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XB lower case & a place for program sub-routines


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I looked over the forum & does any one have a nice small sub-routine to create true lower case in XB I can insert into my program?

Also, we need a space where we can post little helpful subroutines like this that people have come up with and can be inserted into other programs. I guess this topic is a good place as any. that is, if someone hasn't already created such a topic. No reason to re-invent the wheel if someone else has already created it and fitted it with mags. 


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6 minutes ago, hloberg said:

I looked over the forum & does any one have a nice small sub-routine to create true lower case in XB I can insert into my program?

Also, we need a space where we can post little helpful subroutines like this that people have come up with and can be inserted into other programs. I guess this topic is a good place as any. that is, if someone hasn't already created such a topic. No reason to re-invent the wheel if someone else has already created it and fitted it with mags. 


Are you looking for an XB coded subroutine or an ALC routine that is LOADed and LINKed from XB?



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1 hour ago, hloberg said:

I looked over the forum & does any one have a nice small sub-routine to create true lower case in XB I can insert into my program?

Also, we need a space where we can post little helpful subroutines like this that people have come up with and can be inserted into other programs. I guess this topic is a good place as any. that is, if someone hasn't already created such a topic. No reason to re-invent the wheel if someone else has already created it and fitted it with mags. 


If you like the lower case characters that are in the 99/8’s character set, it would be trivial to provide the character definitions.  Let me know if those work and I can get them from MAME and put it here.

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Here is the font from ASCII 32 – 127 from my fbForth font file (FBFONT):

180 CALL CHAR (32,"00000000000000001010101010001000282828000000000028287C287C282800")
190 CALL CHAR (36,"385450381454380060640810204C0C0020505020544834000808100000000000")
200 CALL CHAR (40,"081020202010080020100808081020000028107C102800000010107C10100000")
210 CALL CHAR (44,"00000000301020000000007C0000000000000000003030000004081020400000")
220 CALL CHAR (48,"38444C546444380010301010101038003844040810207C003844041804443800")
230 CALL CHAR (52,"081828487C0808007C4078040444380018204078444438007C04081020202000")
240 CALL CHAR (56,"38444438444438003844443C0408300000303000303000000030300030102000")
250 CALL CHAR (60,"081020402010080000007C007C00000020100804081020003844040810001000")
260 CALL CHAR (64,"38445C545C4038003844447C4444440078242438242478003844404040443800")
270 CALL CHAR (68,"78242424242478007C40407840407C007C404078404040003C40405C44443800")
280 CALL CHAR (72,"4444447C44444400381010101010380004040404044438004448506050484400")
290 CALL CHAR (76,"4040404040407C00446C545444444400446464544C4C44007C44444444447C00")
300 CALL CHAR (80,"7844447840404000384444445448340078444478504844003844403804443800")
310 CALL CHAR (84,"7C10101010101000444444444444380044444428281010004444445454542800")
320 CALL CHAR (88,"444428102844440044442810101010007C04081020407C003820202020203800")
330 CALL CHAR (92,"0040201008040000380808080808380000102844000000000000000000007C00")
340 CALL CHAR (96,"0020100800000000000038043C443C00404078444444780000003C4040403C00")
350 CALL CHAR (100,"04043C4444443C00000038447C403800182420702020200000003C44443C0438")
360 CALL CHAR (104,"40405864444444001000301010107C0004000404040444384040444870484400")
370 CALL CHAR (108,"3010101010107C00000068545454540000005864444444000000384444443800")
380 CALL CHAR (112,"000078444478404000003C44443C0404000058644040400000003C4038047800")
390 CALL CHAR (116,"10107C101014080000004444444C340000004444442810000000444454542800")
400 CALL CHAR (120,"0000442810284400000044444C34043800007C0810207C001820204020201800")
410 CALL CHAR (124,"101010001010100030080804080830000020540800000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF")
500 PRINT " !""#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"&CHR$(127)
510 GOTO 510

The reason I posted the entire font is that the blank row of pixels in this font is on the bottom to allow for true descenders, which would really look strange with only the new lowercase characters.



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3 hours ago, hloberg said:

I looked over the forum & does any one have a nice small sub-routine to create true lower case in XB I can insert into my program?

Also, we need a space where we can post little helpful subroutines like this that people have come up with and can be inserted into other programs. I guess this topic is a good place as any. that is, if someone hasn't already created such a topic. No reason to re-invent the wheel if someone else has already created it and fitted it with mags. 


Hmm everything you can think of is in this Traveler 7Zip file.



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2 hours ago, Lee Stewart said:

Here is the font from ASCII 32 – 127 from my fbForth font file (FBFONT):

180 CALL CHAR (32,"00000000000000001010101010001000282828000000000028287C287C282800")
190 CALL CHAR (36,"385450381454380060640810204C0C0020505020544834000808100000000000")
200 CALL CHAR (40,"081020202010080020100808081020000028107C102800000010107C10100000")
210 CALL CHAR (44,"00000000301020000000007C0000000000000000003030000004081020400000")
220 CALL CHAR (48,"38444C546444380010301010101038003844040810207C003844041804443800")
230 CALL CHAR (52,"081828487C0808007C4078040444380018204078444438007C04081020202000")
240 CALL CHAR (56,"38444438444438003844443C0408300000303000303000000030300030102000")
250 CALL CHAR (60,"081020402010080000007C007C00000020100804081020003844040810001000")
260 CALL CHAR (64,"38445C545C4038003844447C4444440078242438242478003844404040443800")
270 CALL CHAR (68,"78242424242478007C40407840407C007C404078404040003C40405C44443800")
280 CALL CHAR (72,"4444447C44444400381010101010380004040404044438004448506050484400")
290 CALL CHAR (76,"4040404040407C00446C545444444400446464544C4C44007C44444444447C00")
300 CALL CHAR (80,"7844447840404000384444445448340078444478504844003844403804443800")
310 CALL CHAR (84,"7C10101010101000444444444444380044444428281010004444445454542800")
320 CALL CHAR (88,"444428102844440044442810101010007C04081020407C003820202020203800")
330 CALL CHAR (92,"0040201008040000380808080808380000102844000000000000000000007C00")
340 CALL CHAR (96,"0020100800000000000038043C443C00404078444444780000003C4040403C00")
350 CALL CHAR (100,"04043C4444443C00000038447C403800182420702020200000003C44443C0438")
360 CALL CHAR (104,"40405864444444001000301010107C0004000404040444384040444870484400")
370 CALL CHAR (108,"3010101010107C00000068545454540000005864444444000000384444443800")
380 CALL CHAR (112,"000078444478404000003C44443C0404000058644040400000003C4038047800")
390 CALL CHAR (116,"10107C101014080000004444444C340000004444442810000000444454542800")
400 CALL CHAR (120,"0000442810284400000044444C34043800007C0810207C001820204020201800")
410 CALL CHAR (124,"101010001010100030080804080830000020540800000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF")
500 PRINT " !""#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"&CHR$(127)
510 GOTO 510

The reason I posted the entire font is that the blank row of pixels in this font is on the bottom to allow for true descenders, which would really look strange with only the new lowercase characters.



totally worked. thanks.

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On 8/28/2019 at 3:42 PM, hloberg said:

I looked over the forum & does any one have a nice small sub-routine to create true lower case in XB I can insert into my program?

Also, we need a space where we can post little helpful subroutines like this that people have come up with and can be inserted into other programs. I guess this topic is a good place as any. that is, if someone hasn't already created such a topic. No reason to re-invent the wheel if someone else has already created it and fitted it with mags. 


OK...Here is a LOADable ALC version of the fbForth font from post #5:



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Program Name: FBFNTB                                                  *
*                                                                       *
*     Loads fbForth's FBFONT into TI Basic or TI Extended Basic         *
*     Invoked by CALL LINK("FBFNTB")                                    *
*                                                                       *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
       DEF  FBFNTB
VDPWA  EQU  >8C02          VDP Write Address
VDPRD  EQU  >8800          VDP Read Data
VDPWD  EQU  >8C00          VDP Write Data
R11SAV EQU  >8352          Return address storage

** Program entry point
FBFNTB MOV  R11,@R11SAV    save return
** Copy font to VRAM
       LI   R0,>0400       VRAM address of space char in TIB & XB PDT
       LI   R1,FONTAB      CPU buffer address of font table
       LI   R2,768         count of font bytes to transfer
       LI   R3,VMBW        set up to write FBFNTB
       BL   @VDP              to VRAM PDT
** Return to Basic
       MOV  @R11SAV,R11    restore Basic return address
       RT                  return to Basic
*== VDP utilities (entry point) =======================================
* R3 has address of VDP routine to execute
* R0..R2 have required parameters (see routine called)
VDP    MOV  R11,R4            save return
       STST R7                store status
       ANDI R7,>000F          only want interrupt mask
       LIMI 0                 disable interrupts
       B    *R3               branch to VDP routine
** Return to caller
VDPRET LIMI 0                 assume interrupts were disabled
       CI   R7,0              were they?
       JEQ  VDPRT1            yes, we're done
       LIMI 2                 no, enable interrupts
VDPRT1 B    *R4
** VDP multiple byte write   
VMBW   BL   @WVDPWA             Write out address
VWTMOR MOVB *R1+,@VDPWD         Write a byte
       DEC  R2                  Decrement byte count
       JNE  VWTMOR              More to write?
       JMP  VDPRET              Return to calling program
** VDP multiple byte read    
VMBR   BL   @WVDPRA             Write out address
VRDMOR MOVB @VDPRD,*R1+         Read a byte
       DEC  R2                  Decrement byte count
       JNE  VRDMOR              More to read?
       JMP  VDPRET              Return to calling program
** Set up to write to VDP
WVDPWA ORI  R0,>4000
** WRITE VDP ADDRESS (reading VRAM if WVDPWA not executed)
WVDPRA SWPB R0                   LSB first
       MOVB R0,@VDPWA            Write low byte of address
       SWPB R0                   Now MSB
       MOVB R0,@VDPWA            Write high byte of address
       RT                        Return to calling routine
*== fbFont Table for ASCII 32--127 ===================================
* ...768 bytes to transfer to Pattern Descriptor Table (PDT)
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0000    ' '
       DATA >1010,>1010,>1000,>1000    '!'
       DATA >2828,>2800,>0000,>0000    '"'
       DATA >2828,>7C28,>7C28,>2800    '#'
       DATA >3854,>5038,>1454,>3800    '$'
       DATA >6064,>0810,>204C,>0C00    '%'
       DATA >2050,>5020,>5448,>3400    '&'
       DATA >0808,>1000,>0000,>0000    "'"
       DATA >0810,>2020,>2010,>0800    '('
       DATA >2010,>0808,>0810,>2000    ')'
       DATA >0028,>107C,>1028,>0000    '*'
       DATA >0010,>107C,>1010,>0000    '+'
       DATA >0000,>0000,>3010,>2000    ','
       DATA >0000,>007C,>0000,>0000    '-'
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0030,>3000    '.'
       DATA >0004,>0810,>2040,>0000    '/'
       DATA >3844,>4C54,>6444,>3800    '0'
       DATA >1030,>1010,>1010,>3800    '1'
       DATA >3844,>0408,>1020,>7C00    '2'
       DATA >3844,>0418,>0444,>3800    '3'
       DATA >0818,>2848,>7C08,>0800    '4'
       DATA >7C40,>7804,>0444,>3800    '5'
       DATA >1820,>4078,>4444,>3800    '6'
       DATA >7C04,>0810,>2020,>2000    '7'
       DATA >3844,>4438,>4444,>3800    '8'
       DATA >3844,>443C,>0408,>3000    '9'
       DATA >0030,>3000,>3030,>0000    ':'
       DATA >0030,>3000,>3010,>2000    ';'
       DATA >0810,>2040,>2010,>0800    '<'
       DATA >0000,>7C00,>7C00,>0000    '='
       DATA >2010,>0804,>0810,>2000    '>'
       DATA >3844,>0408,>1000,>1000    '?'
       DATA >3844,>5C54,>5C40,>3800    '@'
       DATA >3844,>447C,>4444,>4400    'A'
       DATA >7824,>2438,>2424,>7800    'B'
       DATA >3844,>4040,>4044,>3800    'C'
       DATA >7824,>2424,>2424,>7800    'D'
       DATA >7C40,>4078,>4040,>7C00    'E'
       DATA >7C40,>4078,>4040,>4000    'F'
       DATA >3C40,>405C,>4444,>3800    'G'
       DATA >4444,>447C,>4444,>4400    'H'
       DATA >3810,>1010,>1010,>3800    'I'
       DATA >0404,>0404,>0444,>3800    'J'
       DATA >4448,>5060,>5048,>4400    'K'
       DATA >4040,>4040,>4040,>7C00    'L'
       DATA >446C,>5454,>4444,>4400    'M'
       DATA >4464,>6454,>4C4C,>4400    'N'
       DATA >7C44,>4444,>4444,>7C00    'O'
       DATA >7844,>4478,>4040,>4000    'P'
       DATA >3844,>4444,>5448,>3400    'Q'
       DATA >7844,>4478,>5048,>4400    'R'
       DATA >3844,>4038,>0444,>3800    'S'
       DATA >7C10,>1010,>1010,>1000    'T'
       DATA >4444,>4444,>4444,>3800    'U'
       DATA >4444,>4428,>2810,>1000    'V'
       DATA >4444,>4454,>5454,>2800    'W'
       DATA >4444,>2810,>2844,>4400    'X'
       DATA >4444,>2810,>1010,>1000    'Y'
       DATA >7C04,>0810,>2040,>7C00    'Z'
       DATA >3820,>2020,>2020,>3800    '['
       DATA >0040,>2010,>0804,>0000    '\'
       DATA >3808,>0808,>0808,>3800    ']'
       DATA >0010,>2844,>0000,>0000    '^'
       DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>7C00    '_'
       DATA >0020,>1008,>0000,>0000    '`'
       DATA >0000,>3804,>3C44,>3C00    'a'
       DATA >4040,>7844,>4444,>7800    'b'
       DATA >0000,>3C40,>4040,>3C00    'c'
       DATA >0404,>3C44,>4444,>3C00    'd'
       DATA >0000,>3844,>7C40,>3800    'e'
       DATA >1824,>2070,>2020,>2000    'f'
       DATA >0000,>3C44,>443C,>0438    'g'
       DATA >4040,>5864,>4444,>4400    'h'
       DATA >1000,>3010,>1010,>7C00    'i'
       DATA >0400,>0404,>0404,>4438    'j'
       DATA >4040,>4448,>7048,>4400    'k'
       DATA >3010,>1010,>1010,>7C00    'l'
       DATA >0000,>6854,>5454,>5400    'm'
       DATA >0000,>5864,>4444,>4400    'n'
       DATA >0000,>3844,>4444,>3800    'o'
       DATA >0000,>7844,>4478,>4040    'p'
       DATA >0000,>3C44,>443C,>0404    'q'
       DATA >0000,>5864,>4040,>4000    'r'
       DATA >0000,>3C40,>3804,>7800    's'
       DATA >1010,>7C10,>1014,>0800    't'
       DATA >0000,>4444,>444C,>3400    'u'
       DATA >0000,>4444,>4428,>1000    'v'
       DATA >0000,>4444,>5454,>2800    'w'
       DATA >0000,>4428,>1028,>4400    'x'
       DATA >0000,>4444,>4C34,>0438    'y'
       DATA >0000,>7C08,>1020,>7C00    'z'
       DATA >1820,>2040,>2020,>1800    '{'
       DATA >1010,>1000,>1010,>1000    '|'
       DATA >3008,>0804,>0808,>3000    '}'
       DATA >0020,>5408,>0000,>0000    '~'




The following code will work in both TI Basic (with E/A cartridge) and TI Extended Basic:

130 PRINT " !""#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"&CHR$(127)
140 GOTO 140

The following ZIP file has the source, object and listing files: FBFNTB.zip



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