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I don't think I'd call this a work in progress, more like exploring some ideas


The code is buggy there aren't many comments and it's full of kruft


the stuff in the bottom left corner is the upper byte of a 9 bit counter which

is supposed to be keeping track of the number of playfield blocks but it doesn't quite


edit: forgot to mention I had to adjust some stuff in the 2600basic.h file

but I don't know how it comports with RevEng's latest and greatest

I moved playfieldpos = $F0 and commented out the calculations

for playfield from pfres



Edited by bogax
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Can you explain how this works?


dim p0x = player0x.y
dim p0y = player0y.y
dim p0lo = y
dim m0x = missile0x.x
dim m0y = missile0y.x
dim m0lo = x
dim p1x = player1x.w
dim p1y = player1y.w
dim p1lo = w
dim m1x = missile1x.v
dim m1y = missile1y.v
dim m1lo = v
dim blx = ballx.u
dim bly = bally.u
dim bllo = u
I've tried using the same variable for both x & y like you do with U V W X & Y but it allways results in jerky motion, don't think I understand how it works exactly?
Can I do that? I am doing this now..
dim _P1_L_R = player1x.v
dim _P1_U_D = player1y.w
dim _robotspeed = l.var0
if player1x < temp6 then _P1_L_R=_P1_L_R+ _robotspeed
if player1x > temp6 then _P1_L_R=_P1_L_R- _robotspeed
if player1y - l > 93 then _P1_U_D=_P1_U_D- _robotspeed else player1y = 93 ; makes the player stop at y-pos 93 no mather what speed it has
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I'm trying to get the players to chase the ball object that you controll left and right ( temp6= _BALL_L_R -4 )

Or I'm doing that allready but I'm trying to save variables if I can?


Yup, that's exactly what it's for, but player1-4 only moves upwards and player5-8 only moves down..


if player5x < temp6 then _P5_L_R = _P5_L_R + _robotspeed
if player5x > temp6 then _P5_L_R = _P5_L_R - _robotspeed
if player5y + l < 66 then _P5_U_D = _P5_U_D + _robotspeed else player5y = 66
So if player1y=94 and l=5, then the next time it will "snap" to 93 instead of move to 89 like this would
if player1y > 93 then _P1_U_D=_P1_U_D - _robotspeed
Edited by Lillapojkenpåön
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I'm still not clear on what your trying to do that it's not doing

if you're trying to get it to wrap around from 0 to 93 then maybe something like this

_P1_U_D = _P1_U_D - _robotspeed
if player1y > 93 then player1y = player1y + 93

Edited by bogax
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It's doing what it should do :) I was just wondering how you're using the same variable in your 8.8 type x & y variables


dim p1x = player1x.w
dim p1y = player1y.w
Just w while I have to use both v & w
dim _P1_L_R = player1x.v
dim _P1_U_D = player1y.w
So I'm wondering if I could also use just one variable in some way? Just making shure I'm not currently wasting nine variables if I don't have to?
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It's doing what it should do :) I was just wondering how you're using the same variable in your 8.8 type x & y variables


dim p1x = player1x.w
dim p1y = player1y.w
Just w while I have to use both v & w
dim _P1_L_R = player1x.v
dim _P1_U_D = player1y.w
So I'm wondering if I could also use just one variable in some way? Just making shure I'm not currently wasting nine variables if I don't have to?



it only uses the fractional part in one direction at a time


if the angle is less than 45 or greater than 135 the x direction is whole integer and the y is fractional

other wise y is integers and x is fractional

Edited by bogax
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