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Nintendo DS flash cart?


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The lot I got my hands on had an original silver NTR-001 and a black DS Lite USG-001. Both are Nintendo DS (not 2DS or 3DS). They work really well so I'd like to add them to my collection. Just need a loader cart of some kind. :)


EDIT: I already have an EZ-Flash for GBA so that part is all set. It even came with a 2nd shell so I can swap it into the DS and not have it stick out. :)

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6 minutes ago, ClassicGMR said:


I think this is what I am looking for. I'm going to give it a shot. Thank you! :)

Great! I hope it works for you, it's been pretty good to me. If you have any questions about it feel free to ask me and I'm happy to help if I can.

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Well still waiting for my R4 cart but my GBA EZ Flash Omega came in today. I had that up and running in about 15 minutes. I like the interchangeable shell so it doesn't stick out in my DS Lite. Sweet card!


(Got mine on eBay for $40 shipped vs the $60 shipped on Amazon but no USB adapter is included with mine. Don't need it anyway and it was brand new.)

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Funny thing is I just grabbed my own DS Lite out of the closet and it has an R4DS in it... a really old one with a 2GB micro sd card in it. Still works but it seems to be intermittent and it won't boot at all in the original fat DS. I forgot I even bought it! Still happy I have a new one on the way. :)




2 hours ago, Tickled_Pink said:

My favourite was the most expensive one at the time, the CycloDS.


I seem to remember this one but never pulled the trigger on it.


** I just did a Google search and yes I do remember looking at that a long time ago. Can't believe the DS system is this old!

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If it's intermittent, try pushing it in and out a few times. I recently found my stash of original DS units, including my eldest's pink unit that came in a Nintendogs pack. My thread asking whether or not there's any point in getting a DS should still be lurking on these boards somewhere ... I ended up buying two and youngest nabbed mine off me. She was 3 at the time. She's now 17. So the pink unit (my original blue one is here but the case got busted years ago so now has a cheap red third-party case). I found a small stash of R4 cards, including the one above. The CycleDS worked first time of asking but the first R4 didn't. I fixed it by pulling it in and out of the unit several times.

So the fact yours works intermittently suggests oxidisation on the contacts - either on the card or in the DS' cartridge slot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got my R4 3DS SDHC cards in yesterday. It was a buy 2 get 1 free special so for $40 total I grabbed the extras.


I paired one up with a $5 Walmart clearance PNY 32GB card for my black DS Lite and I am off to the races! I like how easy it was to set up but it turns out a lot of the files I have that work well for emulation do not work on the actual hardware so I need to replace a few.


That issue aside this is what I was looking for. I now have a Nintendo DS Lite that plays NES, GB, GB Color, GB Advance(GBA EZ Flash Omega)and Nintendo DS games(R4 3DS Dual Core) all in one little handheld.

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