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Zoom-TI-99ers Pandemic 4A Club Online Virtual Meetup


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A community Zoom call schedule focused on TI-99/4A retro computing.


This is an open group. Anyone with the link and password is free to join. You may share the password through private (PM, not public posts) communication channels with other Atariage members. 


For details, Zoom links, iCalendar imports, and a shared google calendar view, see: TI-99/4A Zoom Pandemic Club | Jedimatt42


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Great idea.  Zoom is pretty ubiquitous these days so good choice.


Unfortunately, I can't make it since I have another commitment at that time, but if it all goes well, maybe another Zoom meetup can be set up sometime?


Have fun!

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It seems like 12:30PM EST to 2PM EST on a weekend is the optimal time from the point of view of reaching Europe and North America.  


Notably, that's what NHL hockey aims for, for its games which try to reach an international audience without losing local audiences. 


It's not easy to be a sports league trying to simultaneously please Los Angeles and San Jose on the one hand, and Finland, Latvia, Slovakia, etc., on the other.  But it seems 12:30pm-2:00pm EST on a weekend is the best they've managed to come up with. 

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Honestly, I was thinking of trying 9AM Saturdays...   I would have thought 11:00 am Pacific is still only 9:00 PM in Moscow... 


there are cultural aspects, like when people have meals... and all that... Personally my own cultural preferences haven't mattered in a long time. 


So we'll inch this thing into existence. We won't please everyone... that's a pointless goal.  If people aren't interested enough to flex... that's ok... 

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Thanks everyone that joined! Good seeing people, and having some general discussion. :)


Overall, the tech worked well. For 10 out of 12 people.. 


As administrator, I have to adjust some things in the future so people aren't waiting in the lobby.. 

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Yeah, I am going to need to get a webcam for my PC and microphone instead of relying on my iPad for camera and microphone.  The iPad just couldn't handle that many simultaneous video screens unless it would switch only to the speaker instead of the grid with everyone.




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I was using this webcam as my mic :  https://smile.amazon.com/Webcam-Widescreen-Calling-Recording-Desktop/dp/B088WPZTTZ/ref=sr_1_16?crid=3GOL2K4SC31QR&dchild=1&keywords=logitech+hd+1080p+webcam+c920&qid=1592684590&sprefix=logitech+hd+1080p+webcam%2Caps%2C202&sr=8-16


I also don't know how clear people thought I was...


... @arcadeshopper said he was using a Corsair headset... 


@pixelpedant said he was using an onyx audio interface 



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that was fun!  I got pulled away by family in the second half and couldn't return. 
I am curious as to what headsets/microphones people are using.  The sound quality was a lot better than i've experienced with work-related chats.  I think it might be time to update to a headset myself...
I use a Corsair wireless headset which I like because it can be plugged in and charged in use when I forget to charge it before a meeting ;)

Corsair VOID RGB Elite Wireless Premium Gaming Headset with 7.1 Surround Sound, Carbon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X8SJ8HM/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apap_nYV3y8q2bO7ZR

Sent from my LM-G820 using Tapatalk

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2 minutes ago, Omega-TI said:

Rushed home, but was too late it seems...



We actually stayed on for the full 2 hours as scheduled... I'll create some scheduling debate - but people can feel free to share opinions ( cause this is a forum? ) 


Like I do elsewhere, I'll keep post #1 updated with facts.


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And I'm using something I don't really recommend unless you're worried about tweaking sound more extensively (and learning audio interfaces, which I've been trying to do, lately).  But which I think is really excellent in its own use case and context.  Namely, given I want to record and hear my vocals with zero latency on the headset loop, while also hearing computer audio (or arbitrary mono input audio, as from a TI-99).  That solution is:


1) An Onyx Artist 1-2 USB audio interface: this accepts one mic (with or without phantom power) and one other mono input (could be another dynamic mic, an instrument, or any mono source).  Very affordable for what it delivers. 






2) An Audio Technica BPHS1 headset: this is oriented towards live recording in noisier environments.  Public interviews or sportscasting, for example. But my condo and the equipment in it is pretty noisy (there are never going to be no fans), so it suits well enough there.  You would only buy this headset as a solution for connection to an audio interface such as the above.  It is not a standalone solution.  For most purposes, a mid-range USB headset and/or a Yeti mic makes more sense. 



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