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Enduro game port to MSX available, anyone interested in a coleco port?


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Originally released for Atari 2600, Enduro is a classic racing game made by Activision.


Fabio Ritter developed a remake of this game, including different options, like a classic version (same as Atari 2600) and an enhanced mode, with new graphics and improvements to the gameplay.


the pre-order process for this new MSX game has started. A coleco port is possible, if there are enough people interested. Do you want it? Tell us here if you are interested.


More information can be found here:  https://www.facebook.com/endurancemsx


And don't forget, you should contact Fabio if you have interest in a coleco version of this game: endurancemsx at gmail dot com



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So is anything happening with the ColecoVision port of this game? It looks really polished, and the CV needs more racing games like this.  :)


If the Expansion Module #2 was supported, I would like the implementation to be done differently from Turbo. You should be able to steer the car like a real car, meaning you just turn the wheel a little to the left or to the right to make the car move sideways, and then bring the wheel back to the "center position" to stop the sideways motion. The "center position" would be set to the wheel's current position at the start of the game session, and reset to the current position each time you hit a car. This proposed steering system would require some experimentation to get it just right, but I'm sure it's doable.


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51 minutes ago, Pixelboy said:

So is anything happening with the ColecoVision port of this game? It looks really polished, and the CV needs more racing games like this.  :)


If the Expansion Module #2 was supported, I would like the implementation to be done differently from Turbo. You should be able to steer the car like a real car, meaning you just turn the wheel a little to the left or to the right to make the car move sideways, and then bring the wheel back to the "center position" to stop the sideways motion. The "center position" would be set to the wheel's current position at the start of the game session, and reset to the current position each time you hit a car. This proposed steering system would require some experimentation to get it just right, but I'm sure it's doable.


Personally...I say "veto"...just my opinion.  I think that the way the encoder based steering in Turbo works, is perfect, and it looks like it would work perfectly with the game-play in the above video.  The only problem I have, lies in the light-weight home controller we got, known as the EM#2.  I'm not saying it couldn't be done this proposed way, but it would be a bunch of trial and error probably, to determine how many encoder pulses, per pixels of on screen movement, would feel right...and then there is obviously no "spring-return-to center" in the EM#2 so you'd have to find center yourself.  Again possibly do-able, but it wouldn't be my preference...just my 2 cents.  

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