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Writing a PLATO terminal for IRATA.ONLINE for STs

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Hello, I'm the systems operator for http://www.irata.online/an on-line service for retro-computing enthusiasts.


As part of this service, it is possible to write terminals for this service, due to the unique protocol used.


I have attached a definition of the protocol used on port 8005 of this service, and there is example source code on the website (the pterm source), which can be used as a reference.


As I am currently working on the Android version of this terminal, I wanted to see if anyone else was interested in implementing a portal to a truly unique system and piece of preserved history?




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Comms were never my strong suit so I'm not inclined to help. Never heard of the PLATO system before, it looks interesting.


In any case, if anyone wants to help I found source code in a repository I maintain that implements a barebones terminal emulator for the Atari ST. It can be found here: https://github.com/ggnkua/Atari_ST_Sources/tree/master/C/Michael%20Bernards


Good luck with this project!

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Ok. Understood. I see references to sting.. As near as I can tell, the terminal would have two options:


* Serial (for 8266's and the like)

* Network (for STING and the like)

I can help implement the protocol side of things, and help bring the whole project together. What this needs is somebody well versed enough in doing ST apps in C that can handle the display output, particularly:


* scaling to the target window resolution from the original PLATO resolution (512x512)

* Keeping track of mapped palette colors, as PLATO uses a 24-bit color space.

* Low level networking and serial comms


I am currently finishing up the first version of the Android terminal, so my role here is to try and get interested people in to try the IRATA.ONLINE system, show what's possible, and foster interest to make usable terminal programs, since this is truly a unique online service that has been resurrected from the dead, nothing like it.



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