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Two Bruce Lee sequels


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4 hours ago, Mclaneinc said:

Hi there, enjoyed the episode, wasn't expecting to get a mention, although I started the ball rolling all credit has to go to the programmers, without them this would have not past over to the Atari. All them, all I did was link them up.

Thank you for bringing it over to the Atari world's attention, we'll all better off for it! I usually try to dive into some of the history of how a game started so I wanted to mention your first post about it here. ?


4 hours ago, Mclaneinc said:

Laughed at the big glass of wine and accompanying bottle, to be honest, a perfect choice for Return of Fury as the hardness could drive you to drink, it won't make you play better, but it will cheer you up for landing on the spikes :)

Oh man, it was a challenging game for SURE! I'm glad the infinite lives option was there.


4 hours ago, Mclaneinc said:

Will be watching again..



Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed it!


- James

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Hi @Ute & @fantômas!


I don't know if you caught the ZPH stream on Friday but I encountered a few bugs along the way in the full play through of the game, all of them during a two player game. We both got stuck on different levels, unable to continue but I finished the game on a one player setting after resetting. Here are the timestamps to the YouTube video with screencaps:


1:31:42: Player 2 gets second lantern on level, revealing ladder, and then dies. When they come back to play level again (1:32:20), the lantern is gone but there's no ladder to climb up making the game impossible to continue.




1:42:06: Player2 turn, still on the impossible to pass level. Yamo (controlled by player 1) kills the Ninja and the Ninja reappears as a double character!





1:47:41: Player 1's turn in a two player game. Both lanterns in the middle are obtained but unable to leave through the lefthand side.





Amazing conversion of the game, thank you so much! I played the original on my C64 back in the 80s A TON, it's great to revisit the world again!


- James



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  • 3 weeks later...

I was in the process of producing a title-screen variant too.


It's not done yet, only because I need to finish editing the right arm and fingers. I wasn't satisfied with how the original looked, so I picked up some graphics from a RastaConverter image that @Philsan had done. I just need to edit the fingers and part of the bicep and it's done; although I do have some variations for color that i was considering too -- which would add more color.




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7 hours ago, MrFish said:

I was in the process of producing a title-screen variant too.


It's not done yet, only because I need to finish editing the right arm and fingers. I wasn't satisfied with how the original looked, so I picked up some graphics from a RastaConverter image that @Philsan had done. I just need to edit the fingers and part of the bicep and it's done; although I do have some variations for color that i was considering too -- which would add more color.




I really like this, less is more in this case...Very defined yet not cluttered and right in the spirit, great work..

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Great job converting the Bruce Lee image. I did the original C64 loader, in case you didn't know :)


A small suggestion, maybe you could try using the same colour in the eyes as the highlight colour? It would be a nice way to break the monochromacity (if that's a word). Not sure about the limitations on the A8 though, so that might not be possible :)


Also, the bit I've painted green is supposed to be all black in your conversion.






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10 hours ago, superrune said:



Great job converting the Bruce Lee image. I did the original C64 loader, in case you didn't know :)


A small suggestion, maybe you could try using the same colour in the eyes as the highlight colour? It would be a nice way to break the monochromacity (if that's a word). Not sure about the limitations on the A8 though, so that might not be possible :)


Also, the bit I've painted green is supposed to be all black in your conversion.




Hi, and thanks.


I was just experimenting to find something the A8 could handle better. Your original is a nicely done image, but not entirely suited for the A8 as is -- as witnessed by the various other attempts to adjust it. What the A8 can do is various shades of a single color, and something that has changes stacked vertically.


I missed that bit that you pointed out (in green), that should be black. Thanks for the tip; I'll adjust that next time I work on it.


The highlighting you suggest looks good; breaks things up a bit, as you say. I'll see if I can work it in there.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for all the work on converting this game to Atari. Original Bruce Lee is one of my very favorite games for 8-bit atari. Hope this game will be finished. I played the demo, I think there is an issue with difficulty level in some rooms. Don't know if the same is in C64 version.

Edited by kski
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  • 10 months later...
2 minutes ago, Ute said:


This is actually Superrune's picture from the C64 version. So you're not planning on using extra color enhancements ?


It would be great if a conversion as close to the original C64 one could be included  (One my favorite pictures ever at @ 160 pixels ) but perhaps you don't have the space for it ?



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5 hours ago, Mclaneinc said:

Large list of changes there Ute, sounds excellent..


As for future games, yes please, but only if you have genuine spare time, all this sickness and madness in the world only makes family so much more important..



Hi Paul,


Thanks, I hope you will enjoy the game. Time is always hard to find for me, but you're right about family coming first.


There is a game that was never ported to Atari that may come before a Bruce Lee sequel. 



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28 minutes ago, rensoup said:

This is actually Superrune's picture from the C64 version. So you're not planning on using extra color enhancements ?


It would be great if a conversion as close to the original C64 one could be included  (One my favorite pictures ever at @ 160 pixels ) but perhaps you don't have the space for it ?



You are right. But I think Tix got Spark's(Superrune?) version to display on the A8, with the current colors, which I re-used. 🙂


Space wise I could easily replace what is there(around 7600 bytes), but I am crap at art(and music).  I could use one of the other versions in this thread if anyone has an Atari format or if anyone has the raw data.

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3 minutes ago, Ute said:

You are right. But I think Tix got Spark's(Superrune?) version to display on the A8, with the current colors, which I re-used. 🙂

Sparkler is Superrune indeed ;-)

4 minutes ago, Ute said:

Space wise I could easily replace what is there(around 7600 bytes), but I am crap at art(and music), so if someone wants to volunteer to do it that would be great. But nobody seemed interested last time.

There were a few attempts at converting it but it's not an easy one... 7600 bytes doesn't make it any easier!

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