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One thing occurred to me as a possibility:

Parse the input line, convert to XB tokens and use them to create a new XB line.

For example

20 code to parse and tokenize the line and plug the tokens into line 100 ! need more than 1 line for this

30 RUN 40

40 rem actual start of the program


After conversion, line 100 becomes y=cos(3*X)+3*x^2 and the XB program then knows what to do with it.

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Here is a simple example that shows how to modify an existing XB line with a string that has been entered. Here, this only works with a variable and the operators + - * /

The main point of this is to show that line 10 can be modified by the program and then used normally by the program. Here's how the program works:

1 - inputs the function. You can type in X*X*X or X*X-X or anything else using (only) the operators + - * /. Do not use constants i.e. X*X+2*X

2 - goes to a sub that modifies line 10. When done it runs the program starting at line 10

10 - as written, this must be in the third line. this DEF is modified by the subroutine in line 100. The lengthy comment is to make it a long line so that your function can fit.

20 - print out some numbers showing that it actually works

110-140 - look through the input string and replace + with CHRS(193); replace - with 194; replace * with 195; replace / with 196. This code could be much tighter.

150 - adds a remark to the end of the string and now A$ has been converted into XB tokens.

200 - PEEK >8332 to find beginning of line number table. Take that address and subtract 9. This points to the pointer to the code in the third line. PEEK that address. 3 bytes after that address is the X in line 10.

210 - copy A$ into the DEF statement in line 10.

220 - return.

You can list the program and see that line 10 has been changed. 

This simple start should be enhanced so it can handle numeric constants, trig functions, exponentiation, etc. You can use the debugger in Classic99 to see how an XB line is tokenized. Type in a line 1 and look at CPU ram starting at >FF00. Somewhere near the bottom you will see 00 01 FF ??, a length byte, and the code. Remember that the debugger uses hexadecimal and XB likes decimal, so there is some conversion involved.

Once you have it figured out, modify the program so the missing link or similar plotting program can actually do the plotting.


1 INPUT "Y=":A$
2 GOSUB 100 :: RUN 10
10 DEF Y=X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20 FOR X=-3 TO 3 STEP .25 :: PRINT X,Y :: NEXT X
30 END
110 P=POS(A$,"+",1):: IF P<>0 THEN A$=SEG$(A$,1,P-1)&CHR$(193)&SEG$(A$,P+1,255):: GOTO 110
120 P=POS(A$,"-",1):: IF P<>0 THEN A$=SEG$(A$,1,P-1)&CHR$(194)&SEG$(A$,P+1,255):: GOTO 120
130 P=POS(A$,"*",1):: IF P<>0 THEN A$=SEG$(A$,1,P-1)&CHR$(195)&SEG$(A$,P+1,255):: GOTO 130
140 P=POS(A$,"/",1):: IF P<>0 THEN A$=SEG$(A$,1,P-1)&CHR$(196)&SEG$(A$,P+1,255):: GOTO 140
150 A$=A$&CHR$(131)
200 CALL PEEK(-31950,M,L):: CALL PEEK(M*256+L-65536-9,M,L):: ADDRESS=M*256+L+2-65536


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7 hours ago, senior_falcon said:

Here is a simple example that shows how to modify an existing XB line with a string that has been entered. Here, this only works with a variable and the operators + - * /

The main point of this is to show that line 10 can be modified by the program and then used normally by the program. Here's how the program works:

1 - inputs the function. You can type in X*X*X or X*X-X or anything else using (only) the operators + - * /. Do not use constants i.e. X*X+2*X

2 - goes to a sub that modifies line 10. When done it runs the program starting at line 10

10 - as written, this must be in the third line. this DEF is modified by the subroutine in line 100. The lengthy comment is to make it a long line so that your function can fit.

20 - print out some numbers showing that it actually works

110-140 - look through the input string and replace + with CHRS(193); replace - with 194; replace * with 195; replace / with 196. This code could be much tighter.

150 - adds a remark to the end of the string and now A$ has been converted into XB tokens.

200 - PEEK >8332 to find beginning of line number table. Take that address and subtract 9. This points to the pointer to the code in the third line. PEEK that address. 3 bytes after that address is the X in line 10.

210 - copy A$ into the DEF statement in line 10.

220 - return.

You can list the program and see that line 10 has been changed. 

This simple start should be enhanced so it can handle numeric constants, trig functions, exponentiation, etc. You can use the debugger in Classic99 to see how an XB line is tokenized. Type in a line 1 and look at CPU ram starting at >FF00. Somewhere near the bottom you will see 00 01 FF ??, a length byte, and the code. Remember that the debugger uses hexadecimal and XB likes decimal, so there is some conversion involved.

Once you have it figured out, modify the program so the missing link or similar plotting program can actually do the plotting.


1 INPUT "Y=":A$
2 GOSUB 100 :: RUN 10
10 DEF Y=X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20 FOR X=-3 TO 3 STEP .25 :: PRINT X,Y :: NEXT X
30 END
110 P=POS(A$,"+",1):: IF P<>0 THEN A$=SEG$(A$,1,P-1)&CHR$(193)&SEG$(A$,P+1,255):: GOTO 110
120 P=POS(A$,"-",1):: IF P<>0 THEN A$=SEG$(A$,1,P-1)&CHR$(194)&SEG$(A$,P+1,255):: GOTO 120
130 P=POS(A$,"*",1):: IF P<>0 THEN A$=SEG$(A$,1,P-1)&CHR$(195)&SEG$(A$,P+1,255):: GOTO 130
140 P=POS(A$,"/",1):: IF P<>0 THEN A$=SEG$(A$,1,P-1)&CHR$(196)&SEG$(A$,P+1,255):: GOTO 140
150 A$=A$&CHR$(131)
200 CALL PEEK(-31950,M,L):: CALL PEEK(M*256+L-65536-9,M,L):: ADDRESS=M*256+L+2-65536


An outstandig teamwork senior_falcon. Danke! ?

Edited by Sid1968
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In XB GPL code is a routine called EXEC that executes a line independently.

[0609]               ***********************************************************
[0610]               *        START EXECUTION OF A PROGRAM OR STATEMENT
[0611]               * DATA:
[0612]               *      RAM(START) points into line number table at the
[0613]               *      first line to execute
[0614]               *      @PGMFLG contains >FF if executing a program or zero
[0615]               *      if imperative statement
[0616]               ***********************************************************
[0617] A09C 8E,44    EXEC   CZ   @PRGFLG           If program
[0618] A09E 60,AE           BS   GA0AE
[0619] A0A0 BD,2E,A3        DST  V@START,@EXTRAM   Line to start execution at
       A0A3 72
[0620] A0A4 95,2E           DINCT @EXTRAM          Pointer to text pointer
[0621] A0A6 06,A2,8D        CALL INTRND            Initialize random number
[0622] A0A9 BE,7F,03 EXEC1  ST   X2,@XPT           Initialize screen display
[0623] A0AC 40,B2           BR   GA0B2
[0624] A0AE BF,2C,08 GA0AE  DST  CRNBUF,@PGMPTR    Executing out of crunch buffe
       A0B1 20
[0625] A0B2 BF,26,A0 GA0B2  DST  EXEC20,@RTNG      Address of return from ALC

99/4 GPL-ASSEMBLER (Pass 3) correct                                   PAGE 0011 
       A0B5 BC
[0626] A0B6 BF,28,A1        DST  NUDTB,@NUDTAB     NUD table address for ALC
       A0B9 47
[0627] A0BA 0F,76           XML  EXECG             Execute XB
[0628] A0BC 8A,23    EXEC20 CASE @ERRCOD+1         Check type of return
[0629] A0BE 40,DF           BR   EXECND            0 - NORMAL END
[0630] A0C0 41,1A           BR   EXECBK            1 - BREAKPOINT
[0631] A0C2 40,ED           BR   EXECTR            2 - TRACE
[0632] A0C4 48,AB           BR   ERORZ             3 - ERROR
[0633] A0C6 40,D4           BR   WARNGZ            4 - WARNING
[0634] A0C8 41,DA           BR   ONERR             5 - ON ERROR
[0635] A0CA 47,17           BR   UDF               6 - FUNCTION
[0636] A0CC 42,18           BR   ONBRK             7 - ON BREAK
[0637] A0CE 44,38           BR   CONCAT            8 - CONCATENATE STRINGS "&"
[0638] A0D0 41,AA           BR   ONWARN            9 - ON WARNING
[0639] A0D2 42,2F           BR   GPLCAL            A - CALL STATEMENT
[0640] A0D4 C6,73,B0 WARNGZ CH   >B0,@SUBSTK
[0641] A0D7 6D,CA           BS   ERRSO
[0642]               * Stack overflow
[0643]               *                    ALLOW ROOM ON STACK FOR WARNING CALLS
[0645] A0DC 02              BYTE 2       *         NUMERIC OVERFLOW
[0646] A0DD 41,16           BR   CLRRTN            Clear ERRCOD and return
[0647]               *                    NORMAL END OF EXECUTION
[0648] A0DF 8E,44    EXECND CZ   @PRGFLG           If imperative mode
[0649] A0E1 40,E9           BR   ERRRDY
[0650] A0E3 06,60,1C        CALL CHRTAB            Load the default character se
[0651] A0E6 05,63,DD        B    TOPL15            Return to top-level
[0652] A0E9 06,6A,84 ERRRDY CALL ERRZZ             Display * READY *
[0653] A0EC 00              BYTE 0
[0654]               * TRACE-MODE turned on - display line number
[0655] A0ED 86,20    EXECTR CLR  @VARW             Clear upper address byte
[0656] A0EF BC,21,7F        ST   @XPT,@VARW+1      Get current x-pointer
[0657] A0F2 A3,20,02        DADD NLNADD-3,@VARW    Make a valid screen address
       A0F5 DF
[0658] A0F6 C7,20,02        DCH  NLNADD+22,@VARW   If might go off screen
       A0F9 F8
[0659] A0FA 41,02           BR   GA102
[0660] A0FC 0F,83           XML  SCROLL            SCROLL to next line
[0661] A0FE BF,20,02        DST  NLNADD,@VARW      Re-initialize screen address
       A101 E2
[0662] A102 BE,B0,20 GA102  ST   LESS+OFFSET,V*VARW Display open bracket "("
       A105 9C
[0663] A106 91,20           DINC @VARW             Increment screen address
[0664] A108 06,A8,8A        CALL ASC               Convert line # into ASCII
[0665] A10B BE,B0,20        ST   GREAT+OFFSET,V*VARW Display close bracket ")"
       A10E 9E
[0666] A10F A7,20,02        DSUB NLNADD-4,@VARW    Update the x-pointer
       A112 DE
[0667] A113 BC,7F,21        ST   @VARW+1,@XPT
[0668] A116 87,22    CLRRTN DCLR @ERRCOD           Clear the return vector
[0669] A118 0F,82           XML  RTNB              Return to ALC
[0671] A11A 8E,44    EXECBK CZ   @PRGFLG           If break or program
[0672] A11C 61,43           BS   ERRBRK
[0673] A11E BD,52,2E        DST  @EXTRAM,@FAC8     @FAC8 : Source addr in ERAM
[0674] A121 97,52           DDECT @FAC8            Point to the line #
[0675] A123 06,A7,0C        CALL UBSUB1            Reset the breakpoint
[0676] A126 03              SCAN                   Get break key out of queue
[0677] A127 BD,A3,82 EXEC6C DST  @PGMPTR,V@SPGMPT  Save text pointer
       A12A 2C
[0678] A12B BD,A3,86 EXEC6D DST  @EXTRAM,V@SEXTRM  Save line number table pointe
       A12E 2E
[0679] A12F BD,A3,88        DST  @VSPTR,V@SAVEVP   Save value stack pointer

99/4 GPL-ASSEMBLER (Pass 3) correct                                   PAGE 0012 
       A132 6E
[0680] A133 BD,A3,84        DST  @BUFLEV,V@SBUFLV  Save crunch buffer level
       A136 46
[0681] A137 BD,A3,96        DST  @LSUBP,V@SLSUBP   Save last subprogram on stack
       A13A 48
[0682] A13B BC,A3,98        ST   @FLAG,V@SFLAG     Save FLAG for continue
       A13E 45
[0683] A13F B2,A3,98        AND  >63,V@SFLAG       Only warning and break bits
       A142 63
[0684] A143 06,6A,84 ERRBRK CALL ERRZZ             * BREAKPOINT
[0685] A146 01              BYTE 1
[0686]               ***********************************************************
[0687]               *               NUD / STATEMENT BRANCH TABLE
[0688]               ***********************************************************
[0689] A147 41,89    NUDTB  BR   RECX              'RECORD'              0
[0690] A149 46,8B           BR   NBREAK            'BREAK'               0
[0691] A14B 46,9D           BR   NUNBRK            'UNBREAK'             0
[0692] A14D 46,81           BR   NTRACE            'TRACE'               0
[0693] A14F 46,86           BR   NUNTRC            'UNTRACE'             0
[0694] A151 41,8C           BR   NREADX            'READ'                0
[0695] A153 41,8F           BR   PRINTX            'PRINT'               0
[0696] A155 41,86           BR   SZRUNX            'RUN'                 0
[0697] A157 41,A7           BR   LINPUX            Reserved for LINPUT   1
[0698] A159 41,92           BR   RESTOX            'RESTORE'             1
[0699] A15B 43,7F           BR   NRNDMZ            'RANDOMIZE'           1
[0700] A15D 41,95           BR   INPUTX            'INPUT'               1
[0701] A15F 41,98           BR   OPENX             'OPEN'                1
[0702] A161 41,9B           BR   CLOSEX            'CLOSE'               1
[0703] A163 42,48           BR   NPI               'PI'                  1
[0704] A165 42,58           BR   NMAX              'MAX'                 1
[0705] A167 42,65           BR   NMIN              'MIN'                 2
[0706] A169 46,28           BR   RPTZ01            'RPT$'                2
[0707] A16B 41,9E           BR   ACCEPX            'ACCEPT'              2
[0708] A16D 41,83           BR   EOFX              'EOF'                 2
[0709] A16F 45,1A           BR   ASC01             'ASC'                 2
[0710] A171 45,BD           BR   POS01             'POS'                 2
[0711] A173 45,55           BR   VAL01             'VAL'                 2
[0712] A175 45,2B           BR   STRZ01            'STR$'                2
[0713] A177 44,90           BR   SEGZ01            'SEG$'                3
[0714] A179 41,A4           BR   DELETX            'DELETE'              3
[0715] A17B 41,A1           BR   DISPLX            'DISPLAY'             3
[0716] A17D 44,F3           BR   LEN01             'LEN'                 3
[0717] A17F 44,FF           BR   CHRZ01            'CHR$'                3
[0718]               *RXB PATCH CODE FOR BASIC RND REPLACEMENT ***********
[0719] A181 42,AF           BR   NRND              'RND'                 3      
[0720]               * The following are long branches to another GROM
[0721] A183 05,80,1C EOFX   B    EOF
[0722] A186 05,60,1E SZRUNX B    SZRUN
[0723] A189 05,80,22 RECX   B    REC
[0724] A18C 05,80,0E NREADX B    NREAD
[0725] A18F 05,80,04 PRINTX B    PRINT
[0726] A192 05,80,0C RESTOX B    RESTOR
[0727] A195 05,80,06 INPUTX B    INPUT
[0728] A198 05,80,08 OPENX  B    OPEN
[0729] A19B 05,80,0A CLOSEX B    CLOSE
[0730] A19E 05,80,1E ACCEPX B    ACCEPT
[0731] A1A1 05,80,00 DISPLX B    DISPL1
[0732] A1A4 05,80,02 DELETX B    DELET
[0733] A1A7 05,80,30 LINPUX B    LINPUT
[0734]               ***********************************************************
[0735]               * FLAGS USED IN EXECUTION MODE:    this needs to be checked
[0736]               *  @FLAG   BIT   RESET               SET
[0737]               *           0
[0738]               *           1    Warning PRINT       PRINT off

99/4 GPL-ASSEMBLER (Pass 3) correct                                   PAGE 0013 
[0739]               *           2    Warning NEXT        STOP
[0740]               *           3    Not in UDF          Executing a UDF
[0741]               *           4    TRACE mode          Normal mode
[0742]               *           5
[0743]               *           6    BREAK allowed       BREAK not allowed
[0744]               *           7    No LST/EDT protect  LIST/EDIT protected
[0745]               ***********************************************************
[0746]               * ON WARNING {NEXT | STOP | PRINT}
[0747]               * ON WARNING NEXT  - Causes warning messages to be ignored
[0748]               *                    and execution to continue as if a
[0749]               *                    warning never occurred
[0750]               * ON WARNING STOP  - Causes a warning to be treated as an
[0751]               *                    error - i.e. the message is displayed
[0752]               *                    and execution is halted
[0753]               * ON WARNING PRINT - Causes the default warning handling to
[0754]               *                    be in effect, i.e. any warning
[0755]               *                    messages are printed and execution
[0756]               *                    continues
[0757]               ***********************************************************
[0758] A1AA 0F,79    ONWARN XML  PGMCHR            GET OPTION
[0759] A1AC D6,42,9C        CEQ  PRINTZ,@CHAT      If print
[0760] A1AF 41,B7           BR   GA1B7
[0761] A1B1 B2,45,F9        AND  >F9,@FLAG         Turn on print and contiue
[0762] A1B4 05,A1,CF        B    ONWRN5
[0763] A1B7 D6,42,98 GA1B7  CEQ  STOPZ,@CHAT
[0764] A1BA 41,C4           BR   GA1C4
[0765] A1BC B2,45,FD        AND  >FD,@FLAG         Turn on print
[0766] A1BF B6,45,04        OR   >04,@FLAG         Turn on stop
[0767] A1C2 41,CF           BR   ONWRN5
[0768] A1C4 D6,42,96 GA1C4  CEQ  NEXTZ,@CHAT       * SYNTAX ERROR
[0769] A1C7 4D,BA           BR   ERRSYN
[0770] A1C9 B6,45,02        OR   >02,@FLAG         Turn off print
[0771] A1CC B2,45,FB        AND  >FB,@FLAG         Turn off stop
[0772] A1CF 0F,79    ONWRN5 XML  PGMCHR            Check for EOS
[0773] A1D1 06,6A,78 ONWRN7 CALL CHKEND            Error if not EOS
[0774] A1D4 4D,BA           BR   ERRSYN            If not EOS
[0775] A1D6 87,22           DCLR @ERRCOD
[0776] A1D8 0F,75           XML  CONT              Continue
[0777]               ***********************************************************
[0778]               * ON ERROR {line number | STOP}
[0779]               * ON ERROR line number - causes the error routine to build
[0780]               *                        an error stack entry and pass
[0781]               *                        control to the line specified in
[0782]               *                        the most-recently executed
[0783]               *                        on-error-statement
[0784]               * ON ERROR STOP - causes the default error handling
[0785]               *                 conditions to be in effect. i.e. any
[0786]               *                 errors that occur cause execution to halt
[0787]               *                 an a message to be displayed
[0788]               ***********************************************************
[0789] A1DA 0F,79    ONERR  XML  PGMCHR            Get option
[0790] A1DC D6,42,C9        CEQ  LNZ,@CHAT         If line # then find the line
[0791] A1DF 42,0E           BR   GA20E
[0792] A1E1 0F,79           XML  PGMCHR            Get upper byte
[0793] A1E3 BC,4A,42        ST   @CHAT,@FAC
[0794] A1E6 0F,79           XML  PGMCHR            Get lower byte
[0795] A1E8 BC,4B,42        ST   @CHAT,@FAC1
[0796] A1EB BD,4C,32        DST  @ENLN,@FAC2
[0797] A1EE A7,4C,00        DSUB 3,@FAC2           Pointing to 1st line #
       A1F1 03
[0798]               * Consider both ERAM and RAM cases to get line # from the
[0799]               * line number table. Also reset the break bit.
[0800] A1F2 06,80,2E ONERR2 CALL GRSUB3            Get 2 bytes from either RAM/E
[0801] A1F5 4C              BYTE FAC2            * FAC2 has the address

99/4 GPL-ASSEMBLER (Pass 3) correct                                   PAGE 0014 
[0802] A1F6 D5,4A,58        DCEQ @EEE1,@FAC        If found
[0803] A1F9 62,06           BS   ONERR4
[0804] A1FB C5,4C,30        DCH  @STLN,@FAC2       Not found
[0805] A1FE 4D,E6           BR   ERRLNF
[0806] A200 A7,4C,00        DSUB 4,@FAC2           Goto next line
       A203 04
[0807] A204 41,F2           BR   ONERR2
[0808] A206 95,4C    ONERR4 DINCT @FAC2
[0809] A208 BD,A3,8A        DST  @FAC2,V@ERRLN
       A20B 4C
[0810] A20C 42,16           BR   GA216
[0811] A20E D6,42,98 GA20E  CEQ  STOPZ,@CHAT       * SYNTAX ERROR
[0812] A211 4D,BA           BR   ERRSYN
[0813] A213 87,A3,8A        DCLR V@ERRLN           Back to default error handlin
[0814] A216 41,CF    GA216  BR   ONWRN5            Finish up same as ON WARNING
[0815]               ***********************************************************
[0816]               * ON BREAK {NEXT | STOP}
[0817]               * ON BREAK NEXT - Causes any breakpoints which have been
[0818]               *                 set on statements to be ignored when the
[0819]               *                 statement is encountered and also masks
[0820]               *                 the shift-C key so that it is ignored
[0821]               * ON BREAK STOP - Causes the default break handling to be
[0822]               *                 in force., i.e. execution is halted and
[0823]               *                 the BREAKPOINT message is displayed on
[0824]               *                 the screen
[0825]               ***********************************************************
[0826] A218 0F,79    ONBRK  XML  PGMCHR            Get next char to find option
[0827] A21A D6,42,98        CEQ  STOPZ,@CHAT       If stop option specified
[0828] A21D 42,25           BR   GA225
[0829] A21F B2,45,BF        AND  >BF,@FLAG         break allowed
[0830] A222 05,A2,2D        B    GA22D             Don't change this to BR GA22D
[0831] A225 D6,42,96 GA225  CEQ  NEXTZ,@CHAT       If next option number
[0832] A228 4D,BA           BR   ERRSYN            specified then syntax error
[0833] A22A B6,45,40        OR   >40,@FLAG         If next option specified then
[0834]               *                              break NOT allowed
[0835] A22D 41,CF    GA22D  BR   ONWRN5            Finish up same as ON WARNING
[0836]               ***********************************************************
[0837]               * GPLCAL - If a call is made to a subprogram that does not
[0838]               *  not exist either in the BASIC program itself or in the
[0839]               *  internal GPL subprogram list then one final attempt is
[0840]               *  made to find the subprogram at execution time by
[0841]               *  searching for the subprogram in the console or a
[0842]               *  peripheral. If not found there, then a
[0843]               *  *SUBPROGRAM NOT FOUND error occurs
[0844]               *
[0845]               *  Input: the subprogram name is in the FAC and the length
[0846]               *         of the name is in FAC15
[0847]               ***********************************************************
[0848] A22F 8E,80,89 GPLCAL CZ   @RAMFLG           Can't try if CPU program
[0849] A232 4D,F6           BR   ERRSNF
[0850] A234 E7,59,00        DSRL 8,@FAC15          Make name length a double
       A237 08
[0851] A238 A5,2C,59        DSUB @FAC15,@PGMPTR    Point back at name
[0852] A23B 93,2C           DDEC @PGMPTR           Point at name length
[0853] A23D BD,56,2C        DST  @PGMPTR,@FAC12    Set pointer to name
[0854] A240 06,00,10        CALL LINK              Issue 'Call Program Link'
[0855] A243 0A              BYTE 10              * Search subprogram lists
[0856] A244 41,D1           BR   ONWRN7            If all ok, check-end and rtn
[0857] A246 4D,F6           BR   ERRSNF            If not found, error
[0858]               ***********************************************************



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1 hour ago, RXB said:

In XB GPL code is a routine called EXEC that executes a line independently.


Hey Rich is back.. Thank you mate! ?

Can you please explain the NON-Pros the advantage of this EXEC-Routine for our second Challenge more detailed?




Edited by Sid1968
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1 hour ago, RXB said:

In XB GPL code is a routine called EXEC that executes a line independently.

Executing the line is the least of your problems. First you have to create one from a human readable string. For example:


This is not an executable program line in XB and so must be converted in to XB code. Once the string is converted into proper XB code it must be placed where it can be executed. After that has happened I would guess that RUN 10 would work as well as EXEC.

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1 hour ago, senior_falcon said:

Executing the line is the least of your problems. First you have to create one from a human readable string. For example:


This is not an executable program line in XB and so must be converted in to XB code. Once the string is converted into proper XB code it must be placed where it can be executed. After that has happened I would guess that RUN 10 would work as well as EXEC.

Yea conversion happens in Edit mode and the only thing I have ever come up with to use Edit Mode and Program mode at same time 

is RXB subcommand:


This text file has to end each command with a CR (Enter key) so using TI Writer is best way to go or use a XB program I wrote:

120 LINPUT #1:Z$
130 IF LEN(Z$)=80 THEN X$=X$&Z$ :: GOTO 120
140 IF LEN(Z$)<80 THEN PRINT #2:X$&Z$&CHR$(13)
150 X$,Z$="" :: GOTO 120

This takes a DV 80 Text file named USER-DEMO and turns it into a DV 80 Text TI Writer file named BATCH.

Now the advantage is the lines can be any length up to what fills the Crunch Buffer which sadly limits the size of a program line to 160.

Of Course 254 would be the TI99/4A limit for good reasons, but the Crunch Buffer is smaller for unknown reasons.

the Crunch Buffer is only 160 token in size? (Maybe for MERGE Format 163 tokens in size.)

The Edit Recall Buffer is only 150 bytes long? (Have to admit this is the most stupid set up possible!)

The Edit Recall buffer should be 254 characters long, but I digress stupid is as stupid does. (Forest Gump's mom)

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Thank you Rich!


I have another idea, but dont know if it will be target-aimed.


Mechatronic Extended Basic II Plus offers the Axis function (Description on Page 63 in the manual. Examples on Page 43, 47, 63, 64 and 77). We already know that.

Could it be, that Mechatronic Extended Basic II Plus found a solution for the actual question on how to solve the functionprompt (is there a better word), too?

Who knows...




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On 11/1/2019 at 9:52 PM, senior_falcon said:

1 INPUT "Y=":A$ 2 GOSUB 100 :: RUN 10 10 DEF Y=X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 20 FOR X=-3 TO 3 STEP .25 :: PRINT X,Y :: NEXT X 30 END 100 !CREATE BASIC LINE 110 P=POS(A$,"+",1):: IF P<>0 THEN A$=SEG$(A$,1,P-1)&CHR$(193)&SEG$(A$,P+1,255):: GOTO 110 120 P=POS(A$,"-",1):: IF P<>0 THEN A$=SEG$(A$,1,P-1)&CHR$(194)&SEG$(A$,P+1,255):: GOTO 120 130 P=POS(A$,"*",1):: IF P<>0 THEN A$=SEG$(A$,1,P-1)&CHR$(195)&SEG$(A$,P+1,255):: GOTO 130 140 P=POS(A$,"/",1):: IF P<>0 THEN A$=SEG$(A$,1,P-1)&CHR$(196)&SEG$(A$,P+1,255):: GOTO 140 150 A$=A$&CHR$(131) 200 CALL PEEK(-31950,M,L):: CALL PEEK(M*256+L-65536-9,M,L):: ADDRESS=M*256+L+2-65536 210 FOR I=1 TO LEN(A$):: CALL LOAD(ADDRESS+I,ASC(SEG$(A$,I,1))):: NEXT I 220 RETURN

I liked this FIRST... But may understand it last!:-o

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6 hours ago, HOME AUTOMATION said:

 will require my mind, be cleared and reloaded!



So you will need to live much more healthy. Leave out all these fruits and vegetables and eat chocolate. So many vitamins are in it. To name one... the chocolatevitamin. Alternatively you could start to smoke, but i really dont know how many vitamins are in one cigarette. Did you ever noticed that there are no vitaminadvices on cigarettboxes?!? ;-)

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On 11/3/2019 at 4:34 AM, HOME AUTOMATION said:

I liked this FIRST... But may understand it last!:-o

In this case a question to the author could be a good idea. Maybe he will answer it. ;-)


Classic99 can be very helpful in understanding how XB programs are put together. Start with a "cold reset" and then select XB. There should not be a LOAD program in DSK1. Now you can enter an XB line. (edit) Use the debugger to inspect the line.  >8330 and >8332 are pointers to the start and end of the line number table. Once you know that you can look at the actual XB program line, not what you see when you LIST it.

Edited by senior_falcon
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Ladies and Gentlemen,
the timelimit of the second Challenge expired. Lets look at the task, the discussion and the results.



The Task:


Post #419


This challenge and those who comes build up on the Challenges before.


1. Colors:


    Background: WHITE

    AXIS: Black

    Function: BLUE


2. Integrate a prompt for the X-Range.


3. Integrate a prompt for the function.


4. Plot the function and the X-Range of Challenge 1.



The Deadline is 11/10/2019.




Post #422


   The Program should ask:  f(x)=

   Where the user can put in for example: cos(3x) + 3x^2


   Then it should ask for the X-Range, and then plot the function.


   The user should decide what function in what X-Range should be plotted.



The Discussion:



In light of the fact that this second challenge was really not easy, it was all the more surprising that a vivid discussion about a solution didnt happen.

Only senior_falcon and Rich were really exterted himselfs to find a solution.



Award Ceremony:


I like to thank senior_falcon and Rich, for the courage to face up this challenge.
As it turned out, the realisation of a function prompt was (till today) a too difficult task for this community.



Here are the results





Bratpfanne mit Gold und Steaks.jpg




Rich (RXB)


Bratpfanne mit Gold und Steaks.jpg




Since we have no results for this second challenge, it makes no sense to start a third challenge.

Despite everything, we learned a lot.


Thank you all.

Sid ?



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You probably have to give more back than pictures of food (amusing as that is) to get participation. :) There are no shortages of challenges out there, and a lot of us assumed that you would be participating, not just judging.


In addition, you probably need to consider the difficulty of your challenges. To get maximum participation, you want to start with a simple challenge that a lot of people can do, and step it incrementally. Plotting a sine wave isn't bad, actually - even a beginner in TI BASIC could have plotted a sine wave using asterisks or the like. But then you made a very tight specific requirement for the plot, which is actually difficult to achieve on the TI platform. The only reason I played along is that I like playing with my old TI BASIC plot function.


Even so, there are a few languages that can access bitmap and it's not too hard there, so you got a few bites. But then you moved on to writing a generic function parser - and THAT is a non-trivial task even for skilled programmers. I wasn't interested for two reasons: I've done one before and I know how much work it is, and the result would be unlikely to fit in the memory limitations of TI BASIC alongside my plot function (which is restricted to roughly 12k of RAM, even on an expanded system). (Although, the suggestion to just tell the user to enter it as a line of code and then run the program was pretty brilliant!)


People need to be able to see the path to the finish line for this sort of thing. If challenge 2 had simply been to specify the ranges, that alone might have motivated some people. If it had been an incremental step towards the function parser, like selecting values for a fixed function, that might have worked. If you had provided any kind of reference, like pseudo-code, you might have been able to spark that input you were looking for.


But even then... when the ultimate program was complete, I don't think very many people would have had a use for it. You need a target that's a little more appealing.


I dunno, just my two bits. If you try again - see if you can have a suggested answer for each step to compare against what everyone else builds. That will help you understand the difficulty of the step before you propose it.

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2 hours ago, Tursi said:

(Although, the suggestion to just tell the user to enter it as a line of code and then run the program was pretty brilliant!)

I thought it was the only realistic one, in this context. Didn't render any pizza, though.

No, the task isn't too difficult for this community. As I've written some compilers, I know exactly how to do a recursive descent parser, for example. Including the code generation. But it's ridiculous to do in BASIC, when there are other options. So for BASIC, that suggestion I made works best.


Other languages are available here, but to spend the effort to create a good program nobody will ever use, that doesn't make sense. All the less when it became obvious that you, Sid1968, had no interest whatsoever in learning anything yourself.

Doing this because it has to be done is like work. This is a hobby. Here we learn together and create for fun.

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5 hours ago, Tursi said:

You probably have to give more back than pictures of food (amusing as that is) to get participation. :)

You are talking about medals of honor, buddy... ;-)


I wish you had that creativity in explaining why you didnt made it, in the discussion for the past two weeks. But... i have a big sense of humor and take it easy. This project is burried.

I like you all and aspersson850, you too!!!


Cheers Buddies! ?

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Nobody would ever have used it today. Back in the 80's, yes. But today you use Excel or Matlab or stuff like that, depending on how complex the task is.

So the task has to be fun, because it's just for fun it would be done.


If you're going to start more threads like this one, then next time, I hope you learned from this attempt that you need to participate, work and learn yourself too. Otherwise you'll not encourage people to do things.

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On 10/22/2019 at 6:16 AM, apersson850 said:

In Forth, you can define words that evaluate the function. But the plot package has to access a function that's not yet defined. And can later be redefined any number of times. I've not used Forth enough to know the best way to do that. Can you have a pointer to a word, and run it like that? As you define words, they are packed in memory, one after another. Can you redefine a word, when more other words have been defined after it? How does it fit, if the new definition is longer?


Generally speaking, you can only execute words that have been defined ahead of the definition that invokes them. You can, indeed, use pointers to words—typically, the cfa (code field address), which can be executed by the Forth inner (address) interpreter. You could certainly devise a scheme to pass the cfa of a word defined later to be executed after that later word is defined.


You can also redefine words in that you can use the same name for a completely new definition, but only words after the new (re)definition will use the new definition. If you mean redefining the old word in place, you could contrive a way to do that, but, as you imply, enough room would need to be anticipated, which is easily done but, I think, a bit impractical. I think it would be better to design a generic plot routine that would accept a pointer to any new function entered into your function parser by the user. Of course, I may misunderstand your intent.


In addition, the Forth TMS9900 Assembler allows you to use snippets of assembly code that can be tested immediately without needing to design an ALC testing harness—the Forth interpreter is that testing harness, but I digress....



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