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Attachment Boxes Crop Off Filename Extensions

Random Terrain

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If the file name of an attached program is longer than a fruit fly's winky, the attachment box will snip off the rest of the file name and extension.


As you can see in the image below, hovering the mouse pointer over it doesn't help:




For example, in the batari Basic forum, there doesn't seem to be a way to know if an attached program ends in .bin or .bas without left clicking on it and trying to open it. Is there a way to make those attachment boxes as long as the file name and extension?


Cropping the file name is also irritating for file names that contain the date and time. If I would post multiple versions of the same program over time, I could no longer easily scroll down and see the dates since the dates would be cropped.











would turn into something like this:









When you get to the point where your fingers aren't bleeding from AtariAge store overload, can you ask Invision if the attachment boxes can be adjusted so they'll stop cropping file names?




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