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Space Harrier Update 2018


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It requires an 8Mb cart, so it will only work on the 8Mb AtariMax carts or the Ultimate cart. It will not work on the Uno

"Space Harrier 2011" is honestly the sole reason that I purchased an Ultimate Cart since I already owned a UNO.

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"Space Harrier 2011" is honestly the sole reason that I purchased an Ultimate Cart since I already owned a UNO.

It and Atari Blast! was the only reason i bought an Atarimax 8Mb cart and the programmer. Though I use the programmer for more now, and I also have The!Cart I could use...still have the original 2011 version on The!Cart but changed my Atarimax cart to the new version.

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It and Atari Blast! was the only reason i bought an Atarimax 8Mb cart and the programmer. Though I use the programmer for more now

Maybe I should have gone that route instead. I decided against it because it would have been a bigger outlay of money all at once but now I'd kind of like to have an AtariMax Programmer for it's cartridge dumping abilities.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Guys, it's pretty nice discussion with quite a lot of new versions, but that causes a bit of confusion ;)


Which is the current/latest/best/stable one, not some kind of experiment attached to the subsequent posts?

That said, does the author edit 1st post, so the attached files are always the ones to have (for PAL, NTSC machine)?

Besides, does "black" mean just black background of title screen or what? ;)

Edited by Jacques
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The one posted above in post 128 is the latest version. I prefer the one just before it which is the same, but with more frequent mushroom cloud explosions. The latest one is more accurate to the arcade with less frequent mushroom cloud explosions. The one previous to both of these is the same as the one I prefer, but the shadows are dark gray instead of black.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This version of Space Harrier is mind boggling. How it was done so well on our Atari 8-bit computer I'll never understand.

I am hoping to see more! A man's work is never done right? Does this release support duel pokeys by chance? That would be neat!


I am trying to get the .car file onto an AtariMax cart, but it won't except a .car file? Any help?

Edited by electrohaze
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strip car header off and use atarimax studio to make flasher, put amax cart in atari, boot flasher disk and run... Atari will perform/verify erase and then write the image. when done cold start to enjoy the game.


Everything else is cake, but no idea how to "strip the car header off." How does one go about doing this?



Kyle22, I didn't know about Uflash, I'l check it out!


Sheddy, thanks for the .bin version, I go get it now!

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I didn't realize I had to convert it to an ATR then program the entire cartridge with that .ATR.



Now it's done and I am playing it! I was actually playing the PC Engine version of Space Harrier today before trying this out.

I gotta say I am really impressed with this port. The framrate is really good and graphics amazing to see on Atari 8-bit. I am most pleased with the sound. The vocal samples are nice and clear. They sound very poor in comparison on the PC Engine. It's nice hear something else that uses duel Pokeys, that also will run on my NTSC 130XE!

Edited by electrohaze
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  • 3 weeks later...

If it's of interest to anyone, I've just done a video review of this and have uploaded it to Youtube. Not knowing any technical details, I've not mentioned any...


something needs to be done with his method of video, it looks like it's not showing all the colors and such


It isn't showing all the colors. It's catching half of the "screen flipping", and not always the same half.


If you're using Altirra to record a video of games like Space Harrier, you need to make sure you check the "Frame Blending" box in System -> Configure System -> Outputs -> Video -- as shown below.


Otherwise people will get the wrong impression of what the graphics look like in the game.



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I would take a guess that this game engine should be able to handle the Super Hang On game - with the view that it's hardware is similar to that of the Space Harrier hardware? I can imagine it would be a lot of work to do it, still.


It would be too much to expect it to handle anything along the likes of Outrun, Powerdrift, Galaxy Force II, or Thunderblade.



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