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2 hours ago, CharlieChaplin said:

I am wondering why you spend your time to create code intentionally so your programs do not work on certain hardware

Even your question suggesting something like this is insolent.
I asked you, give me an example of my program which intentionally does not work on VBXE, Rapidus or U1MB - with an example. If you don't do it, you are simply a slanderer.

I answered you and you still don't understand:
- I use unpublished codes https://xxl.atari.pl/sally-6502c/
I'm not interested that they don't work on any modified computer. They work on a standard Atari and I write for such a computer. If you do not accept this, do not use my programs.
- I use LZ4 decompression in a binary file - I'm not interested that some DOS doesn't support it - I provide a solution for standard atari that allows you to use it. If you don't accept it, don't use my software,
- I use hardware repetitive registers (with the exception of documented third-party modifications) - the manufacturer U1MB has also published its registers which I omit. Apparently, this modification works incorrectly if it behaves contrary to the documentation.


Your question was insolent and publicly asked was to discriminate my actions.

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I have a simple Gravity Worms question. Since there are not any instructions included, what game is it similar to?


I would like to make sure I know what I am doing. 

The game works great on my stock NTSC XEGS. I am just not sure I understand the objective though. Thanks. 

Bob C

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This is a puzzle game where you take the worms to the exit (pulsating object).


The exit opens when there are no fruits on the board that the worms can eat and grow. Various objects that you can lift / move or drop as well as gravity will help you in completing the task. Objects between themselves and the worms interact. 

Remember that on some planets the cooperation of two worms is very important.



Edited by xxl
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On 12/24/2019 at 3:57 PM, xxl said:

Copy the file from ATR, you will be able to load it from LiteDOS 3 because it already supports compressed blocks in binary files.

is there a way how to decompress it to normal xex usable in standard DOS ? (iam using 64k MDADOK cart DOS)

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Because "simply using d301" wouldn't make it crash on U1MB (Ultimate 1MB) expanded Atari, which apparently doesn't fit xxl's ideal vision of "pure" 8-bit Atari, so he takes U1MB users as hostages fighting it and doesn't give a damn about fewer audience of his software.

Be it indeed a flaw of U1MB or not, that's not a sign of coder's good will, to say the least.

Edited by Jacques
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10 minutes ago, CharlieChaplin said:

Thanks to Voy (and Baktra), here is a U1MB-friendly fileversion of Gravity Worms (unpacked).

Voy also made a U1MB-friendly version of Udders (see post 6 from April 20th, 2017).


Glad to see there's no reason besides malice for this hardware to not work.  What ever will the reason be I wonder?

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U1MB makes use of addresses from D380 to D3FF, even if only few registers are defined in current specification, rest is RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE, and should be treated as such

PORTB and PIA chip is not mapped into this address space at all

xxl deliberatly makes use of that reserved address space excluding group of 3000+ atari computers (as i was told) to run his software - bravo

just keep in mind this is also the case with Incognito equipped machines

there is limited address space inside atari, and having to waste 256 bytes of space just to map hardware that has 4 locations is wastefull, but understandable from the point of original designers - full address decoder costs, per unit, and every penny counts

U1MB reuses that wasted space - in current implementation only partially, but i rather have some space to grow, than squeeze it in the beggining and worry later how to add something new like DMA or whatever i would come with


the game uses compressed executable? really? what for? to load slower?


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/29/2019 at 2:48 AM, CharlieChaplin said:

Thanks to Voy (and Baktra), here is a U1MB-friendly fileversion of Gravity Worms (unpacked).

Voy also made a U1MB-friendly version of Udders (see post 6 from April 20th, 2017).




I cannot get this to load correctly on my 130XE with Stereo Pokey, U1MB from eihter an Ultimate Cartridge or Sio2SD.


I always either get a crash after the titlescreen, or no title screen and can only play 5 levels. Oh well such a pity a great game such as this and I have to play it via Emulation only :(


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1 hour ago, CraigsBar said:

I cannot get this to load correctly on my 130XE with Stereo Pokey, U1MB from eihter an Ultimate Cartridge or Sio2SD.


I always either get a crash after the titlescreen, or no title screen and can only play 5 levels. Oh well such a pity a great game such as this and I have to play it via Emulation only :(




that version seems to work fine on my real Atari 800XL (PAL), real 1050 with Speedy enhancement and XL-OS Rev. 2. But errmmm, I am no good player in this game and have solved maybe one or two levels - so it could be, that it crashes after five or more levels...


Other reasons for the game not working could be e.g. NTSC issues ?, stereo issues ? OS issues (what OS does your XE have?) and/or Cartridge/SIO2SD based XEX-loader or timing issues ? I have tested that version only under emulation (Atari 800 Win) and later with a real 1050 floppy drive, not with Ultimate cart. or SIO2SD. But I can do such tests, since I have both the Ultimate cart. and SIO2SD... will report back then...


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6 minutes ago, CharlieChaplin said:



that version seems to work fine on my real Atari 800XL (PAL), real 1050 with Speedy enhancement and XL-OS Rev. 2. But errmmm, I am no good player in this game and have solved maybe one or two levels - so it could be, that it crashes after five or more levels...


Other reasons for the game not working could be e.g. NTSC issues ?, stereo issues ? OS issues (what OS does your XE have?) and/or Cartridge/SIO2SD based XEX-loader or timing issues ? I have tested that version only under emulation (Atari 800 Win) and later with a real 1050 floppy drive, not with Ultimate cart. or SIO2SD. But I can do such tests, since I have both the Ultimate cart. and SIO2SD... will report back then...


The easiest way to answer that is with a picture (or 2)




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On 12/29/2019 at 3:48 AM, CharlieChaplin said:

here is a U1MB-friendly fileversion of

please remove attachment. This game has Freeware status - just like any work on SV2019 (that means you can distribute it without modification). Stop breaking my rights.

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4 hours ago, xxl said:

please remove attachment. This game has Freeware status - just like any work on SV2019 (that means you can distribute it without modification). Stop breaking my rights.

There never was an attachment here at Atari Age forum, it was a direct link instead to the XEX file hosted at atarionline.pl forum...




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8 hours ago, CraigsBar said:

I cannot get this to load correctly on my 130XE with Stereo Pokey, U1MB from eihter an Ultimate Cartridge or Sio2SD.


I always either get a crash after the titlescreen, or no title screen and can only play 5 levels. Oh well such a pity a great game such as this and I have to play it via Emulation only :(


xxl writes software which specifically is made to break on U1MB equipped machines.  Even though he denies this, other people have shown multiple times how a simple fix can be done.  This is 100% proof positive he is deliberately crippling the software for U1MB machines.

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