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Composite - question


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Things have been real quiet around here, so I thought you could use a very trivial question to break the ice ?


Got a console with composite output recently, and have been trying to get a decent picture. Definitely not looking for perfection, just "good enough".

So far I have tried the following:

- connected it directly to an LCD TV

- used a composite to HDMI upscaler (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0719G5TL9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) then connected it to a monitor.

- Tried 2 different monitors.


My next step would be to buy a CRT TV, but before I do that, any other recommendations? 


Edited by cmadruga
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I only play on a crt, but I use a frameister to upscale the composite output of my main Intellivision system before capturing video.


This is what it looks like captured video looks like. It looks the same in realtime on a 1080p monitor:




If you don't want to spend the price of a frameneister, maybe invest in an OSSC?

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2 hours ago, Black_Tiger said:

I only play on a crt, but I use a frameister to upscale the composite output of my main Intellivision system before capturing video.


This is what it looks like captured video looks like. It looks the same in realtime on a 1080p monitor:




If you don't want to spend the price of a frameneister, maybe invest in an OSSC?

This looks better, but not radically.

I read about the Framemeister. Not familiar with OSSC's, but will do a little research. It seems that not all have composite inputs.

Maybe I will go ahead and buy a CRT in the meanwhile.

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1 hour ago, mr_me said:

For composite or s-video input there's the Retrotink2x.  It's designed for 240p input and low latency output.  It outputs 480p hdmi.

I found this video... picture quality looks good and the device seems affordable! Thanks for the tip!



Edited by cmadruga
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