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3 hours ago, Greg2600 said:

Wow this is awesome.  So the sounds are POKEY?  Also very excited to hear that this could work with paddles and/or driving controller!

All the music is pokey and the sfx a mix of pokey and tia currently ?

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OK, just playing around here ...


... but I got a head start and did intro music for Arkanoid 2 Revenge of DOH. :)




AUDCTL=$20 (1.79 on channel 2)

SKCTLS=$8B (two-tone)


00 - $Ax (modulator)

01 - Silent (frequency carrier)

02 - $Cx (1.79 high saw wave)

03 - $Cx (non mod 3 bass aka RMT E)




Prosystem won't play it at all.  The new A7800 doesn't either, except for some notes ... the real high pitched notes in two-tone mode seem to cause problems.  So obviously, this is best played on real hardware, using genuine POKEY or PokeyMax if you have an XM module.


Also included:  Altirra recording.  This is how it should sound on real HW



arkanoid2-intro-450.A78 arkanoid2-intro-450.asm arkanoid2-intro-450.bin arkanoid2-intro-4000.A78 arkanoid2-intro-4000.asm arkanoid2-intro-4000.bin

arkanoid2 - intro.wav

Edited by Synthpopalooza
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On 8/26/2020 at 11:22 AM, Muddyfunster said:

Can't wait to see the next update! 


and yes, The 7800 so needs a version of Bubble Bobble!

Someone just released a brand new Bubble Bobble for the Amiga.  Absolutely outstanding!  Any fan of Bubble Bobble who has an Amiga or UAE should definitely check it out!


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28 minutes ago, christo930 said:

Someone just released a brand new Bubble Bobble for the Amiga.  Absolutely outstanding!  Any fan of Bubble Bobble who has an Amiga or UAE should definitely check it out!


Yeah looks great - I've downloaded it but haven't had a chance to play it yet.

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8 hours ago, christo930 said:

Someone just released a brand new Bubble Bobble for the Amiga.  Absolutely outstanding!  Any fan of Bubble Bobble who has an Amiga or UAE should definitely check it out!


Heads-up, it's PAL only and requires 512K (UAE needs to be configured accordingly).


While it certainly does look and sound impressive, it's almost more 'expected' when porting 8-bit Arcade titles to 16/32-bit machines.  Digital Eclipses' Arcade 'ports' on the Sega Genesis and SNES is another example of near perfect ports of their Arcade counterparts; but again, kind of expected. 


Personally, I'm more wowed when I see the Arcade 8-bit to Home 8-bit conversion that are near perfect.   Experiencing a near perfect port of Arcade Frogger on the Sega Genesis - not so impressed.  Seeing as good, if not better, near perfect ports of the Arcade game on the Atari 7800 and C64 - that's impressive.


Nonetheless, thanks for sharing the news and link.  It's especially great news for Bubble Bobble fans, even more so, those in PAL territories.

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4 minutes ago, Trebor said:

Heads-up, it's PAL only and requires 512K (UAE needs to be configured accordingly).


While it certainly does look and sound impressive, it's almost more 'expected' when porting 8-bit Arcade titles to 16/32-bit machines.  Digital Eclipses' Arcade 'ports' on the Sega Genesis and SNES is another example of near perfect ports of their Arcade counterparts; but again, kind of expected. 


Personally, I'm more wowed when I see the Arcade 8-bit to Home 8-bit conversion that are near perfect.   Experiencing a near perfect port of Arcade Frogger on the Sega Genesis - not so impressed.  Seeing as good, if not better, near perfect ports of the Arcade game on the Atari 7800 and C64 - that's impressive.


Nonetheless, thanks for sharing the news and link.  It's especially great news for Bubble Bobble fans, even more so, those in PAL territories.

I've only tried it on emulation so far.  Will this not work on a 1200 and a Commodore monitor in North America?  I'm fairly sure I have some PAL games that work fine on both my 500s and my 1200.  But I really just don't know that much about Amiga, as I didn't have one back in the day.


The Amiga is absolutely LOADED with bad arcade ports.  Arcade games that SHOULD be near arcade perfect, but are absolutely terrible.  A fine example is Bombjack.  The official port is awful.  About 2 years ago, the port I always knew was possible was released called Bombjack Beer Edition.  Bubble Bobble was another obvious candidate for a better release.

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43 minutes ago, christo930 said:

Will this not work on a 1200 and a Commodore monitor in North America?

Per the loading screen:






The Amiga is absolutely LOADED with bad arcade ports.  Arcade games that SHOULD be near arcade perfect, but are absolutely terrible.  A fine example is Bombjack.  The official port is awful.  About 2 years ago, the port I always knew was possible was released called Bombjack Beer Edition.

Bomb Jack - another Arcade favorite of mine.  Thanks for the heads-up on that one.  The 7800 I feel similar can be said regarding Arcade ports.  It has a few great ones, a few good, and a few fair (at best).  Donkey Kong falls under the fair (at best).  When you have a fast rush port with little attention to detail, lacking the necessary programming skills and understanding of the system, we get the retail release.  In talented and caring hands, between @tep392 (game code/sound) and @Defender_2600 (graphics) we wind up with a masterpiece.


The same masterpiece work is being experienced right here with Arkanoid.  In the hands of the right persons providing the needed attention to detail and resources, you have a 8-bit system being pushed to its limits with a port that is one of the best ever developed. It's super impressive to me.

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27 minutes ago, Trebor said:


Personally, I'm more wowed when I see the Arcade 8-bit to Home 8-bit conversion that are near perfect.   Experiencing a near perfect port of Arcade Frogger on the Sega Genesis - not so impressed.  Seeing as good, if not better, near perfect ports of the Arcade game on the Atari 7800 and C64 - that's impressive.




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Bubble Bobble is amazing.  If as Nolan Bushnell said all the best games are "easy to learn and difficult to master", then I'd argue that Bubble Bobble is the ultimate videogame, I love it to bits & wax lyrical about it often.


However it has been perfectly ported to practically every machine known to mankind, the Master System port is incredible, even the humble ZX Spectrum has a fine version. 


The world isn't exactly crying out for another port of Bubble Bobble in the same way that the 7800 is crying out for more paddle games.  


7800 versions of the likes of Warlords, Kaboom, Tempest, Pong, Blasteroids etc


Yeah, a 7800 version of Blasteroids with paddle controls, now that's something I'd pay real money to see!

Edited by the_hawk
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1 hour ago, christo930 said:

Will this not work on a 1200 and a Commodore monitor in North America?

Besides the 1000 and early 500s there's no real difference between a PAL Amiga and an NTSC Amiga besides the power supply, keyboard layout, and which video mode they default to which is controlled by a connection to a pin on the Agnus chip. Later 500 motherboards have a jumper to allow switching the default and 1200s have the option in the boot menu (hold both mouse buttons when powering on).

Anything running in Workbench can be set to either simply by changing the screen mode in software.


Presumably it requires the extra processing time between frames that PAL offers over NTSC meaning playing it under NTSC would halve the speed in the best case, or do weird stuff and crash in the worst case.

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Arkanoid 2 - level start music:





00 - $Ax (modulation)

01 - $Ax (not silent - carrier frequency)

02 - $2x (1.79 mhz - triangle wave sequencer bit)

03 - $Cx (non mod 3 bass aka RMT E)


Emulation issues:


Prosystem - no two-tone modulation, that channel is in the wrong key.  The triangle channel will play correctly but not on the high notes.


A7800 (current release) - Two-tone modulation is done, but the modulation channel is an octave too low.  The triangle channel does not play properly at all.


Altirra recording included.


DOH level music next.

arkanoid2 - level start.wav arkanoid2-levelstart.asm arkanoid2-levelstart.bin arkanoid2-levelstart-450.A78 arkanoid2-levelstart-450.asm arkanoid2-levelstart-450.bin arkanoid2-levelstart.A78

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The DOH theme for Arkanoid 2





00 - $Ax (1.79 mhz - modulation)

01 - $Ax (not silent - frequency carrier)

02 - $Ax (standard square wave - delayed)

03 - $Ax (standard square wave - detuned)


The two standard square waves are delayed 1/3 of a beat, and detuned from each other.  The two tone mode is done on $Ax at 1.79 mhz, and a high saw wave is created.  Playing the frequency carrier turns it into an organy timbre, alot like the Namco WSG chip.


Emulation - yikes.


Prosystem does ok, but it still doesn't sound like the real hardware


A7800 latest - OMG.  The Two tone is in the wrong octave, plus there is stuttering in the playback.  Strange


So here's binaries, and Altirra recording.



arkanoid2-doh-450.asm arkanoid2-doh-450.bin arkanoid2-doh.A78 arkanoid2-doh.asm arkanoid2-doh.bin arkanoid2-doh-450.A78 arkanoid2 - doh.wav

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


Unfortunately not much to report on Arkanoid development ATM as my work has been busy the past month.  But with the latest release of 7800basic we now have another controller option - Trakball!


So the game will have the following controller options:

  • Joystick
  • Paddles
  • Driving Wheel
  • Trakball
  • Amiga Mouse
  • ST Mouse

Phew! Thanks again to @RevEng for his huge work on the controllers the past few months - all are easily configurable and run beautifully!  Also special thanks to @sramirez2008 for his extensive library of controllers and for testing! 





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  • 2 weeks later...

Much as we all love Bubble Bobble, if there were another Taito game done as a homebrew I would like to see something that either wasn't ported or had few ports - maybe Halley's Comet or (especially) Fairyland Story? My recollection is Halley's Comet only had semi-ports as 'Halley Wars' on the FDS and Game Gear, and Fairyland Story only as an MSX port. 

Edited by SearsRoebuck
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