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running out of time or what?


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So, here's a stripped down version of my golem moving - the most relevant bit is this loop, which I do to erase all the old squares of it and then again to put them in the new place

cursorX = golemX
cursorY = golemY
for counter = 0 to GOLEM_END
  cursorX = golemShapeX[counter]
  cursorX = golemX + cursorX
  cursorY = golemShapeY[counter]
  cursorY = golemY + cursorY
  pfpixel cursorX cursorY on
next counter

GOLEM_END is 21 (because golemShape data goes up to 22)

If i set GOLEM_END to like 10, things are fine.


Am I running into a simple out of time problem, so dropping a frame?


Trying to confirm that is the problem, and ways around it:

* maybe sread() is more efficient?

* maybe drawing pixels "hardcoded" (though each would be an offset from golemX and golemY) and/or doing pfvlines would be faster?

* in theory i could just used fixed playfields for a set number of positions of the golem, and do a full screen clear

Of course there's always

* just accept the screenflick and say the earth shakes as the golem walks :-D



I don't know if a hardcoded set of draw instructions (maybe even pfvline ) would be more efficient, or if I should draw it once



Edited by kisrael
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