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Fan response thread

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Fans are like Cakes, as in they're sweet when they get their way and quickly go bad when their favorite games get screwed up. This thread aims to destroy and


crush any and all fan arguments, by poking hole in their defense of said games. I will be flamed, but i can take it. But, if you think i will be soft, leave now.


Game series 1: Call of Duty.


The COD community is TOXIC. Besides being populated by screaming 12 year old boys and Hackers, they also take joy in being as sadistic and as mean as


possible. Don't know how to quick-scope? they'll teach you, by insulting your skills and labeling you a N00b. Maybe it;s me, but i take offense to that label.


There are literally thousands of Gamers that play COD, half have no social life, and the other half are most likely like me: having Motor skill issues and are


introverted, and yet can type beautifully and have a passion for writing and have a love for art and life itself. While i desperately want to meet such people, i cannot


do so online because i will have this waiting for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jnim1ouN8o0, and that is sad really. This is why i barely go online, (The


other reason is because MW3 has a sadistic streak when it comes to African Americans, half the time you will end up as a black redshirt armed with only an


AK-47 and pure luck.


Fan argument: I don't like x, so implement y


I don't care if the next COD is 60 bucks and comes with an actual machine gun, the player base will whine and whine about every single change. I mean, isn't it


enough that the Developers have to come into work at 10:00 Am at night and debug each and Every single level, then go back home, get 3 hours rest, come


back and do it all over? Now, i'm obviously not referring to Activision because they died a long time ago. Now, Activision is a pox. So yeah, whine about how the


lag is killing your match. cry over the fact that the M60 doesn't have the proper reload animation and weep over the insanely detailed but historically inaccurate


settings of the game. the point is: You voted with your dollar and got a case full of crap. it's your fault. now, this won't stop me from getting COD WWII but i


wanted to point this out. It is disrespectful to the developers and annoying to the fans. Worse, is when certain fans send death threats. Not cool people.


these people should be denied system updates, barred from online until 2999 and have a big fat "LOSER" tag over their gamertag.


that's pretty much my opening salvo. please post your biggest video game fandom pet peeves here




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You won't get any arguments from me on this point. Online gaming is hugely toxic... I don't even bother with it 98% of the time. If there were more cooperative games it would probably help, but it nevertheless proves that people who should know better will do all kinds of horrible things if they can do it anonymously and without fear of consequence. Let's turn the clock back thirty years. If you acted this way in an arcade, just feet away from other players, how long would you expect to remain there without getting your nose punched into the back of your head? Etiquette is really not too much to ask, and you should be expected to follow it even if there's no chance you'll be tenderized by the other player's fists.

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Back in the PS3 era I wanted to give an online FPS a try with the headset and all that; naively, I thought it had the potential to be really fun. I ended up trying it ONE time for about 30 minutes, and that was enough of that. This was probably back in 2011 or so. It was just a bunch of punk ass kids spewing filthy language and hiding behind their anonymity. Seriously, I find that whole culture very ugly and depressing. It plays out like a YouTube comment section in real time.

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2011 that had been going on for years, and it still happens now. Online especially in the more violent stuff is just awful as it brings in those types of trolls and losers, and also the stalker types who harass specific people for sport too to drive them off and onto their next victim. I find that in stuff like Guild Wars the atmosphere there was anti that kind of garbage so typically it was far better so it could very well be genre of game based stupidity.


THose a-holes tend to have the gaming media in their pocket as they give them the most hits and mouthy support so they pander which makes it worse. Ever notice and this goes back to the Gamecube/PS2/XB era you would find games getting entire 1-2 points (from 10) docked for not having online play like it made a game far worse. They'd talk up the community, the voice or text chat, how great it was, but you go online and much of it was those a-holes screaming at each other, racism, cursing, etc the works. Never see that come up except some genres talking how they have filters in check for idiots. Another thing you'd see now more than ever with the Switch is that what was cool 20 years ago on N64 is awful now, couch co-op and couch multiplayer(implied 4 and up.) It's like you're a caveman idiot if you're offline killing a friend in a FPS or doing some tactical, strategy, party, etc game like it's some crime against coolness. Perhaps people prefer that? Nothing beats if you have a jerk in the room or a friend who you're fed up with, just turning around and telling them to get the f out or hitting them hard when they'd act like those jerks online as it won't be put up with. You can have a far more competitive, fun, and personal experience in a room with +1, +3 or however the system setup(s) would allow. If COD were setup that way, screaming kid would be gone in seconds, as would the rest of the human garbage.

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I like the idea of online gaming, especially with persistent voice chat. Turns out, I don't like most people who spend large amounts of time playing video games. I don't play the "let's shoot everyone in the head" game very often, but when I do, I don't wear a headset or listen to chat.


Not much of a fan of Penny Arcade either, but I like this now-classic comic:





Glad to hear that Guild Wars isn't like that ... this is more like the sort of game that interests me. I am in a regular raiding group in Lineage II Revolution (phone game by the Guild Wars company) that has a standing Discord chat, and I might just use that once in a while. But probably not!

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Glad to hear that Guild Wars isn't like that ... this is more like the sort of game that interests me. I am in a regular raiding group in Lineage II Revolution (phone game by the Guild Wars company) that has a standing Discord chat, and I might just use that once in a while. But probably not!

That's good to hear too. I've never used DIscord, seemed like yet another service to feed my email to. GW1 is a Co-op single or multiplayer Co-op-RPG with a good story and a set amount of stages to do around a larger world, and they sold additional chapters which were as large as the original game making the world go up in size 3x beyond the original and each added some new little cool features like semi-smart AI bots you could setup or manipulate, a few more classes, etc. There are MP areas on it, sections off arenas and they work well, also guild and guild fights. The game has been online about 10 years now I think, and I spent around 4-5 on it with my best friend until we got into GW2. That one is like WoW, but they actually did years of interviews with committed and quitter WoW players taking all their advice on what sucked about the game and format and what worked, and it paid off. They created a pay once setup title (not monthly or lose your shit like like most) that's as large as WoW in scope with a persistent very vast world with lots to do. Random hunts, random raids, team or not stuff, lots of story and subplot elements, PvP and World vs World on a huge epic map, and other junk. GW2 fairly recently go its first booster pack like GW1 (or WoW) would get and really added a heap to it.


I'd still be playing it if it didn't depress me a bit, I had about a year into it when my best friend died of a widow maker around Christmas 4 years ago and it put me off it. I think I should play it again some day but I'd have to erase my character as his is bound to mine and un-erasable under guild ownership.

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Sorry to hear about your friend. I can see how something like that would put you off of a "social" game, and trying it with others wouldn't be the same.


I have GW2 on PC and haven't paid a dime for it. Such a pleasant "theme park" of an MMO! I suspect it would be more fun to play with friends, but I kinda like just tooling around in these types of games by myself.

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Yup it was a put off after going 5 years at it. I tried when my high school nephews bought the game and begged me to adventure with them. I put up with it for about a month before I let on why I'd make excuses some day not to bother and kind of stopped there. Like I said, I probably could just erase the character to unbind the account to that guild hall but just never did it. The game has been so grossly updated since for the better I'd be lost anywhere from where I stopped.


I did get into the f2p Star Trek Online after that, recently started it up a couple weeks ago again but wiped that player because re-learning it and picking up seemed too much.


GW2 has that kind of way about it I guess, you can find all sorts of stuff to amuse yourself with that randomly happen or are planned by the game. It's totally playable alone too, just need to be smarter about it. GW1 you couldn't do that in a couple spots which is why they added the smart bots you arm up, because before that you had sometimes to wait minutes or well longer for a party to form for a few of the stages which sucked as you could get idiots or the competent.

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I wouldn't say call of duty, most fps games have those people that swear like second graders (I know all teh words, but not proper usage)


Of course every other person years me and says "on my god, another redneck" wow, is my voice that bad? LOL I usually just say something like oh my god, another biggot. Hilarious when someone inevitably asks what that is.


These games need a few things. One would be cheat proofing. I see no reason someone should be magically good because they bought a $200 controller. Things like the people who can runn, but the ground and jump all at the same time, all while shooting. Nevermind this can't be done legitimately on a standard controller, meaning this is supported in game for having a special controller. Shooting through walls, one thing when it's an accidental thing, a different thing when the replay shows the guy tweaking a shot to shoot you where there's no way to know your there. These goddamned games update every other day, there's no way they couldn't take that shit out, or have an alternative area to keep the cheaters in a different area from legit players. Though I guess it is pretty funny to see those guys with 5+ kd ratios and my crappy see can easily take them out at my pathetic 1.2 kd. Two, could be lumped in with cheating, as it's done a lot, but does happen regardless of intended cheating. Group people based on internet connection. I see zero reason to be on with people who are untouchable, and yet you keep dying because of the lag. Not just current connection, but check the drops while in game, should be easy to log the cheaters this way. And three, have a more robust rating system for users, and a way to sort and search them so you can simply avoid garbage people.

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I wouldn't say call of duty, most fps games have those people that swear like second graders (I know all teh words, but not proper usage)


I would go further and say most online games, like that xckd comic proposes. It's a truism, but, well, a true one. Same with commenting, online dating, what have you. Guess in FPS games the adrenaline build up might be faster and more explosive than in a MMORPG but as we all know these games can also be full of obnoxious twerps.


And I find raging on COD rather boring, it's became the whipping boy of videogaming over the years. But in reality there's nothing especially wrong with this series than with any other long running one. Most their games are at least solid, the endless tweaking of the MP towards monetization just the sign of the times and general malady.


I also don't believe the obnoxiousness is a modern thing - I was a Quake 1/2 fanatic and things could get pretty hairy back then too, only texting takes more time, is nigh on impossible in-game and spamming few "u fag" kinda binds can be easily ignored. Remember the same watching the RTS Starcraft crowd too.


Later on I stopped playing MP altogether, only was addicted to Planetside 2 briefly recently. Then I simply played without the voice chat on. Could be a problem if you're a team-oriented player, but I guess there are some basic text binds for that too.

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I've not done a lot of online gaming because, as others have said, people suck.


I was in an online race in Forza once where it was just three cars. Me and two other people. I always try to race clean. The other two people did nothing but try to crash each other... thankfully leaving me alone. Because they couldn't control themselves and quit trying to make each other lose, I won. What happens afterwards? One of them complains to me that I was being an asshole. Really? So busy being an asshole with another asshole that you couldn't see the name of the asshole that was being an asshole to you?


People suck.

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