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PlusCart (an inexpensive DIY WiFi multicart)


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5 hours ago, Prizrak said:

The 3 current games that have high score functionality (leader board) will ntsc game I play show or just pal?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Did you played the game till the end (game over)?
The ROMs send the score only, after every game over. Unfinished or interrupted games will not appear in the high score list.

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I've been doing a lot of reorganizing in the public roms, trying to make it easier to navigate and the latest roms are updated everyday even though compatibility isn't there yet. Anyone else who has a Plus Cart could you please get with me and help me with testing. Some games should run and they don't on my end, want to make sure it's a compatibility issue and not a system issue.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

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  • 2 weeks later...

New firmware version v0.11.14 in PlusStore and GIT:

  • Support for "small" Supercharger ROMs without header
  • New WiFi connect via WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) push button method
  • Factory reset function in setup menu (only for ESP8266)
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've set up a trello board and pasted in all ideas for the PlusCart:


the board is public readable, all trello user can comment and vote, but only invited user can set up new cards or move them.


So if you like to vote and comment for new PlusCart, PlusROM or PlusStore features, just set up a free trello account.


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@Dionoid has modified Amoeba Jump for using the PlusROM functions and sending the score to the "PlusCart High Score Club".

PlusCart user/tester can find the PAL and NTSC versions in the PlusStore directory "Public ROMs\PlusROMs\Highscore GA"




The NTSC version can be played online in javatari, but there will be a generated user name in high score board.


The "PlusCart High Score Club" page for Amoeba Jump:


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On 3/18/2020 at 11:26 AM, Al_Nafuur said:

@Dionoid has modified Amoeba Jump for using the PlusROM functions and sending the score to the "PlusCart High Score Club".

PlusCart user/tester can find the PAL and NTSC versions in the PlusStore directory "Public ROMs\PlusROMs\Highscore GA"




For '2600 homebrew developers interested in connecting their game to the PlusCart highscore board: it is pretty simple.

However you will need to set an additional 31 bytes at the start of your rom-bank (containing the URL of the highscore API), so that probably needs some of your code to be shuffled around.

See more information on https://pluscart.firmaplus.de/pico/?PlusROM


Edited by Dionoid
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On 3/18/2020 at 5:26 AM, Al_Nafuur said:

@Dionoid has modified Amoeba Jump for using the PlusROM functions and sending the score to the "PlusCart High Score Club".

PlusCart user/tester can find the PAL and NTSC versions in the PlusStore directory "Public ROMs\PlusROMs\Highscore GA"




The NTSC version can be played online in javatari, but there will be a generated user name in high score board.


The "PlusCart High Score Club" page for Amoeba Jump:



13 hours ago, Dionoid said:

For '2600 homebrew developers interested in connecting their game to the PlusCart highscore board: it is pretty simple.

However you will need to set an additional 31 bytes at the start of your rom-bank (containing the URL of the highscore API), so that probably needs some of your code to be shuffled around.

See more information on https://pluscart.firmaplus.de/pico/?PlusROM


Awesome work guys! I'm now known as "unknown Javatari user 12" LOL!!!




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7 hours ago, Arenafoot said:


Awesome work guys! I'm now known as "unknown Javatari user 12" LOL!!!



33 minutes ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

You should register with your name.


Javatari.js and all other emulator user can not register at or download from the PlusStore (see. http://pluscart.firmaplus.de/pico/?PlusStore).


The PlusStore is just a "smart" storage for the PlusCart, with a feature to resolve PlusCart id's to a (unique) PlusStore Username via the openAPI for the PlusROM backends.

Other devices and emulators don't need this storage, because they (most probably) have their own SD-Card, harddisk, or what ever..


The PlusROM backends might implement their own registration if they want, but the high score backend has none (currently).


In the next release of my Javatari.js fork i plan to implement a new feature, so Users will be prompted for a nickname at the start of the first PlusROM (or can store this nickname in the options). This (not unique!) nickname will be send with the generated id to the PlusROM backends. The backends can use both information to generate "unique" entries like "Arenafoot Javatari user 12"


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On 3/19/2020 at 4:04 PM, Dionoid said:

For '2600 homebrew developers interested in connecting their game to the PlusCart highscore board: it is pretty simple.

However you will need to set an additional 31 bytes at the start of your rom-bank (containing the URL of the highscore API), so that probably needs some of your code to be shuffled around.

See more information on https://pluscart.firmaplus.de/pico/?PlusROM


with the new release of the PlusROM enabled Javatari.js and PlusCart firmware the PlusROM specs have changed. Now the definition of the internet back end can be placed (nearly) everywhere inside the ROM file.

Edited by Al_Nafuur
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@Thomas Jentzsch has modified Cosmic Ark for using the PlusROM functions and sending the score to the "PlusCart High Score Club".

PlusCart user/tester can find the PAL, PAL60 and NTSC versions in the PlusStore directory "Public ROMs\PlusROMs\Highscore GA"


The NTSC version can be played online in javatari, this new release of Javatari will ask, at the start of the first PlusROM, for a nickname to send to the back ends. Users who have played PlusROMs on this Javatari website before, have to delete the local storage for this website to delete the previously generated uuid.


The "PlusCart High Score Club" page for Cosmic Ark: https://highscore.firmaplus.de/?game_id=6



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On 3/19/2020 at 4:04 PM, Dionoid said:

For '2600 homebrew developers interested in connecting their game to the PlusCart highscore board: it is pretty simple.

However you will need to set an additional 31 bytes at the start of your rom-bank (containing the URL of the highscore API), so that probably needs some of your code to be shuffled around.

See more information on https://pluscart.firmaplus.de/pico/?PlusROM


@Dionoid Something in the implementation is not 100% correct. High scores are only submitted occasionally. I played about a dozen games yesterday, but only two were recorded.

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3 hours ago, Arenafoot said:

I registered with "Arenafoot" and it now has my 3399 score as "unknown emulator user 12"????? And I was using Javatari......

You have registered at the PlusStore, but the emulators (like Javatari) are not connected to the PlusStore. For generating a nickname in your Javatari you have to delete the local storage for the domain "pluscart.firmaplus.de" in your browser. Then your browser will generate a new uuid and prompt for a nickname when you reload the javatari website.

Since you already registered at the PlusStore, PM me your address if you would like to test the PlusCart.

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On 3/23/2020 at 8:29 AM, Thomas Jentzsch said:

@Dionoid Something in the implementation is not 100% correct. High scores are only submitted occasionally. I played about a dozen games yesterday, but only two were recorded.

Hi Thomas, that is weird. What you are describing was a problem with the initial PlusROM version of Amoeba Jump, but an updated version was deployed on 3/18/2020 that fixes this.

Actually I had the same problem (my PlusCart appeared to be running the old version of my rom), which I reported to Wolfgang. I assumed the PlusCart used a 'cached' version of my rom, but that shouldn't be possible.


To be sure I also checked the code of Amoeba Jump again; it should really save the score on each attempt.

Edited by Dionoid
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New firmware version v0.13.4 in PlusStore and GIT:
  • 32 characters menu (many thanks to [mention=45]Thomas Jentzsch[/mention] for his great support)
Awesome update! 32 character implementation works well and makes navigation easier and seems faster.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

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