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my start with RB+ - barbarian project- need help


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  • 3 weeks later...


I have now finished de pc-ega version, nammed death sword in the usa in 1988

Its not the most beautiful but it will remember to you the ibm-pc of 80's ! :P


Download link :


Now 5/7 versions are finished

He next will be the appleII

Those versions could be done more quickly but i have not enough free time this summer

Stay tuned for the next rom ! :)

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  • 3 months later...

Hello, i'm back after some months of big work with my job, so i had no free time to coding !

This week-end i have found time to finish the appleII version :

Here is the link to download the rom :


Now, i will begin the last version of the 7 originals : the spectrum version !

I will give you some news in a few weeks for the end of this story

See ya


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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...


Just before the new year, i have just finished my 7th and last version of barbarian on jaguar

It's the zx spectrum version

It's not the most beautiful but i think its the first release of the 1987 palace team.

The sprites looks like the original draws of steve brown and the sorcerer look like in the 1986 movie "conan the barbarian"

This version has a menu, and for thanking all who helped me on atariage, i have add credits in the menu.

here is the link to download :


Now, my remake of this game is now finished.

Maybe in 2019 i will make an ehanced version ;)


I wish you all a good New Year's Eve

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Fs in chat for FL!


And a happy new year to everybody :)


[EDIT] After looking at the graphics, I agree with FL - they look much more detailed than the other versions. A pity the 16 bit versions didn't use these as a basis and just lazily ported some other 8-bit port (C64 or CPC?).

Edited by ggn
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Hello, the playability is the same on the 7 versions, only the gfx and the sfx/music are differents.

Each version have his default and his qualities

8 bits

C64 : fantastic music, but background have not enough coulors

Cpc : better colors et better sfx than c64 but music is better on c64 and the background is always the same in solo mode

AppleII : color and sfx are poor, music is ugly

Pc : color are ugly (ega) but music better than appleII. This is the only one version (8 or 16 bits) with a beautiful princess !

Spectrum : not enough color but the sprites are smooth than all other 8bits


16 bits

AtariST : nice music (same that cpc), digit sfx, the sprites and gfx are a little better than 8bits

Amiga : same sprites and sfx than atari, most colored backrground, but no music !


If you want to see all the versions, go on my youtube page, there are all here :



See ya

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it's strange, why is there a difference in tempo between the cartridge and skunk version? The 2 (default) differences between "classic" rom and skunk board is the wide and the speed of the data bus. Do not tell me that the tempo is given by the speed of the 68000 in rom?

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it's strange, why is there a difference in tempo between the cartridge and skunk version? The 2 (default) differences between "classic" rom and skunk board is the wide and the speed of the data bus. Do not tell me that the tempo is given by the speed of the 68000 in rom?


Don't worry, he wont. rB+ doesn't execute user code from ROM.

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