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Can't get Casette Programs to load via Smartphone or Computer.


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Hello! I recently got a CoCo 1 and have been trying to get it load programs via a Cassette cable I bought off Ebay.


Here's how it goes:


I load the .wav file onto the device. I get the wav files from here: http://www.colorcomputerarchive.com/coco/Cassettes/Games/


I connect the device via the cable to the device.


I type 'CLOAD' (or CLOADM, as applicable) and then that little prompt in the corner comes up. I press play. It blinks. It gets the correct name of the program. It appears to be loading. The recording stops. The little light blinks: 'OK' it says.


Now when I type 'Run', nothing happens.


I type 'List' and there's no program loaded.


It's like it wasn't loading anything at all. :-/.


What's going on? How can I potentially fix it?


I've tried various volume levels but that doesn't seem to matter. I KNOW it's loading /something/ because it's detecting the name of the program while it loads. :-/.

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I used a cassette-based Coco for many years (I never upgraded to disk), and I have never encountered this problem. Weird.


I would suggest increasing the volume, but since it is reading the header information/file title, that is probably not the problem.


It shows S in the top-left corner of the screen while searching the tape, followed by an F when it eventually finds your title.


There is also the SKIPF command that will check that a file is written to tape correctly, but will not load it into memory. (The EDASM+ cartridge thoughtfully renames this command VERIFY.)


You have probably tried this, but for a machine language program, uses EXEC to start it.

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