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2600 Double Dragon - any source code for hacks available?


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4 hours ago, Propane13 said:

I could swear that somebody made an arcade-style hack and that some source code was available, but I can't find it through Search.  Any ideas?  Maybe it was just a final binary that was shared?


Yes, @Nukey Shay did a hack several years ago that I incorporated into my arcade hack at the time.  He was helping me with a few things like increasing the amount of time/frames before enemies attack so there was more of a delay and chance for the player to attack first.  This turned out to be a much bigger chore than expected and didn't happen.  I think he said the enemies are tied to the player in that regard so there would need to be extra ram freed up to create separate tables or something.  He did end up lowering the health of the enemies and also creating an invincible option.  I also wanted to lower the volume of the music because I find it a little overbearing (good, but overbearing).  I found what I thought was the sound table, but I did not figure out how to lower the volume.  I could only corrupt it.


Nukey did end up changing the way some things were laid out in the assembly file and also creating switches for 2-button, PAL, everyone weak, and the invincible version.  I added a couple minor graphical switches and thought about a switch for the original graphics or my edits, but that would have taken a lot more time so I never got around to it.  The source from the time is in the 1st post of my thread.  It's in a zip from the RC3 release.  For the later RC4 release, I went back to changing the graphics in the original rom because Nukey's assembly is not compatible with the Flashback Portable (that's something he could probably fix now as well, but I never thought to mention it and he may not have thought of it either).  Now that I'm thinking of it, I should go ahead and update the graphics of that disassembly file as well.



Nukey's unadulterated disassembly is posted somewhere as well.  It must be in the 2600 hacks forum, but I'm not sure which thread.


2 hours ago, save2600 said:


...looks like just the .bins have been shared.

Cool.  I never knew of this one.  I wonder if he used Nukey's disassembly or if he started from scratch.  I don't care for the idea of changing up what enemies you face though (like all Lindas in the 1st mission).  I also wonder if when he referenced the player only having 2 health bars to start, he was using an old version of Stella which used to draw the health outline incorrectly (although the actual chunks of the health still behaved normally), or if he was just saying he fixed the way it displayed in old Stella.

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