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Collision Detection Issue - Teleporting Sprites


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I think I am stumped.


I think I got collision detection down between player0 and the virtual sprites but I have come across an issue where whenever player0 touches a virtual sprite player1 would teleport to the player0 location and linger. I have a feeling the solution is super obvious and has to deal with how I have the player0 "capture" the player1 sprite when they collide because when I deleted the line that ties the player1 coordinates to player0 the teleportation problem seems to be solved.


Is it due to placement of the code? Should I create a variable that turns the collision on or off for player0/player1 so that it doesn't teleport or linger?


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I had followed the other thread where creating a box around each Sprite. I thought I had eliminated any collision statements I had originally made. There were a few "if !collision" statements but I think only preceding each box, like the example had. I will double check in the morning and see if I had missed one when I was deleting my old code.

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I just double checked and didn't see any collision(player,player) statements. This is the relevant code

 rem player collision with cart

 if !collision(player0,player1) then goto _skipcheck0
 if player0x <= player1x +8 && player0x +8 >= player1x && player1y + player1height >= player0y && player1y <= player0y + player0height then goto _bagboycart


 player1x=player0x+3: player1y=player0y+7:goto _skipcartfollow


 rem cart movement following car

 if player1y < player2y then player1y = player1y+carty
 if player1y > player2y  then player1y = player1y-carty
 if player1x < player2x  then player1x = player1x+cartx
 if player1x > player2x then player1x = player1x -cartx


 rem collision bagboy with customer2
 if !collision(player0,player6) then goto _skipcheck1
 if player0x <= player6x + 8 && player0x + 8 >= player6x && player6y + player6height >= player0y && player6y <= player0y + player0height then goto _bagboycustomer2


 score = score+5

 rem collision with customer2 and cart
 if !collision(player1,player6) then goto _skipcheck2
 if player1x <= player6x + 8 && player1x + 8 >= player6x && player6y +player6height >= player1y && player6y <= player1y + player1height then goto _cartcustomer2

 player1x=player6x+3: player1y=player6y+7
 AUDC1=rand+1: AUDF1=rand+1

 rem cart collision with customer
 if !collision(player1,player4) then goto _skipcheck

 if player1x <= player4x + 8 && player1x + 8 >= player4x && player4y + player4height >= player1y && player4y <= player1y + player1height then goto _cartcustomerhit
 player1y =170 : player1x = rand 
 AUDC1= rand : AUDF1 = rand
 score = score + 25 : AUDV1 = 8


 rem cart collision with car

 if !collision(player1,player2) then goto _skipchecktwo

 if player1x <= player2x + 8 && player1x + 8 >= player2x && player2y + player2height >= player1y && player2y <= player1y + player1height then goto _cartcarhit
 AUDV1=8: AUDC1 = 1 : AUDF1 = 31 


 rem player collision with car

 if !collision(player0,player2) then goto _skipcheckthree

 if player0x <= player2x + 8 && player0x + 8 >= player2x && player2y + player2height >= player0y && player2y <= player0y + player0height then goto _bagcarhit


 player0y=32 : player0x = 73
 AUDV1=8: AUDC1 = 3 : AUDF1 = 29 
 player1y=170 : player1x=rand


 rem player collision with customer

 if !collision(player0,player4) then goto _skipcheckfour

 if player0x <= player4x + 8 && player0x + 8 >= player4x && player4y + player4height >= player0y && player4y <= player0y + player0height then goto _bagboycustomer1

  AUDV1=8: AUDC1 = rand : AUDF1 = rand 
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Ah. When I get a chance tonight I will play around with that. I had it kind of stop when I messed with the first collision code and since it seems to teleport to player0 I had a suspicion it dealt with how I had the player capture it. And I'm sure having virtual sprites complicates things.


I'll conduct more trial and error experiments later.

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So i replaced

if !collision(player0,player1) then goto _skipcheck0


 if player0x <> player1x || player0y <> player1y then goto _skipcheck0

and it seemed to work... but now it doesn't seem to detect collision with the cart. So teleportation is good, collision still needs work. lol


I don't entirely understand other than the issues I had read about regarding the DPC+ kernel and virtual sprites but I'll take it. I'll keep reading up on this and fixing as needed. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

Edited by KevKelley
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SO... when I flipped the order of the collision check and added a second and third line checking the x and y coordinates it seemed to work.

 if player0x <= player1x +8 && player0x +8 >= player1x && player1y + player1height >= player0y && player1y <= player0y + player0height then goto _bagboycart

 if player0x <> player1x && player0y <> player1y then goto _skipcheck0 
 if player0x = player1x && player0y <> player1y then goto _skipcheck0
 if player0x <> player1x && player0y = player1y then goto _skipcheck0

When I didn't include that last two lines every time the x coordinates or y coordinates matched the cart would teleport to the player. So now it seems like everything is functioning as normal.


I'm sure there is probably a better way but at least I can move onto something else for the time...

Edited by KevKelley
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if player0x <= player1x +8 && player0x +8 >= player1x && player1y + player1height >= player0y && player1y <= player0y + player0height then goto _bagboycart



That's a very unusual way of jumping, the _bagboycart code will be read even if that is not true and player0 is overlapping with any virtual sprite


then goto _bagboycart else goto _skipcheck0 would be better but why not just do something like this?


if !collision(player0,player1) then goto _skipcheck0
if player0x <= player1x +8 && player0x +8 >= player1x && player1y + player1height >= player0y && player1y <= player0y + player0height then player1x=player0x+3: player1y=player0y+7

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That would probably be the obvious thing to do! My brain was running around in circles. I would also have to double check but I thought I had a whole bunch of code inbetween the goto and the label and through some quick revisions I may have left some things around.

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