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Having trouble with a RAM label in self-modifying code (DASM)

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I adapted a self-modifying 48-pixel routine from JAC!'s Silly Venture 2017 Invitro for a little personal project, and for some reason the address of one of the immediate operands in the routine, 4thColumn, is being treated as an absolute address instead of zero-page, even when zero-page addressing is specified with the .z suffix applied to a STA. Could someone help me figure out why DASM is running into this issue? I'm running version 2.20.11 on Windows.


Here is the listing for my RAM declarations so far:

     10 U0000 ????				      seg.u	RAM
     11 U0080					      org	$80
     12 U0080
     13 U0080		       00 00 00 00*ramDraw    ds	52	;buffer for self-modifying code
     14 U0080		       00 81	   loadIndex  equ	ramDraw + 1	;immediate operand, init'ed before draw
     15 U0080		       00 8f	   colorTable equ	ramDraw + 15	;bottom of sliding color window, init'ed during vblank
     16 U0080		       00 a6	   4thColumn  equ	ramDraw + 38	;immediate operand, set in media res
     17 U00b4		       00	   temp       ds	1
     18 U00b5		       00 00	   bgPtr      ds	2
     19 U00b7		       00	   gfxHeight  ds	1
Here are all the store instructions that I will use in relation to the self-modifying kernel (to be clear, I wish to avoid needing to use the .z suffix). I see that DASM isn't initializing the 4thColumn address.

    124  f8ab		       85 81		      sta	loadIndex
    125  f8ad		       85 8f		      sta	colorTable
    126  f8af		       85 90		      sta	colorTable+1
C:\Users\galen\Desktop\vcsdev\big_mood.asm (127): error: Syntax Error '4thColumn'.
    127  f8b1		       8d 00 00 	      sta	4thColumn
C:\Users\galen\Desktop\vcsdev\big_mood.asm (128): error: Syntax Error '4thColumn'.
    128  f8b4               8d 00 00           sta.z    4thColumn
And here is the issue exhibited in context:

     99  f876				   ramDrawTemplate
    100  f876		       a0 00		      ldy	#00	;02 , 63:189 (loadIndex @ +1)
    101  f878		       b9 00 00 	      lda	gfx0,y	;04 , 67
    102  f87b		       85 1b		      sta	GRP0	;03 , 70
    103  f87d		       85 02		      sta	WSYNC	;!0
    104  f87f		       b9 00 00 	      lda	gfx1,y	;04 , 04
    105  f882		       85 1c		      sta	GRP1	;03 , 07
    106  f884		       b9 00 00 	      lda	clrTab,y	;04 , 11:033 (colorTable @ +15)
    107  f887		       8d 08 01 	      sta	$100+COLUPF	;04 , 15
    108  f88a		       b9 00 00 	      lda	gfx2,y	;04 , 19
    109  f88d		       85 1b		      sta	GRP0	;03 , 22
    110  f88f		       b9 00 00 	      lda	gfx3,y	;04 , 26
C:\Users\galen\Desktop\vcsdev\big_mood.asm (111): error: Syntax Error '4thColumn'.
    111  f892		       8d 00 00 	      sta.z	4thColumn	;03 , 29
    112  f895		       be 00 00 	      ldx	gfx4,y	;04 , 33
    113  f898		       b9 00 00 	      lda	gfx5,y	;04 , 37
    114  f89b		       a8		      tay		;02 , 39
    115  f89c		       a9 00		      lda	#00	;02 , 41:123 (4thColumn @ +38)
    116  f89e		       85 1c		      sta	GRP1	;03 , 44
    117  f8a0		       86 1b		      stx	GRP0	;03 , 47
    118  f8a2		       84 1c		      sty	GRP1	;03 , 50
    119  f8a4		       84 1b		      sty	GRP0	;03 , 53
    120  f8a6		       c6 81		      dec	loadIndex	;05 , 58
    121  f8a8		       d0 cc		      bne	ramDrawTemplate	;*2 , 60/61
    122  f8aa		       60		      rts		;06 , 66:198 - 52 bytes
The graphics and color addresses are uninitialized because I haven't written those tables yet. I just need to get past this stumbling block in the immediate operand. Edited by TheHoboInYourRoom
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