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Reading the keyboard in Atari BASIC (no ATASCII needed)

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I am trying to figure out a short and simple way to read the keyboard in plain Atari BASIC with no need to have the ATASCII code.
I just need to detect if some keys are detected.

In a loop I do
1300 S=PEEK(764)
1400 if s<>255 THEN ...
1500 POKE 764,255


This sort of works but it is not detecting all key-presses...

Is there a better solution?

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I am trying to figure out a short and simple way to read the keyboard in plain Atari BASIC with no need to have the ATASCII code.

I just need to detect if some keys are detected.


In a loop I do


1300 S=PEEK(764)

1400 if s<>255 THEN ...

1500 POKE 764,255



This sort of works but it is not detecting all key-presses...


Is there a better solution?

You can't detect Shift and Control alone. Is it always the same keys it doesn't detect? Are you trying this on emulation or a real machine?
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Due to the matrix layout there's some combinations with Shift+Ctrl that don't register.


Code 255 is also returned by Shift+Ctrl+A which is also the initial state and shadow register value for "no key" so is also harder to detect.


You can detect Shift on it's own via it's bit in SKCTL - handy for adding extra function to the console keys but rarely used - IIRC Jaggi Lines/ Resue on Fractalus uses it.

But you can't distinguish between left and right Shift.

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The trick with PEEK(764) - don't POKE 764,255 unless you've processed a keypress and want to clear the current one.


BASIC is sufficiently slow that you can easily lose a keypress if you do that.

Also - a single keypress can be buffered so you might want to clear it but in some cases it's desirable to let it through.


And, additional to the non-detectables mentioned before, CTRL 1 is used to pause screen output and doesn't get mirrored in the CH shadow.

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Quick and dirty subroutine in Basic that allows keypress, console key or SHIFT on it's own.



1010 IF PEEK(764)<>255 THEN 1100
1020 POKE 53279,8:IF PEEK(53279)<>7 THEN 1100
1030 SK=PEEK(53775)
1040 S=SK-(INT(SK/16)*16)
1050 IF S<8 THEN 1100
1060 GOTO 1010
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@Rybags, does your code get simple if we exclude special keys?


I only need to detect I J K L SPACE or something similar. I need the code to be as short as possible. It is for a 10-liner.

In a tenliner, it is better not to read from keyboard ;) , as reading from joystick is shorter ( STICK(0) and STRIG(0) ).


If you really need to read from keyboard, try to arrange your code so that you poke the key just after reading:


Note two things:

- I poke "9" to 764 instead of 255, this is shorter and there is no key with code 9.

- I use a comparison in an expression to get the movement direction, "ud" will be 1, 0 or -1 depending on the keys, the same for "lr".


Have fun!

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For a 10-liner you'd obviously exclude other keys. In such case it might be just easier to use the K: handler as the coding requirements are probably the least.


Initially you need OPEN #1,4,0,"K"

Optionally clear any buffered key with POKE 764,255.

Wait for keypress with GET #1,A

The problem with this method - your program pauses during the wait for key, and some key combinations don't register. And you get a keyclick.

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Thanks! The problem is that I am doing this for a 10-liner... In other BASIC dialects I need 5 characters "get a$" or 10 characters a$=inkeys$.

I was looking for a short solution and I do not need console kets and shift. I need to detect I J K L S'PACE.

'Quick and Dirty' solution that I like to use:-




the only drawback is that the 'L' key also returns a zero value - but this can be worked around if you don't mind adding some extra code - or just don't use the 'L' key

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'Quick and Dirty' solution that I like to use:-




the only drawback is that the 'L' key also returns a zero value - but this can be worked around if you don't mind adding some extra code - or just don't use the 'L' key

Good trick!


You could do:

and compare with 768 (L), 773 (K), 769 (J), etc.


Or in TurboBasicXL:

and compare with 3 (L), 1283 (K), 259 (J), etc.
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Good trick!


You could do:


and compare with 768 (L), 773 (K), 769 (J), etc.


Or in TurboBasicXL:

and compare with 3 (L), 1283 (K), 259 (J), etc.







just adds 1 so L is now 1 but null is still 0 (all other keypresses are also +1)

Edited by dr.geek
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  • 3 weeks later...

What makes these are "peek"-methods superior to my current bad solution:
S=PEEK(764):POKE 764,255:IFS<>255THEN...


My current solution ramdomly fails to detect some key-resses.

In other BASIC dialects the solution is provided by GET or INKEY$.


I guess that all these methods suffer from the same issue: they read the unbuffered keyboard status and so if, by bad luck, the key was releases just before the peek, no key-press is detected.

So I fear that all these solutions are bad...

Am I wrong?
Is peek(754)+256*peek(753) better? Why?
How do I detect no key pressed with peek(754)+256*peek(753)?

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The problem is POKEing 764,255 after reading it - you should only do that once a keypress has been processed and you're ready to deal with the next one.

Otherwise you just run the chance of missing keypresses. The OS only stores the keycode in there when the key has been pressed, then again if autorepeat starts for each repeat sequence.

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I wonder whether I am fighting against an impossible problem on the Atari 8-bit:
Is it possible to read the keyboard WITHOUT auto-repeat (just one key for each key-down) and YET in a BUFFERED way (no key-press lost)?

This is possible on most other 8 bit computers (e.g., the Commodore 8-bit computers can)

Edited by Fabrizio Caruso
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