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Tiles - New Free Game from Sporadicsoft


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Tiles is a little puzzle game I decided to create over the course of the last 10 days.  Just random hours here and there.


It's a simple idea, fill the grid with the specified 'Win Tile' in as few moves as possible, as fast as you can.


There are a couple of random power ups that can appear:

- Mirror: You get a mirrored cursor for 8 seconds.

- Fill All: You can replace all tiles of one type.


Included are 4 difficulty settings;  The tileset graphic changes with each and the allotted time reduces.

Naturally, theres a separate scoreboard for each difficulty too!


The project started as a fun little thing to see how quick I could go from zero to completed game whilst trying to keep the presentation at a level i'm happy with.

Tools used:

- Raptor API & rB+ by Reboot.

- U235 SE by Linkovich.

- Paintshop Pro 7.

- Audacity.


1551292951_TilesV1.0Screenshot2020-06-1117-22-18.png.874f8d92671a56fb8662eee749b58292.png 545093067_TilesV1.0Screenshot2020-06-1117-22-55.png.9dd5df17200e689bec9062d35854bbe3.png 1963173027_TilesV1.0Screenshot2020-06-1117-22-59.png.c708b2444e1dacf116681cb3bf27b4d3.png 500597511_TilesV1.0Screenshot2020-06-1117-23-07.png.1edd9d35cc921de7b42c9d5251045350.png 2031847607_TilesV1.0Screenshot2020-06-1117-24-50.png.8f7e6525792f52b58ace5c781ee0649b.png



Hope you all enjoy.


ROM included below - it is locked to JagGD and Skunkboards only (emulation will not work).

MRQ file added for the JagGD.




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3 minutes ago, Buffalo Biff Burgertime said:

You mean I'm not the only person that's refused to upgrade to anything else for the past 20 years?!


It's a very capable program! All the colour depths "just work" too, no messing around.


I also use Paint.Net for some things.

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56 minutes ago, CyranoJ said:

I guess I'll have to try psp7. I'm using v6.

I was a part of a niche animation community primarily from 2000-2004, dabbled in it later. Our tools of the trade were PSP7+Animation Shop 3 which came bundled together. They're separate programs but were also designed to work in tandem.
Since then I never had reason to upgrade since it does everything I need, and none of the shit that I don't.

Anyway, sorry for the brief derailment.
Watching the gameplay video, I'm finding myself melting into my chair listening to this relaxing music and seeing those colors... very relaxing vibe. Back when I was in college there was a time where I'd get home from my afternoon/evening classes exhausted and just lay in bed for hours playing puzzle games deep into the night. This would've been a great game for that.



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