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Apple II Madness (Apple II Demos)


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I don't recall there ever being a demo thread for Apple II. Otherwise I would have marked it for following.


Unfortunately I never did recover all my GRAPHDB demo disks my buddies and I whipped up back in the day. GRAPHDB was just an arbitrary name I made up for a series of disks and means nothing. It probably did to my childhood mind, but damned if I remember what! The disks I did find were in the garage exposed for years. So that's that. Most were demos of animated art and geometry, not necessarily demo-demo material like the scene groups or anything. Maybe with a new coating and lubrication layer they might be readable. IDK.


Hell, the Apple II is disadvantaged when it comes to demos. You can't really "push" its hardware or uncover hidden tricks or use the hardware in unintentional ways when it comes to graphics and sound. Everything is rather finite and rigid for A/V output. There's simply "not enough". Unlike the TIA or custom chips in other 8-bit rigs. 30 and 40 years later we're still finding out how to trick those mystery circuits into doing something they weren't designed to do. Or thought of for. I swear the TIA and brethren are mixed signal, and that makes for a more organic flow. More ambiguity.


The creativity process in the Apple II seems different than most micros that followed it. You have an array of memory and that's basically it. There's a lot of hidden magic and ingenuity in the copy-protection & de-protection camp. And wouldn't you know it? That's were there's some analog circuitry! But that's a whole other field outside and away from demos.

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Some people have taken disks out of the original sleeve, cleaned them (not sure how) and inserted them in new sleeves.


That's the easy part. Cut, fold, tear, whatever, however. Wash with soap and water. Plain water, sometimes a bit of alcohol and water. All depends on the contaminant. Sometimes a short soak. OR you can use specialized chlorofluorhydrocarbon based cleaners. I find a damp Q-Tip good for spot-cleaning fungus.


TRIVIA: The bare disk substrate will work in a drive if you insert it and align it carefully. It will work for a long time because it doesn't really rub against anything except the head and pressure pads.

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Is this open for ALL Apple ][ Demos?


VeCaves II- Eat to survive (very early concept with Mockingboard support). - Spacebar is all you need to know.



Introduction to a future game TREX. (*128kb) (w/ *1bit digital sound) In development now!



Introduction to RiverRaid (*128kb) (w/ *1 bit digital sound)- Slated for development after TREX


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  • 2 years later...
On 2/19/2018 at 11:35 PM, JamesD said:

I tried 3 different searches and didn't find a similar topic... I hope it's not a dupe.



Does anyone know where I can get the source code for the 3d solid graphics demo here, any help much appreciated. I have a couple of methods to create the wire graphics and was also wondering whether this demo uses the points and lines method?


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On 10/7/2020 at 7:31 AM, ac.tomo said:


Does anyone know where I can get the source code for the 3d solid graphics demo here, any help much appreciated. I have a couple of methods to create the wire graphics and was also wondering whether this demo uses the points and lines method?


I'm not sure he has released the source code, but you can ask.

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  • 2 weeks later...
16 hours ago, The Usotsuki said:

The debugger is accessed via CALL -151, if that's what you mean? You can type something like


to display part of memory...


produces one screenful of disassembly starting at 0x1000, you can use


by itself to continue...

is that what you mean?



Yes, the 1000L was what I was looking for, thankyou. Also, does anyone know how I can PRINT the code?

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Here's a short BASIC program that will output a range of code (and a little extra) to a printer or to another slot:

 20  INPUT "END ADDR (DEC):   ";A2
 30  IF A1 = 0 AND A2 = 0 THEN  END
 40  INPUT "PRINT SLOT (0-7): ";SL
 50  PRINT  CHR$ (4)"PR#"SL
 60  POKE 59, INT (A1) / 256: POKE 58,A1 - 256 *  PEEK (59)
 70  CALL  - 415
 80  IF  PEEK (58) + 256 *  PEEK (59) < A2 THEN 70
 90  PRINT : PRINT  CHR$ (4)"PR#0"


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Many thanks for that, though, I do not have a real apple in front of me at the moment and so just using the emulator. Is it possible to enter your basic program into the emulator and direct it to print out to my pc printer (kodak verite 55)?

I'm actually not too up on the apple, I usually program other 6502 computers like the atari and commodore, but am now looking into accomplishing a couple of things on the apple and seeing what it's like.


EDT: also is it possible to output code from the emulator to a file that can be read with a word-processor such like WORD.

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33 minutes ago, Keatah said:

From the Applesoft BASIC prompt..





Does that do what you're looking for?




That certainly does a couple of things, whether its what I'm after I don't know. I think I lack the knowledge of commands, for instance; I loaded in the MASTER disk file, typed 'the above' and I typed 'list' and it showed a screen full of object and assembly code, but how would the command syntax look if I wanted to save dis-assembled memory to a TeXT file? Perhaps my next step is to check out an apple BASIC syntax book.


nb* and what is that inversing about?

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On 10/22/2020 at 11:48 PM, The Usotsuki said:

Here's a short BASIC program that will output a range of code (and a little extra) to a printer or to another slot:

 20  INPUT "END ADDR (DEC):   ";A2
 30  IF A1 = 0 AND A2 = 0 THEN  END
 40  INPUT "PRINT SLOT (0-7): ";SL
 50  PRINT  CHR$ (4)"PR#"SL
 60  POKE 59, INT (A1) / 256: POKE 58,A1 - 256 *  PEEK (59)
 70  CALL  - 415
 80  IF  PEEK (58) + 256 *  PEEK (59) < A2 THEN 70
 90  PRINT : PRINT  CHR$ (4)"PR#0"



I typed this program into the apple basic screen and it does exactly what I need, but how can I print the dis-assembly to a text format file?

Lastly, if I load the 3d demo, and then load up the MASTER file (BASIC I presume) will the 3d demo still be in the memory?


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Many thanks Usotsuki, that's just the ticket.

What I'd like to do now is dis-assemble the 3d demo to a text file, but to do that I need to know where the data and the code is situated. I have this table, how accurate it is I'm not sure:







But, I don't know where the main code sits. Any help much appreciated. If you require a link to the 'wire-graphic' source code, or the disk image for the full solid graphic images just ask.


NB* I also understand that you can dis-assemble memory to a TeXT file in the debugger using the MD command, but does anyone know exactly how?

Edited by ac.tomo
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