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IntyBASIC Blast Junk to Screen?

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Is there a way to write random contents of ROM or RAM to the screen, so it shows "random junk"? I want to make the display look as it does when frying Star Strike (push reset and turn the game off and on at the same time rapidly and it shows a mess).



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If you just want random characters in BACKTAB, you could copy a portion of the EXEC to BACKTAB with a for loop.




FOR I = $200 to $2EF
  POKE I, PEEK($1000 + I)


Try different starting locations than $1000. This particular loop actually copies $1200 - $12EF to BACKTAB ($200 - $2EF).

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I believe it should be #I because that is a variable holding a value larger than 255. Otherwise it works fine.


I tried to make a hack of the SCREEN function that also seems to work, except that for dynamic use you need to know on beforehand which variable is which:


  #a = $1000
  ASM MVI V1,R3 : REM V1 would be the address to #a and needs to be looked up
  ASM MVII #512,R2
  ASM MVII #20,R1
  ASM MVII #12,R0
It probably is not much faster than a FOR loop but introduces a couple levels of complexity. SCREEN as it is takes a label to DATA statements and while I tried to figure out if VARPTR in some way can be used, I failed to find a such solution so I duplicated the ASM output for SCREEN.
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I believe it should be #I because that is a variable holding a value larger than 255. Otherwise it works fine.


Oops. You are correct. I had originally written "0 to 239" and was adding $200 inside the loop. Then I "optimized" it. Clearly I didn't try to run it.



I tried to make a hack of the SCREEN function that also seems to work, except that for dynamic use you need to know on beforehand which variable is which:


  #a = $1000
  ASM MVI V1,R3 : REM V1 would be the address to #a and needs to be looked up
  ASM MVII #512,R2
  ASM MVII #20,R1
  ASM MVII #12,R0
It probably is not much faster than a FOR loop but introduces a couple levels of complexity. SCREEN as it is takes a label to DATA statements and while I tried to figure out if VARPTR in some way can be used, I failed to find a such solution so I duplicated the ASM output for SCREEN.



IntyBASIC 1.4 uses predictable names for user variables, solving your first issue. Also, or could implement this as a CALLable assembly function instead and receive the address in a register. Replace "CALL CPYBLK" with "B CPYBLK."


If you really do just want to throw a chunk of EXEC code on the screen, you can do something sleazy like this:


ASM __cur: QSET $
ASM  ORG $1000, $1000, "-RWBN"
exec: DATA 0
ASM  ORG __cur


Now you have an IntyBASIC label named "exec" that points to the EXEC.

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Thanks I did play with RAND a bit but there was no randomness, each time the program was run there was always the same junk on the screen, not random. Also adding a single WAIT inside and outside of the loop did not make a difference. Maybe I am misusing RAND?

#offSet =  RAND * 16
FOR #I = $200 to $2EF
  POKE #I, PEEK($1000 + #offSet + #I)

To add to the randomness, you could also add RAND to $1000 so that the pixels are not the same each time (or maybe add 16*RAND so the ranges overlap less). Alternatively, you could XOR the RAND value with the EXEC data.

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Maybe this could help:


	' Generate a trash screen
	' by Oscar Toledo G.
	' Creation date: May/10/2019.

	MODE 0,0,0,0,0



		#d = RANDOM(256) * 8
		#e = RANDOM(256) * 4 + $1000

		FOR c = 20 TO 119
			#backtab(c) = PEEK(#e + c) + #d
		NEXT c
		#d = RANDOM(256) * 8
		#e = RANDOM(256) * 4 + $1000

		FOR c = 120 to 219
			#backtab(c) = PEEK(#e + c) + #d
		NEXT c

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This is odd. On each repeated run of that code, I get the same screen every time. I wonder if my runtime environment is making a RAND issue.



#d = RANDOM(256) * 8
#e = RANDOM(256) * 4 + $1000
FOR c = 20 TO 119
	#backtab(c) = PEEK(#e + c) + #d
Print at 0 Color 7 , <4>#e
#d = RANDOM(256) * 8
#e = RANDOM(256) * 4 + $1000
FOR c = 120 to 219
	#backtab(c) = PEEK(#e + c) + #d
Print at 20 Color 7 , <4>#e
Print at 40 Color 7 , <4>#d
For #spinWait = 0 to 6610 : Wait : Next #spinWait

Maybe this could help:

	' Generate a trash screen
	' by Oscar Toledo G.
	' Creation date: May/10/2019.

	MODE 0,0,0,0,0



		#d = RANDOM(256) * 8
		#e = RANDOM(256) * 4 + $1000

		FOR c = 20 TO 119
			#backtab(c) = PEEK(#e + c) + #d
		NEXT c
		#d = RANDOM(256) * 8
		#e = RANDOM(256) * 4 + $1000

		FOR c = 120 to 219
			#backtab(c) = PEEK(#e + c) + #d
		NEXT c


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So you only need a frame of trash?


jzintv makes sure everything is set to zero, so it will show always the same trash.


I think it has a randomized memory flag that behaves like a real Intellivision.


Over a real Intellivision you would get always a slightly different "trash" screen because the pseudo-random values in RAM.

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