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TI and the MiniPro TL866 EPROM Programmer


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  • 3 weeks later...

It appears that development on the TL866CS/A has been halted - no updates in the past year. Also, even the number of counterfeit units has dropped significantly on eBay. That being said, even a counterfeit unit with a V 6.80 or above version is quite useful for the TI. The vast majority of upgrades to its replacement, the TL866II, are for low-voltage chips and besides, it will not program ANY chips with a Vpp above 18V.

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  • 1 month later...

There has been a breakthrough in the form of the creation of an adapter to replace the TI TMS2564 (28-pin package) with ANY 2764. Thanks to FARMERPOTATO, we now have a tested, viable adapter to use for some of our older gear that used the TMS2564. The adapter does two things:


1) It allows for the replacement of the uncommon TI TMS2564 which was used in the Percom FDC, HEXBUS, etc., with ANY modern, readily-available 2764 chip.


2) It also allows for the replacement of the rather expensive legacy 25V EPROM programmers with the cheaper, lower voltage 21V USB (like the TL866CS/A) versions.


Here are the pin outs for the adapter which worked fine in testing (at least on the Percom FDC):


TI TMS2564 (BOTTOM)      to           ANY 2764 CHIP

         Pin #                                             Pin #

             2    S1*                                        22  G*

           27    S2 *                                       NC or put 22 G here but not both

           22   PD/PGM                                 20   E*

           20   A11                                         23   A11

           23   A12                                           2   A12

           26   Vcc                                        26 (typically N/C), 27 PGM, 28 Vcc


All the rest of the pins are connected straight through ( i.e., 1 -> 1, 3 -> 3. etc.). I will probably put together a "programming" version to allow a TMS2564 to be programmed as a 2764 at 21V just to see if might be possible. If a similar production mask was used for the TMS2564 as was used on the TMS2532, it might even program at 21V. However, except as an "exercise of curiousity", it really is redundant so there is no urgency to trying this experiment. Thank you, FARMERPOTATO!


Also, BRAIN is currently working on a "mini-board" adapter that will allow the user to substitute a 2764 -> 27512 for a TMS2564 and plans to make it available on GitHub and on his website www.go4retro.com when it is finalized. 




Edited by atrax27407
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Here is a synopsis of programming (replacing) chips requiring a 25V Vpp:


TMS2532 (Motorola MCM2532C, Hitachi HN462532G) - will all program at 21V on the TL866CS/A with an adapter.


2716 ( NEC D2716D and ST M2716) - are 21V chips and are programmed natively by the TL866CS/A. They can also be replace by programming the first half of a 2732.


TMS2564 - can be replaced with ANY 2764 by placing an adapter in the TMS2564 socket in the device. 

Edited by atrax27407
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For those who are interested (and need a copy), I have all of the updates for the TL866CS/A from Vn 6.0 through Vn 6.85. I also have the TL866II updates from Vn 7.0 through Vn 9.16. If anyone needs a copy of one of the older versions, contact me by PM.

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Hi guys.

I need a favor. I have updated ROMs for my Heathkit H19 terminal but I don't have the equipment to burn them. Anyone here able and willing to burn them for me? All costs paid of course.

The first one is the MYH19.HEX file which needs to go onto a 2532 EPROM, and the second one is the KEYBD.HEX file which needs either a 2516 or 2716 EPROM. Files attached.

Please PM me if interested.


Watzman H19 ROM.zip

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  • 2 months later...

It appears, judging from the support list for the new hardware (the T56) that is supports everything the TL866II does plus 21V chips as well. I'll have to see if I can find one somewhere. There is also a schedule of upcoming updates for the device. The current support list is almost 21,000 chips.



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It appears that the T56 will also do 25V chips. I got the following reply from Autoelectric:


I am interested in the new T56 eprommer. Will it program both 21V and 25V eproms as well as the TL866II support list? When will it be available for purchase? 


10:56 AM (1 hour ago)
to me
VCC voltage 1.2-6.5V 64 levels adjustable,
       VPP voltage 6.5-25V 64 levels adjustable.
       IO communication signal voltage continuously adjustable 1.2V-3.6V
       VCC 120MA-320MA overcurrent protection continuously adjustable
       VPP 120MA overcurrent protection.
Shanghai Yanshuang electronic Co.,Ltd.
Shanghai Yanshuang Electronic Co.,Ltd.
Attn: Yan Yan (Anna)

Best Regards.
Haiku Xingong Electronics Co,Ltd
Tel: 0086-0898-68681816
Email: 532007590@qq.com
Contact: Engineer Wang
Here is the support list:

XGecu T56 Universal Programmer Device Support List.docx

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One note: I don't see some of the useful 16-bit chips on the programming list (like the 27C160, although the 27C400 and 800 are there). It also seems to be missing a lot of the Atmel stuff (no 1284s, I didn't check for the rest of the Atmega family). Looks like they do plan on getting the missing items added by June though, so it isn't a long-term deal breaker.

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Anyone know where I can get a list of Device IDs? For example, Device ID = 97 85. Who makes it and what is it? TI 27C512 15JL.


Or is this information generally mfg specific and too arbitrary to include in a comprehensive list?


Edited by Keatah
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