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Stella 6 on the R77: the eagle is landing


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13 hours ago, Nathan Strum said:

I'm running into this too (per-game prefs not sticking). I kept trying to change the default controllers to Joystick for Scramble, SuperCobra and Stay Frosty 2. It would work, until I power-cycled the RetroN 77, and it would revert them to Genesis controllers. Weird thing though, in the stella.pro file on the SD card, there are entries for each game that say "Controller.Left" "JOYSTICK". So the data was written - just not read.

I'm also having settings switch when I power cycle.. 

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On 7/16/2019 at 6:37 AM, Nathan Strum said:

I'm running into this too (per-game prefs not sticking). I kept trying to change the default controllers to Joystick for Scramble, SuperCobra and Stay Frosty 2. It would work, until I power-cycled the RetroN 77, and it would revert them to Genesis controllers. Weird thing though, in the stella.pro file on the SD card, there are entries for each game that say "Controller.Left" "JOYSTICK". So the data was written - just not read.


Same, contents of stella.pro are:

"Cart.MD5" "541cac55ebcf7891d9d51c415922303f"
"Cart.Name" "Stay Frosty 2 20131217_RC8_NTSC"
"Controller.Left" "JOYSTICK"


Hexdump looks OK, so don't believe its a corrupt file issue:

Darrells-Mac-Pro:stella darrellspice$ hexdump -C stella.pro
00000000  22 43 61 72 74 2e 4d 44  35 22 20 22 35 34 31 63  |"Cart.MD5" "541c|
00000010  61 63 35 35 65 62 63 66  37 38 39 31 64 39 64 35  |ac55ebcf7891d9d5|
00000020  31 63 34 31 35 39 32 32  33 30 33 66 22 0a 22 43  |1c415922303f"."C|
00000030  61 72 74 2e 4e 61 6d 65  22 20 22 53 74 61 79 20  |art.Name" "Stay |
00000040  46 72 6f 73 74 79 20 32  20 32 30 31 33 31 32 31  |Frosty 2 2013121|
00000050  37 5f 52 43 38 5f 4e 54  53 43 22 0a 22 43 6f 6e  |7_RC8_NTSC"."Con|
00000060  74 72 6f 6c 6c 65 72 2e  4c 65 66 74 22 20 22 4a  |troller.Left" "J|
00000070  4f 59 53 54 49 43 4b 22  0a 22 22 0a 0a           |OYSTICK".""..|
Darrells-Mac-Pro:stella darrellspice$ 


Snapshots taken on the Retron 77 look odd - 



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7 hours ago, SpiceWare said:

Snapshots taken on the Retron 77 look odd - 



Yep - I had that too. I had been manually adding screenshots taken on my Mac, and couldn't get a few of them to show up on the RetroN. So I figured it didn't recognize the names, and I took a couple in Stella that were green like that. (I just copied those names to the good screenshots, and that solved my particular issue.)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Concerning Overscan: I habe the same Problem on my Samsung-TVs, too.

Until the Stella-Team fixes this Issue with the next release, it might be helpful to use the "Adjust Screen"-Setting for those who have that Option available on their TVs. The Samsungs have an Option "Picture-Size", where you can switch different Zoom-Modes: 16:9, 4:3 and the aforementioned "Adjust Screen" ("Bildanpassung" on my german Model). By that Option, the TV doesn't use overscanning and puts the whole Image on the Screen. Very Noticable with the Galagon-Demo...

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I'm really liking the Retron77 with the Custom-Firmware, but today I've encountered a Problem:

As I wanted to update the Games on the Micro-SD-Card and put the Memory-Card into my Win10-PC, the whole Card was blocked: I couldn't copy, delete etc anything on the Micro-SD! Always told me the Card was write-protected. No Tips from the Internet would bring the Thing back to live. Diskpart, Properties of the Games-Directory on the Card and so on - nothing.

Finally, I tried to Format the Card in my MP3-Player, which cleared the Memory but the card is still not accessible for Write-Operations! Even trying to write the Image of the Firmware to the Card doesn't work.


I ordered a new Card now, but buying a new one every Time you wanna update the Games or Stella doesn't seem to be a good thing - or have I done something wrong?

(Sorry, no Github-Account...)



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Okay, the Problem seems to be common with (Micro)-SD-Cards if you look through the Internet. Noone seems to be able to solve that problem, but I found a Workaround at least for me: My MP3-Player can be connected to the PC to save new Songs to it and as it was able to format the Card, I tried to connect the Player to the PC via USB-Cable. That did it: I was able to write the Firmware-Image to it, create a new Games-folder and put roms to it. 

Some, maybe exotic, devices don't seem to care about the read-/write-Status of the Cards and just "do what theit told". Maybe next time, I don't format the Card but try directly to to access it via the MP3-Player instead of a standard USB-Card-Reader...


Leaves the Question, why the Card got blocked in the first place?! Maybe switching off the Retron77/Stella leaves it in that "mode" and a save shutdown-Option is needed?! Don't know... Maybe someone else has experienced the same Problem or it just was bad luck!?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just ordered a Retron 77 and have one question while I anxiously wait for it to arrive. Can we set a bezzel graphic to cover the black left and right sides of the screen when playing the games in 4:3 mode on a High Def TV? I have the Flashback 9 and it has those bezzels which replace the simple black/empty area of the TV screen. It would be cool if a similar option is possible or will be possible for the Retron 77.





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What is the interface made of?  It could really use some custom styling to tailor it to the Retron 77.  I'd really like to help with that, depending on how it works.  Could it be made to use a background image as it's interface, with another few images for pop up windows, like settings?

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Ok. My Retron 77 just arrived. I'm looking for the latest sdcard.img file to update my MicroSD and pop it into my Retron 77. I came across DirtyHairy's Github page and reading the instructions there it says ...


# Installation guide

 1. Download `sdcard.zip` from the [releases page](https://github.com/DirtyHairy/r77-firmware-ng/releases).


When I go to the releases page I see the following zip file "r77-firmware-ng-release-6.1-beta2.zip" that does not appear to be a filename.img file. Am I missing something, or do I just format the SDCARD and copy the contents of the zip file to the card?


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17 minutes ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

Have you read 2.? 



 2. Extract the contained `sdcard.img` file from the zip archive.


I searched for sdcard.img but it says no file found.


The only .img files are ...





I don't think those are the .img files needed to uncompress to the microSD card.



Edited by Draugr
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1 minute ago, unixdude said:

Check under the assets triangle on the github page.  One of the assets is the sdcard.zip file mentioned in the instructions. You need to unzip that file.

Ah... There we go. Thanks unixdude. I have very little experience with Github, so thanks for pointing that out. :)

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I looked around but haven't found an answer. Is there a way to take a screenshot that can act as the graphic image when scrolling through the Atari game list in Stella? Does one of the console buttons allow taking a screenshot or do you have to enter some menu to do it, etc? I have a few games that don't have game screenshots attached and I'd like to add them.




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I've been using Stella on both desktops & lappies since forever. I would not want to give up the file management capabilities of the PC, the ability to have multiple versions installed, the reliability, the versatility, more options.. And with R77 you'll still need a PC to support and manage and organize the SD card's firmware and ROMs.

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I've been using Stella on both desktops & lappies since forever. I would not want to give up the file management capabilities of the PC, the ability to have multiple versions installed, the reliability, the versatility, more options.. And with R77 you'll still need a PC to support and manage and organize the SD card's firmware and ROMs.

My thoughts exactly. Thanks for the confirmation.
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I finally picked one up.  It's a neat toy and I think the feature of being able to easily plug it into a modern HDMI enabled TV for an excellent image and the fact that it plays all games AND carts make it worthwhile for me.  I won't really play with it much since I like using my RGB modded light sixer (I'm an original hardware snob).  But it is pretty slick, especially with Stella 6 support.

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