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"Endless" games?


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What are some "endless" games for Atari?


I don't mean run up the high score or do wave after wave til you're too bored to keep playing, but games that appear to continue moving forward.


I'm thinking Crossy Road and Pac-Man 256. They have the illusion of unlimited forward progress, and the only thing that can stop you is messing up and losing a life. They aren't confined to a single screen, and there's no timer or other limiting factor.


I can't think of any -- except for the sense I had a kid, where I would have trouble reaching the end boss, so everything seemed "endless." Am I wrong about this, or did this concept only come into vogue recently?

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Yes, Missile Command is hopeless, just like Asteroids or Space Invaders, but that doesn't mean it's endless in the sense I meant. The game over screen literally says "THE END" and all of the action takes place on a single, unmoving screen.


I'm thinking more like Moon Patrol, Jungle Hunt, Super Cobra, or Vanguard -- but without the act breaks and repeated stages.

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True, but the pattern of dots changes! Maybe I misunderstood sorry


Fair enough, that makes it different from Pac-Man. We didn't see many procedurally-generated games on the Atari 2600, like with Intellivision and later systems. I guess Secret Quest is different every time.


Berzerk comes to mind as an endless game. You're always moving from room to room, but never reaching any destination.


Spy Hunter is another. The road stretches out in front of you, forever, so long as you can stay alive.

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Nope, yep, and I think so?


Empire Strikes Back only runs til the walkers make it to the right. Though you can slow them down for a long time...


Night Driver is endless in modes 5,6,7,8. Good one.


Enduro keeps going after 5 days, yes or no? I'll likely never know, so this one is essentially endless for me.

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Robot Tank does have an ending.


The OP seems to want not games where you play forever until you died, often in a looping pattern (Which is most of them), but games where the further you go, you seem to keep seeing new stuff like patterns, not repeats ,.. erm, right??

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River Raid.


well.....sort of....

I think ALL Activision games with a 'score counter' technically end when you fill all digits possible with 9's

I never got that far in River Raid, but i did watch someone beat Laser Blast, and I personally beat the cartridge in my avatar pic. (that is the actual cartridge used also!)

I can confirm those two games 'end' when you hit all nines....


but i understand the gist of it, River Raid's 'mission' did seem endless


looks like same type of responses came in all at same time!

Edited by eddhell
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