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Season 10 ~ Week 8/9 ~ Summer FUN!


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22 hours ago, Mister-VCS said:

same here - a typical Vocelli-game-pak

Correction: Checkers by Activision is on my PAL Atari 32 in 1 cartridge - in NTSC mode with the wrong colors - but I play it in b/w mode- just learning checkers...

Atari didn't thrust her own "Video Checkers" - better an average Activision Checkers in NTSC on a PAL cartridge than a bad Atari Checkers with the correct colors...


Edited by Mister-VCS
ok- maybe because ROM-size: VC is 4 and C is 2 K
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I'm a new member to atariage and have only recently seen this competition topic. What an amazing concept, so happy I've stumbled across it. All 3 are games that I've never played before but having tonnes of fun trying them all out!! Really enjoying Kool aid man , although i have absolutely no idea how some of you are getting 40k+!!! I've managed to get 28k before the game goes crazy....way too quick for me to control properly?. Absolutely loving it though. 


Looking forward to posting my high scores



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2 hours ago, RetroBreakout said:

I'm a new member to atariage and have only recently seen this competition topic. What an amazing concept, so happy I've stumbled across it. All 3 are games that I've never played before but having tonnes of fun trying them all out!! Really enjoying Kool aid man , although i have absolutely no idea how some of you are getting 40k+!!! I've managed to get 28k before the game goes crazy....way too quick for me to control properly?. Absolutely loving it though. 


Looking forward to posting my high scores



Welcome to the HSC!  Great group of people who enjoy a little friendly competition.  Enjoy!


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21 hours ago, fakecortex said:

Holy mackerel everyone, have you read the checkers manual? It says the computer "thinking" time on expert level is 2-4 minutes and the average game time is 2hrs or more. Thanks for not suggesting that setting Rog! HAHA. It also refers to the computer as "he" instead of "it", so weird. I've always loved the notes and hints from the programmer in the back, but for this one, Alan Miller just suggests going to a library. Hilarious.


I was gonna go with "Beat game 3" for the patch score, but the manual says average game time was three hours, so...nope.



Carol Shaw(later to do River Raid) was developing Atari Checkers at the same time as this, she and Alan Miller were both working with A.L. Samuel, a pioneer in A.I. and "Alpha-beta Pruning", but he didn't let on to either that he was working with the other.


(From the Unauthorized Atari 2600 Activision Companion, by Michael Salzman, btw)


Man, I actually came up with the particular idea for my own odd reasons, but after I finally had the patches "in hand", I decided I should try to beat the game-

I had the opposite reaction as you, I think, I was kinda impressed, because I'm pretty good, and the game kicked my butt over and over and over until I finally got it, and I'm still nowhere near "good".


I honestly don't remember playing by the enforced jump rule as a kid, but I may simply be forgetting, or my buddy Weiser may have just permanently knocked it out of my conciousness, not sure.


But I was actually impressed that I had to fight the game so hard, I mean, it's friggin Checkers, who can't beat Checkers?

( I swear, I was scared i wasn't going to be able to, lol, it really isn't easy.)

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I like Kool-Aid Man a lot, wish I had the cart or a cx40 for the emu. Feels like a game that would works best with that over my ps3 controller.





Picnic controls worse with ps3, understandably since it's made for the paddle. Glad we're using that larger flyswatter here, hah.





I like how Frogs and Flies is timed. Not many games like that.





No improvement with Checkers, unless the goal is to make me hate checkers, in which case I'm earning that patch. I should go to the library and study up ? ?

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