3 weeks later...

I guess that the name can be confusing.


I was also thinking of changing the score mechanics as to give you X points, and make them go down when observing the star. With each successful observation you need to work away more points and maybe the cloud moves faster. What do you think? (assuming that you tried it)

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New version added to main page. You now got to get the score down from 1000 to 0 before the healthbar runs out. If you manage then you get the health back and score gets rest.

Next step is to make the health lower and score higher for each iteration and perhaps add a second score for #levels.


I think that this can be seen as a demo.


Feedback welcome :D

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V0.5 is out! I added basic sound and changed the score mechanics.

The cloud now starts to move faster with each level and the star moves to a random location. (to simulate the selection of a new star)


I have a problem with the sound though, as it still keeps buzzing if you move the yellow beam off of a star or cloud. Any tips on fixing this?


Other feedback welcome!

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I have a problem with the sound though, as it still keeps buzzing if you move the yellow beam off of a star or cloud. Any tips on fixing this?

You don't seem to have any REMS and you are using some plain old non-descriptive variables, so it's hard to know what is happening in the program. Things like "if !j" and "if !n" don't tell me anything.

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I tried to fix the variables but the code is not working, so I'll try again in the weekend. :P But the important part is this I think. So if it collides with the star it plays sound 3, if it collides with the cloud then it plays sound 1. These sounds keep going unless you put in a stop sound. (as far as I understand) So I added an if for when the fire button is not pressed. But the sound still plays if you keep it pressed and move away from the star.

  if collision(player0,playfield) && !collision(player1,playfield) && joy0fire then j = j - 1 : AUDC0 = 3
  if collision(player1,playfield) && joy0fire then n=n-1 :  AUDC0 = 1
  if !joy0fire then AUDC0 = 0
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Looks like sound is happening in two lines below that too, so maybe the problem could be there.

I solved the sound problem, I had to add a sound stop when the beam didn't touch anything.


I also updated the game script to have descriptive variables, which helps I think.


The current change I am trying to make is to add paddle support when the left difficulty switch is set to A. I based it on RT's paddle example and tried to make the beam move as the paddle. However it still has some bugs that I didn't spot yet. (for some reason it goes to a game over when the paddle is all the way on the right)

Also it doesn't seem to work in paddle mode on the emulator (and I did change the control settings and reset the emulator. Could someone confirm?)


However it does work on my starpath supercharger so thats a way to test it. :P


Also how can I check how much space there is left on the 4k cart? I think that I might be reaching it.




Edited by Coolcrab
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